Weed control will be program’s focus
The Alabama Cooperative Extension and Clanton Tractor are sponsoring a free program pertaining to weed control for pastures and hayfields on Friday Jan. 20.
Regional Extension Agent Josh Elmore is overseeing the event. His area of expertise involves animal science and forages.
According to Elmore, haylage and baleage will also be topics discussed during the program.
“We’re doing it now to get ready for the future,” Elmore said. “Anything that you have to get out for a pre-emergent standpoint, you want to get out early and while grasses are still in dormant. We want to get people thinking ahead, so that they can have a plan of action.”
Dr. Joyce Treadaway is a specialized weed scientist and will be on hand as a speaker during the program to answer questions and spur on conversation.
Elmore believes that a program covering weed control may be more valuable this year than most because of the lengthy draught that recently impacted Central Alabama.
“With the draught we know that we’re going to have a flush of weeds that we may not have seen for several years,” Elmore said. “Due to some stresses in the draught, we may see some change in pasture composition.”
The program is part of the “forage focus” series. Several regional programs take place throughout the year that deal with a variety of rotating topics.
“It’s very timely information,” Elmore said. “The event has been advertised from Mississippi to Georgia and has been promoted by the Farmers Federation and the Alabama Cattleman Association. We’re looking to draw people from about a 100-mile radius.”
The event is scheduled to take place at the Alabama Power building from 9 a.m. to noon. It will consist of presentations that will each have a period of time afterward to answer questions from those in attendance.
Spots are still available to attend and is free to the public. Those interested in signing up can call the Chilton County Extension Office at (205) 280-6268.