Continue to support hospital
Dear editor:
As one of many employees of Chilton Medical Center, I would like to ask the community for their help and understanding. As some of you are aware, there are many rumors going around the community. Yes, some of them are true, but some of them are not. First and foremost, our doors are open and taking appointments for outpatient services. We are open and stand ready to provide the services needed to all patients.
It is no secret that we are experiencing financial difficulties, but with today’s economy, we are not the only business facing the same difficulties. Our goal and vision is to remain dedicated and ready to serve in a caring, compassionate, and professional manner for all of Chilton County. We see a bright future ahead and we are hopeful that, with the support of the community, we can have the best rural hospital in Alabama.
Our employees here consist of multiple family members as well as single mothers and other single income families who not only need but depend on their jobs. We don’t just see ourselves as employees; we have made a family bond. We are here to get through the hard times together by supporting and motivating each other.
We are asking the community to please see past all the negative rumors and continue their support and utilize the hospital. The hospital is a viable part of the community, and many lives have been saved here at Chilton Medical Center. Without you, we couldn’t have made it as far as we have, but with more continued support and utilization, our hospital will succeed and benefit everyone.
Anne Taddicken, Chilton Medical Center