
Column: Warner dedication at Chilton YMCA

By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist The late Kathleen Provancal Warner will be remembered on March 23 at ...


Column: Whose Church Is It? 

By April J. Buchanan | Religion Columnist Christ loves His bride. Evangelism and church growth methods have taken ...


Column: What Is God Like? The Communicable Attributes of God — Pt. 3

By Hank Walker | Pastor at Peach City Fellowship In my last article, I noted that “holiness” is ...


Column: Jemison approves Event Planning Committee

By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist The Jemison City Council voted during their February meeting to approve a ...


Column: What Is God Like? The Communicable Attributes of God — Pt. 2

By Hank Walker | Pastor City Fellowship As we resume our survey of divine perfections, let’s consider another of ...


Column: History is happening now, and you and I are in it together

By Rev. Dr. Allen J. Sims Sr. | Pastor at Dexter Avenue King Memorial Church I was recently ...


Column: Big-tent circus comes to Clanton

By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist The Reis Show will present the Lewis & Clark Circus from March ...


Column: What Is God Like? The Communicable Attributes of God — Pt. 1

By Hank Walker | Pastor at Peach City Fellowship Last time, we explored God’s “Incommunicable” and “Communicable” attributes. ...


Column: Biblical preaching teaches by example how to study our bible 

By April J. Buchanan | Religion Columnist There are generally three types of preaching: Expository, Textual, and Topical. ...


Column: Chilton Relay for Life Pageants Announced

By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist The Miss Relay for Life Pageant, sponsored by the West End Baptist ...


Column: What Is God Like? The Incommunicable Attributes of God

By Hank Walker| Pastor at Friendship Baptist Church One can hardly imagine a more pressing question than, “What ...


Column: Relay for Life luminarias lighting up Chilton

By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist The Relay for Life (West End Baptist Team) will host the 11th ...


Column: Why Does God Allow Evil if He Can Stop It?

By Hank Walker | Pastor at Friendship Baptist Church The term “theodicy” applies to theological arguments that justify ...


Column: Peach farming class to be hosted in Jemison

By Elisabeth Altamirano-Smith | Community Columnist The Alabama Extension Commercial Horticulture team is hosting their annual Peach Production ...


Column: Who Is God the Father—Whose Father Is He?

By Hank Walker | Pastor at Friendship Baptist Church “We are all God’s children,” is a nearly universal ...

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