Cooperative district approved by Commission
The Chilton County Commission continued to take steps toward preparing for the eventual creation of the Alabama Farm Center by approving the application to form a capital improvement cooperative district during its Feb. 10 meeting.
The official name of the entity will be The Alabama Agriculture and Exhibition Center Cooperative District.
The resolution passed unanimously and came one meeting after the Commission approved the establishment of a three-person agricultural authority. Commissioner Greg Moore was absent.
Once the cooperative district was approved, Commissioner Matt Mims was unanimously voted to be part of the district board after being nominated by fellow Commissioner Allen Caton.
Bids to repair the Chilton County Jail’s roof and fence were also approved by the Commission.
Standard Roofing was awarded a bid of $58,230 for the jail’s roof repair and assessment, while Independent Fence was approved for a bid of $54,145 to install safety fencing.
Commissioner Steve Langston also presented a resolution requiring all unobligated funds to be placed in some type of interest bearing account. It was unanimously passed.
In other news from the meeting:
- The Commission approved to rescind a previous resolution accepting the resignation of Jerome Johnson as operator with the road department.
- A resolution was passed to start paying LED Solutions out of the Jail Maitenence Fund.
- Chilton Christian Academy was given authority to use the courtroom on March 12 and 13 from 7-9 p.m. with courthouse security present at no expense to the county.
- Caton nominated Elbert Simon to the Chilton Water Authority.
- The Commission approved the minutes from the Jan. 28 meeting.
- The Commission approved to pay its bills.
- The next Commission meeting will be Feb. 25.