Church News for Thursday, Aug. 26, 2010
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson focused on the Fifth and Sixth Seal found in Revelation 6.
The morning message was from Deuteronomy 11:26-28 and the importance of obeying God completely. Bro. Shannon used a copy of a local seventh grade teacher’s classroom rules to examine God’s classroom (life) rules. He encouraged us to control ourselves by not sinning (1 John 2:1-2), cooperate with God by choosing to serve him (Joshua 24:15) and continue to do your best even when life gets tough (1 Timothy 6:12). Following these three rules will help us to receive a blessing from God and not a curse.
Bro. Shannon concluded the message by reminding us to communicate with God whenever there arises a question, concern, comment, moan, groan, whine or complaint. Talking to God about all our problems helps to solve our problems (1 Peter 3:2).
Our evening Bible study focused on the elements of an effective, fervent prayer life.
Happy birthday to Jamie Moore and Allie Belknap. Happy anniversary to Hollie and Kenny Connell and Judy and Bill House.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5:30; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
We praise God for his blessings on our Sunday morning service. We are so thankful for everyone that came, and we always welcome visitors. Following the teaching of the Sunday School lessons, our service began with the baptizing of four new members, Tina Giles, Josie Grimes, Jacob Williams and Ray Nichols. Our prayers are with these as they walk with the Lord daily.
Bro. Derrell’s sermon was entitled “Why Going to Church Should Make Us Glad” (Psalm 122:1-9). “I was glad when they said unto me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord.’ The people give thanks unto the name of the Lord and receive blessings.” That is one of the reasons for going to church.
We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Oleta (Dee) Watley Eiland. The Lord called her home on Aug. 20. Our prayers are with her family and friends. We pray for the family and friends of Tullis Ray in their time of bereavement.
A baby shower for Erica (Lowery) Jones was cancelled Sunday and will be held Sunday, Aug. 29 at 2 p.m. It’s a boy!
Youth Night will be Saturday night, Aug. 28. All young people remember this date.
Continue to pray for the ones named on our prayer list, especially for Johnny Giles, who is still in the hospital at the time of this writing. Come join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus in praise and worship Sunday.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
Sunday our morning service began with two favorites, “I Know God’s Promise Is True” and “The Longer I Serve Him.” Each song is a wonderful message within itself, and I love the words of the songs.
Dr. Stinson’s message was entitled “Earthquakes” and based on scripture from Hebrews 12:18-27. However, Dr. Stinson’s message was not confined to earthquakes per se, but rather as he equated their power to shake up our physical world to events that “shake up” our everyday lives. Some of us have been fortunate enough to escape the devastation of a physical earthquake, but none of us have escaped experiencing events that shake up our personal lives. But Hebrews assures us that our Heavenly Father has prepared a kingdom, which he invites us to share, which cannot be shaken.
Dr. Stinson reminded us that we live in a part of the United States often referred to as the Bible Belt. Sometimes that reference is used with reverence but just as often as a statement of sarcasm. Either way, in the early days of our country, churches were few and far between before Alabama was even a state but part of Georgia and Tennessee. On Dec. 16, 1811, a massive earthquake struck our area, causing houses to fall and mountains to quake. That event shook up our population. Both churches and religion began a tremendous increase across the Bible Belt. Sound familiar?
Since recorded time, earthquakes have occurred in the Holy Land of Israel and other parts of the world, leaving havoc in their wake.
Although we have many uncertain things in life that shake us up, it is comforting to know there is a home prepared for us that cannot be shaken. It is our gift from God with the option to accept or reject the gift.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the families of Homer Wheat, Steve Kendrick and Boyd Wayne Littleton, who passed away this last week.
Special prayer is requested for Dr. Mac Stinson and Glenda, Opal Miller, Mable Mitchell, Wilma Ellison, Horace Carden, Bro. Mike Weldon, Mae Hunnicutt, Jean Gilmore and all others who need God’s touch for healing.
Next Sunday, Aug. 29, is Single Seniors Lunch at the fellowship building.
Young people, Friday night is your last opportunity this session to enjoy SWAG Night. Come and enjoy.
Homecoming is fast approaching (Sept. 19). We hope you will make plans to join us.
Have a blessed week.
Mt. Springs Church
Sunday started with beautiful sunshine on the outside and the Son of God shining on the inside of the church. After singing praises, Bro. Roger Cleckler sang “That’s God.” As we look around, we can see God working for our good in everything that happens.
Bro. Roger’s devotion was taken from Ephesians 5:18. When God creates something, he fills it. When he created the Earth and the heavens, he filled them and his heart’s desire is to fill us with the sweet Holy Spirit. You did a great job, Roger.
Love should be the center of all gifts. Geneva Johnson sang “I’m Still Amazed.” Are you amazed at what God has done for you?
