
Our Scottish Heritage (community correspondent)

By Ola Taylor | Community Correspondent Anyone researching family history in our area often finds an interesting mixture ...


Find the passion and connect a community

Sports is fueled by the passion of fans, and what better place to experience this passion than in ...


Community Correspondent: Leaving home never to return

By Ola Taylor | Community Correspondent The monument at the Chilton County Courthouse honoring our war dead lists ...


Community Correspondent: Cheering in the 1950s

With football season underway, five ladies who cheered on Verbena teams in the 1950s met last week to ...


Hopeful for a successful school year

The beginning of school is upon us. Some parents are happy because they will get a break from ...


Aunt Nancy and her Ford (Community Correspondent)

Nancy Yates was born in the Cooper community in 1887 to Samuel and Martha Webb Yates. Her Yates, ...


Religion Column: More than meets the eye

There is always more going on than what you see. Everyone you meet has a story to tell. ...


KMA prides itself on growth (Community Correspondent)

Kumi Manufacturing Alabama, located one mile south of Interstate 65 at Exit 205, inaugurated an operation in Clanton ...


The history of the Verbena Deramus Store (Community Correspondent)

For years, a well-known landmark in Verbena was the old Deramus Store. This wooden, two-story building faced the ...


Volunteers feed the homebound (Community Correspondent)

So far, this column has been about local history, highlighting some of the people, events and things from ...


Helping Economic Growth in Chilton County (Community Correspondent)

Recruiting new industry to Chilton County is part of the economic development focus of the Industrial Development Board.  The ...


Jemison’s Got Talent to debut June 12 (Community Correspondent)

Do you know how to make people laugh? Can you make things appear out of thin air? Do ...


A death that shook the community (Community Correspondent)

Harlin Paul Hughes was just shy of 20 when he was inducted into service in March 1943 and ...


‘Kitchen table’ approach to budget

By April Weaver The mid-point of the 2015 legislative session is fast approaching, and while my fellow lawmakers ...


Lake clean up a unique environmental effort

I applaud the efforts of the Lake Mitchell Home Owners and Boat Owners (HOBO) Association and its twice-a-year ...

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