Church News for Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012

Published 6:20 pm Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bethany Baptist Church

Bro. Steve’s message was “A Bride for Isaac,” taken from Genesis 24:1-28. In verse 27, Abraham’s faithful servant acknowledged that the Lord led him. There are five major things that the servant did that we can learn from: (1) He listened carefully to what Abraham said. (The more we listen to what God’s word says, the more truth and direction we get.) (2) He committed himself fully to what he set out to do. (We need to commit ourselves to prayer, Bible study and church attendance.) (3) He prayed sincerely. (4) He obeyed completely. Verse 27 says that as he was being obedient, the Lord led him (5) He worshipped reverently.

Sunday night we were privileged to have Jared and Kayla Gaboriault, missionaries soon to go on the field in Southeast Asia. Let’s keep them in our prayers as they seek to follow God’s will. Bro. Jared brought a message concerning our focus, using Jesus (Matthew 9:35-38) as our example. As Jesus was busy about his work teaching and healing, his outward focus was toward the multitudes and the many that needed to be saved. Bro. Jared reminded us our inward focus should always be as we are about our business, to pray for the lost and to pray for courage to be laborers in God’s harvest.

Birthdays and anniversaries this month: Larry Miller (Feb. 1); Lori Knight (Feb. 12); John Vickers (Feb. 23); Josh Peppers (Feb. 28); and Jerry and Jane Vines – Anniversary (Feb. 27).

Prayer List: Clayton Armstrong, Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Bro. Danny Jones, Alex Loveless, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Lillianna Thompson, Tim Wallace, and our June VBS.

See you Sunday!

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

Calvary would like to thank everyone who came out and took part in our services this weekend. Sunday morning service included a message from our Pastor Rick Hatchett.

He preached on the inheritance we have through the adoption into God’s family, something available to everyone today simply by trusting the Gospel message of the Lord Jesus Christ. Evening services included a message on Revelation 19 from our associate pastor Oscar Mims.

We will be having two special guest preachers in the next two Sunday morning services: Feb. 26 in the 10 a.m. worship service, our youth pastor Bro. Kevin Shaw will be bringing the message. March 4 in the 10 a.m. worship service, our interim music minister Bro. Matthew Brasher will be bringing the message. We want to invite everyone to come visit with us; to fellowship, and most of all, worship the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is worthy to be praised.

Christ Independent Methodist

Dr. Mac Stinson’s service Sunday was based on scripture taken from the Gospel According to Saint Mark 9:2-9. His title was “Jesus the Transformer.”

Christ came to affirm the Hebrew Bible and to shed light on its meaning. He often said, “You have heard it said… but I say to you…”

Our constitution grants us the privilege of worshipping God as we please. Let us pray that right is never recanted. Let us not choose one testament above the other: both Old Testament and New Testament give us a strong foundation building an informed faith.

Prayer is requested for the following: Mable Mitchell, Carl Glass, Dwight Sammons, the Rev. George Creel, Laure Lee, Anna and Nate Adams, our military, their families, our country, our church, each other, Christians worldwide, Israel and Shea Simms.

Jackson Chapel

Bro. Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a lesson entitled “Grow Through Prayer.”  Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Heavenly Sunlight,” and “Just Over In The Glory Land.”

Bro. Dennis blessed us with a beautiful song entitled “There’s A Record Book.”

Bro. Dennis’ text came from Romans 2:1-8. If we as Christians want to make it to heaven we have got to work for it and we’ve also got to live it.  If we want to go to heaven we’ve got to stop doing the things of the world and come back to God.

Happy anniversary this week to Bro. Dennis and Susan Smith.

Please remember these as you pray this week: Carolina Solis, the Pat Walker family, Tim Wallace, the Greg Powell family, Penny Gothard, Duane Chadwick, Glenn Riley, Carson Riley, Cole Riley, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.

Mars Hill Baptist

Sunday School was very interesting and informative Sunday, taught by teachers who give their lessons a lot of prayer and attention. Thanks to all you teachers.

Worship services started with the choir giving us “Mansion On The Hilltop.” Thank you Father for the promise of a mansion in heaven.

The senior adult supper was a great success. A special thank you to T. J. Jones and Jeffery Alexander for their part in making it the success it was. All the young people had worked hard on this project.

For the sermon, Bro. William used Acts 26:24-29. This is where King Agrippa tells Paul that he has “almost persuaded” him to be a Christian. Nowhere in scripture does it tell us that King Agrippa ever did or did not accept Christ. This brings up the thought, are you almost lost or almost saved. No, you are not almost saved; the only way to salvation is through Jesus Christ. And, you are not almost lost, if you are not all the way saved then you are all the way lost.