Bro. Don Vanderslice preached a message on faith from Hebrews 11:1 and 6. Everyone has faith in something. We act on what we believe. When we go to the car and put the keys in, we believe the car will start. But to get to heaven we have to have faith in the right person, and that is Jesus Christ.
What is faith? What will it do for us? Faith must be in the will and purpose of God. Faith is not to be used outside of the word of God. Faith is what keeps us going when everything around us seems to fail and in the hard times when we feel betrayed. It is faith that will keep us doing the right thing, serving God. Our faith will be with us in our everyday lives and in the troubles of life; we have faith to know that God is in control.
Sunday night, Kelli Bice sang “He’ll Make a Way,” and as she sang, the altars filled up with young people. It’s good to know our future generation knows to seek God for their needs.
Kelli sang “If That Mountain Don’t Move.” We thank God for moving in such a marvelous way. Roger Cleckler closed the service with “I’d Rather Have Jesus.”
We want to thank God for giving us such a wonderful service. If you want to be part of a church that lets God be in control, you are welcome to come. Service times are: Sunday morning at 9:45, worship at 11, Sunday night at 5:30, Wednesday night at 7, youth services Wednesday night at 7 also. Come and see what’s happening at Mt. Springs Church.
Friendship Baptist Church
We started our morning service with the baptism of Cassie Wakefield. She was baptized by her grandfather, Pate Hughins.
Audrey Hughins sang “Without a Valley.”
Bro. Gene Hitchcock’s sermon was from Acts 17:1-16. The sermon was titled “A Tale of Two Cities.”
Paul and Silas’ ministry continues into Thessalonica, Berea and Athens.
We come together to learn day by day how to live as Christians. We are to live for Christ.
During the evening service, the Baptist Builders from our church shared their mission trip with us. They helped Cedar Hills Church in Missouri.
At 6 p.m., our Give Kids the World mission team spoke about their trip to Orlando, Fla., helping to make kids’ wishes come true.
Both of these presentations were truly awesome.
Upcoming events: Homecoming is Sept. 12. Our guest speaker will be Bro. John Will Wyatt. The singers will be Joan and Carl Headley. We are hoping to see you.
Happy birthday to Faye Honeycutt, Kristen Oliphant, Tori Griffin and Trent Cleckler.
Prayer requests: The McCalls, Sandra White, Dianne Varden, Edith Williams, unspoken requests, Betty Wakefield and Mr. Cooper.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
The morning service began with congregational singing, followed by special music by Jodi Denham, “Hallelujah,” and special music by the Celebration Choir, “His Life for Mine.”
Bro. Brad Eubank brought our message from Psalm 91, “He Is My Security.” Brad ended his sermon singing “Jesus is Faithful.”
Brad presented our minister of music, Bro. Cleve Mallory, with a license to preach.
During our evening service, Bro. Brad preached on 1 Corinthians 6:1-11, “To Sue or Not Sue.”
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:30, followed by prayer meeting at 6:30, choir practice and programs for all ages.
Pray for Linnie Hathcock, Lula Spigner, Nancy Deavers, Marie Smith, Charles Bryant, Lera Price, Destiny Griffin, Eunice Mims, Emma Baker, Doris Reynolds, Ellie Grace Reese, Jay Mims, Glenda Mims, Hannah Vines, Ray Parrish, O.J. McGriff, Pettus Smith, W.L. Broome, William Jacks, Dora Pastriak, Joyce Smith, those who lost their lives in service, our country, all families who lost loved ones, families affected by cancer, our shut-ins, residents of nursing homes, those who have lost their jobs and all unspoken requests.
Pray for the Boyd Littleton family.
Happy birthday this week to Susan Moore, Corey Dryden, Ethan Hand, Nowal Salim, Earl Willis, Randall Moore, Todd Williams, Donald Barrett, Matthew Langston, Jill Baker, Jodi Denham and Zach Williams.
We welcome all visitors. Come get connected with us in Sunday School and Life Tracks.
Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus. God is so good.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Joan McGriff and Norma Popwell started the morning service with our prelude, followed by our call to worship, “It’s Me, O Lord.”
Announcements were brought by Jerry Tippett, then came the invocation and the lighting of the Christ Candle. It’s a sacred act to light this candle. We came here by invitation, and we are here because we made that choice.
In the absence of Diane Handley, Bro. Tony brought the children’s message. There is no age restriction on praying, for God pays special attention when children pray, so pray for your family daily and your church.
Sharing joys and concerns: Irene’s husband has found new employment in Montgomery, and they will not be moving.
Lavada Attaway continues to improve; she had a new brain wave done this past week and it came back normal. Everybody is excited. Her beautiful smile is back. Isn’t prayer wonderful?
