Thorsby to rent old maintenance shop building
With Thorsby’s maintenance shop moving to leased property off County Road 74, the town plans to rent the building that previously served as the shop.
The Thorsby Town Council discussed the issue at a regular meeting Monday, and was in agreement to rent the facility, which is located off Iowa Avenue, for $500 a month with a one-year lease.
Mayor Jean Nelson and Public Works Director Terry Jackson said they had already been in contact with potential renters.
In other business, the council:
•Announced again that the town’s Christmas parade will begin at 9 a.m. Saturday.
•Approved for town hall to be closed Dec. 24-26 for Christmas. All town employees will be off those three days.
•Approved the hiring of Brandon McLauchlan as a part-time, reserve officer for the police department.
•Was presented a copy of the latest proposed agreement with Southern Light, a company that wants to use town rights-of-way to install an underground fiber optic cable network. Nelson is working with representatives of the company to form an agreement. Nelson asked council members to review the latest draft and bring any suggestions or concerns to the next meeting.
•Approved the minutes from the Nov. 17 meeting and approved paying the appropriate bills with any necessary transfer of funds. There will be no meeting on Dec. 15. The next meeting will be Jan. 5.