Neither can we be almost committed to our church. We all have talent, some to teach, some to sing, etc. If we don’t use these talents we can lose them. If we study and gain more knowledge of God He will use us if we let Him.

It seems our prayer list grows longer, we ask you for special prayer this week for Wilma Able, Shirley Cochrane and Penny Jones.

Remember that God will be Lord of all or Lord of none.

Mt. Carmel No. 1

On this cloudy Sabbath, we had a glorious time with the Lord. Knowing Jesus is the most important treasure God can give us.

Our choir blessed is with a beautiful special this Sunday, “I’m Standing on the Solid Rock.”

The children’s sermon, “Being Born Again,” was taken from the Book of John. Bro. Derrell used pictures of a butterfly to teach his lesson. God took something ugly, the caterpillar, and made the beautiful butterfly, just as the reborn child of God.

Our message Sunday morning was entitled “What Causes Fights and Quarrels?” In James 4:1-3, we are taught to control our tongue, don’t quarrel, don’t be greedy, be patient when suffering, love the Lord first and your brother next.

Pride is wrong, and wrong desires are the step toward quarrels and fights. Faith, if not accompanied by action, is dead.

On Feb. 26 we will be participating in the “On Mission Celebration;” several missionaries will be speaking during our regular worship times.

Remember to pray for the sick ones, sad and bereaved, the military, our leaders and our spoken and unspoken requests.

Mt. Springs

Services started Sunday, Feb. 19, with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “I’ll Fly Away,” “I Have Somebody With Me,” “Come Unto Me” and “Just A Little While.”

Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Daniel 9:3. We need to realize we have sin in our lives everyday. God knows everything that goes on in our lives.

After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymns “There’s Power in the Blood” and “Keep on the Firing Line.” Mrs. Sherrie Williams sang “The Life Boat” and did a wonderful job.

Bro. Don’s message came from Hebrews 10:26. Have you sold out to Jesus Christ? Time will reveal what is real or not.

Sunday night’s services started with Bro. Kenneth leading the church in the hymns “Just A Little Talk with Jesus,” “Living By Faith,” “I’ll Be Satisfied” and “I Will Trade the Old Cross for a Crown.”

Bro. Kenneth Moates gave a devotion from 1 John 3:1. God saved us to serve him!

Sam Ross and Debbie Barnett sang “He’ll See You Through” and blessed the church with such a wonderful song.

Bro. Don’s message came from Revelations 21:1-5 and Genesis 3:8-24. Sin separates us from God. We need to let Christ live through us each day.

Samaria Baptist

Members of our church family suffered the loss of a dear loved one this week.  We pray for all those who knew Mr. Greg Powell, and especially for his children, parents, and other family. God is able to ease the pain of loss, and comfort the bereaved and hurting.  Let this be the prayer on our hearts today.

Our other prayer concerns are Horace and Gail Cleckler, Ray Hardee, Mandy Spencer, Karlie Gill, and the family of Ms. Helen Burke. We especially pray for Reba Tuggle, Darrell Willis, and their families in their grief Sunday.

Our pastor’s message today was taken from John 4:1-10.  This focused on the compassion of Christ regarding the Samaritan woman.  Jews did not bother to go through Samaria, for the Gentiles were the ones living there, and Jews did not associate with unclean folks in Samaria.

Jesus made sure that everyone had to notice that He made a special trip to Samaria. His reason was to meet this woman, who desperately needed a Savior.  Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for a drink from the well. She did not know who He was initially, and wondered why on earth He would ask her for a drink.

Jesus told the woman of living water that would never be quenched. He promised her eternal water that never would run dry.  Jesus saves us “for good,” and no devil or any man can take us from His hand.

It is true that we all face situations of straying, backsliding, or falling out of fellowship with the church.  However, once Christ saves a soul, that soul can never be lost to Him again.

So often we complain about attending so many services, meetings, or classes for church.  But Jesus walked for miles everyday, and suffered as we do in the hot and dry lands.  But He made no excuse about being tired. It was His Father’s Will for Him to go through Samaria, and give new life to this woman of multiple marriages, who lived with a man who was not her husband.  Jesus told the woman all about herself, and was able to provide her with new life in Him.

Feb. 26 we will be hosting missionaries as they visit churches in our entire county. We will not have Sunday School, however, we will have two speakers in the morning service times.