Pray for Elvan Calfee, Bertie Ray, Ruby Duke, Ray Enfinger, Lloyd Piper, Roger Morris, Buddy Baker, Johnny and Jamie Mims and their children, Pam Headley’s son and mother and Gail Nettles. Also remember our youth as they struggle with beginning a new chapter in their lives in college. We miss them.
Our hymn of celebration was “The Tie that Binds,” and our special music was “The Lord’s Prayer” by Norma Popwell, Shirley Henley and Irene Croissant. Then we sang “Take Time to Be Holy.”
Our scripture and message presented by Bro. Tony was “Praying the Way Jesus Prayed,” based on Matthew 6:7-13. Here Jesus tells us how to pray, using the beautiful words of The Lord’s Prayer as the ultimate example. A good start is to remember the words Jesus said: “Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.” Jesus prayed all the time. Why did he pray so much? Because he knew exactly what his mission was. In Luke, the Bible says, “He withdrew himself to the wilderness and prayed.”
About praying, Bro. Tony said, “Don’t show it. Do it.” Praying is connecting to the power of God. God’s people are people of prayer.
Let’s don’t forget our nursing home ministry at 10 a.m. Wednesday, our building fund lunch and fellowship meal at 6 p.m., Bible study at 6:30 and choir practice at 7:15. If you don’t have a place of worship, come visit us. You’ll like it, I promise.
Jackson Chapel
Bro. Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson entitled “Living A Sanctified Life.” Bro Gary Fant got the evening started off with “Where The Soul Never Dies” and “The Glory Land Way.” Bro Gary Fant blessed us with a beautiful song entitled “Where the Timbers Cross.” During prayer time people came forward to be anointed and prayed for, and the Holy Spirit was present in a mighty way.
Bro Dennis’ text came from 2 Corinthians 6:14-18. We as Christians have got to work together if our churches are going to grow. We all need to come together as one and everyone needs to go in the same direction. We also need to do a little inspection of our lives and make sure everything is in order, and if there is something that doesn’t belong, we need to get it out so we can be better Christians. The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro Gary Fant got our fourth Sunday night singing started off with “O The Glory Did Roll,” “O I Want to See Him” and “I Am Blessed.” Bro Horace Wyatt sang “Sheltered in the Arms of God” and “Somebody Touched Me.” Glenn Riley and Carson Riley sang “I Can’t Even Walk,” Sis Betty Smitherman sang “God is God” and “Satisfied,” and Hannah Burnett sang “Thank God for Grace.” Bro Dennis Smith, Wanda Chadwick and Angel Bavar sang “I Believe He’s Coming Back,” Canaan Land Is Just In Sight,” “That Same Spirit,” “I Am Redeemed,” “House of God,” “God Has Been So Good to Me,” “Goodbye World Goodbye,” “On the Road to Emmaus” and “Right on Time.” If you missed the singing you really missed a blessing.
On Aug. 29 at 6 p.m., we will have Heirline with us and all are invited to come.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Geraldine Smith, Shirley Burnett, James and Marie Johnson, Hershell and Marie Rhodes, Earl Davenport, Sandy Sandridge, the Geraldine Arthur family, the Boyd Littleton family, Glenn Riley, Ethel Lett, our service men and women and our lost loved ones.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7. We also have Kid’s Club on Wednesday nights at 7 for grades 1-6.
Bethany Missionary Baptist Church
“I was glad when they said unto me, ‘Let us go into the house of the Lord’” (Psalm 122:1).
Our call to worship was “We Have Come Into His House,” followed by hymns “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow,” “He Is So Precious To Me” and “Here Am I, Send Me.”
Jean DeLoach sang the special, and Pastor Aubry Wallace brought the morning message.
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Ellen Gray, Billie Neeley, Sherry S. Cooper, Ophelia Griffin, Lela Mae Courtney, Ernestine Hatch, Nadine Roberson, Mildred Crawford, Gloria Headley, Elwyn Robinson, Ashley Friday, Zachary Jackson, our military, Jack Friday, Mary Knight, Aubry Wallace, Bruce Ungerer, Shirley Wallace, Nell Mims and Josh Pepper. Also pray for revival and rain.
Upcoming events: Aug. 29, fifth Sunday; Sept. 5, youth fund; Sept. 11, AMD meeting, Baptist Chapel, Mobile; Sept. 12, monthly business meeting; Sept. 13, ladies auxiliary meeting; Sept. 26, homecoming; Oct. 2, 9:30 a.m., Yellowcreek Association meeting in Haleyville; Oct. 8-9, annual state meeting at Bethany.
Our memory verse this week is Philippians 2:5. Last week’s was Ephesians 4:26.
Happy birthday to Glenn Vines and Barbara Avery. Happy anniversary to Lori and Chris Knight.
Ushers this month are James Gray and Glenn Vines.
