Faith and Family

Get back to the Bible (religion)

George Washington, our first U.S. president, said, "It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God or ...


Daddy did not know… (community correspondent)

Little did I know that at the same time that I was helping to drag race on Highway ...


Representative from Alabama Eye Bank speaks to Lions Club

Teresa Ham from the Alabama Eye Bank spoke to the Clanton Lions Club on Jan. 15. Pictured are ...


Burnett turns 1

Sara Elizabeth Burnett celebrated her first birthday on Jan. 26. She is the daughter of Matthew and Melissa ...


Rasberry, Moore to wed

On April 30, Chelsea Lynn Rasberry will marry Matthew Aric Moore at Clanton First Baptist at 4 p.m. ...


Top fundraising team hosting second Relay For Life coon hunt (Relay For Life)

Those lives saved can be credited to Relay For Life teams like Pleasant Grove Baptist Church No. 1 ...

Faith and Family

Church news for the week of Jan. 28

Samaria Baptist Church Our service today was blessed by a special song performed by Jerry Greer and his ...

Faith and Family

Triumph over tragedy: Beth’s story (religion)

“I can’t tell you exactly how it worked, but God showed me that He was good. I think ...


Local church to host Women’s Conference

“This is a great opportunity for us to get insight from one another and pray for each other," ...

Faith and Family

Church News for the week of Jan. 21, 2016

Samaria Baptist Church Never give up and never allow Satan to turn your attention from the direction of ...

Faith and Family

Embrace the process (religion)

We recently watched a national championship game featuring two outstanding teams. The game, for these teams, was the ...

Faith and Family

Love where you’re planted (religion)

In writing this column, it is my prayer that God will guide my words and use them to ...

Faith and Family

Church news for the week of Jan. 14, 2016

Floyd Baptist Church Bro. Mike Lawerence’s message was from 1 Peter 5:10-11 and was entitled “The Best is ...


Whorf graduates from basic infantry training

U.S. Army Pvt. Jonathan T. Whorf graduated from basic infantry training at Fort Jackson, S.C. During the nine ...


Scott turns 77

Mrs. Clattie T. Scott will turn 77 on Jan. 22. She was born in 1939 to the late ...

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