Samaria Baptist Church
Our scripture this week was Romans 8:1-4. Everyone who rejects Jesus as Savior will go to hell. Nobody has to teach us how to sin. We are born with a sinful nature. Our nature is inherent from Adam and Eve. We are born sinners, and nobody has to teach us the desires of sin. Traits of our parents and forefathers trickle down to us, and we are just sinners by nature. God knows all about us. He is fully aware of our sinful ways. He wants us, however, to talk to him about our sins, just as though we are making Him aware of them for the “very” first time.
It is important for us to name our sins, repenting of their commission, and ask our Heavenly Father to remove them, and forgive us forever.
Repentance at the altar drives sin out, and God removes it, by the power of the Holy Spirit driving the devil out.
Birthdays for this week are Harold Fraser, Brittney Brooks, Mike Harris and Diane Fisher. On Tuesday, Kelly Siler will celebrate his birthday.
We must live moment to moment seeking ways to avoid the pits of sin. Immorality and seeking things inappropriate are not of God; they are sins against our own souls. If we are saved, we still sin, but not in practice, in error. Satan practices sin and tries to lure us all into his demonic ways. We must always walk in the light of God’s word. Sin is a disease of corruption, and no man can cure sin outside of Jesus Christ. Children of disobedience require discipline, and we must turn our every part over to God in order for Him to protect us from our sinful selves. We can defeat the sins of the tongue, one of the most destructive forces in the history of the world, if we surrender it to God and allow Him to direct our speech and attitude of our hearts.
Our pastor will be in revival this week with Brother Bert Tippett at New Covenant Baptist Church. Please remember him in your prayers. Please pray for our sick and shut-ins. May God bless you richly, and please make Samaria your new church home if you are looking for one. God is good all the time.
The Lighthouse Church
What a blessing it was to have a slightly cooler day to come out to church Sunday. The music ministry is doing an outstanding job leading and directing our praise and worship. When we are in tune with God and let the words of the songs honor him, it is truly awesome. Some of the songs were “Mighty To Save,” “My Hope” (is in the Lord) and “God He Reigns” (forever). These songs seem to always draw us into realizing how much we are wonderfully loved by Jesus.
Pastor Travis brought the first of a series of messages, “Laying down the Burden of Fear.” They will all be based on Psalms 23. Verse 4 says, “I will fear no evil.”
Even as Christians we tend to allow fear to rise up within us from time to time. We fear what others think of us, fear what the economy is going to do, fear of becoming sick even when we are well, etc. Instead of our just telling God and others how big our fears, worries, and problems are, we should be telling our problems how big God is, for he said he would never “leave nor forsake us.”
It was good to see some of those who have been sick or on vacation back with us, and we send another welcome to those who visited. The fall sessions of various Bible studies will begin soon, so get signed up for the one you wish to take.
Remember our Sunday morning services begin at 10. There is a nursery provided, and we also have children’s church and youth ministry (Intensity), which starts immediately after praise and worship in Room 201. We are looking forward to seeing you Sunday.
Thought for the day: God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness: We can’t be winners enough to win them or losers enough to lose them. They are gifts God purchased for us. The payment was his Son’s life.
Floyd Baptist Church
Sunday morning we celebrated the Lord’s Supper. Bro. Mike brought a message from 1 Corinthians 11:18-31 about the first Lord’s Supper and how we are to examine our lives and reflect upon Jesus as we partake. This is always a wonderful occasion as we reflect about what Jesus did on Calvary, what He is doing today, and what He will do in the future for each of us. At the same time, we use this to examine our personal life to draw us closer to God so that we may be better servants for Him.
Sunday night Bro. Mike brought a message from Philippians 4:10-20 on “My God Shall.” God does many things for us daily, blesses us in ways that sometimes we may not even know about. In this letter to the church at Philippi, Paul shows us three distinct things that God will do for us. He will satisfy us, strengthen us, and supply our needs. We need to be like Paul and learn to be satisfied in our lives and we will do this when we learn that happiness comes from knowing and serving God, not circumstances in life. God will strengthen us to face any storm that comes along in life, and He will meet our needs when we rely on Him and do what He has called for us to do.
We invite you to join us on Aug. 29 for our Youth Day where the youth of the church will teach classes, lead music, and speak. Also, on Sept. 5 a member of Bridges of Faith will be speaking about the ministry that they are opening at the old Fort Courage on County Road 24 and the work they are doing there. On Oct. 10, we will be having our Fall Festival at 3 p.m., so come and join us.
If you would like to learn more about our Angel Food Ministry and how you can save on your grocery bill, call us at 205-294-1577 for more information.
If you are looking for a God-loving, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church where you will be loved, join us for Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Discipleship Training at 5 p.m., worship at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. and Wednesday night Bible study and prayer at 7.