Church news for Thursday, Jan. 19, 2012
Published 2:30 pm Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Bethany Baptist
“He Looked Beyond My Fault and Saw My Need” was the special sang by Jean Gray and Elaine Staton.
Bro. Steve’s sermons Sunday were taken from 1 Peter 1:10-16, “Staying Clean in a Polluted World.” Because of our wonderful salvation and promised inheritance in heaven, we are to “gird up our minds” with strength and purpose. We must have disciplined minds, focused on right things, vigilant against the enemy, and secure in our hope. Then we are to lead obedient, changed lives. (God is holy; I am His child, so I need to live like a child of God.)
Prayer list: Clayton Armstrong, Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Danny Jones, Lori Knight, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Nancy Towers, and Lilianna Thompson.
See you Sunday!
Bethsalem Baptist
Our services began with a welcome and ministry opportunities. Sharion Williams directed our congregation in singing several songs. The children’s message by our pastor was titled “God Values Life” from Jeremiah 1:5.
The Celebration Choir special was “Who Am I.”
Bro. Brad’s message was “Route 66 Exodus: The Way Out and In” (Exodus 24:32-34).
Following Life Tracks on Sunday evening, Bro. Brad’s sermon was from 1 Corinthians 10:1-22, “Standing Firm in a Decaying World.” Remember to learn, love and live the word.
Pray for Bro. James Moore, Jeanette Smitherman, Ruby Jones, Louise Thomas, Charles Bryant, Lilianna Thompson, Tyler Harmon, Debra Mims, Scott Bogard, Linnie Hathcock, Marshall and Hazel Green, Charles Payne, Crystal Keith, Pamela Howell, Betty Gregory, McCoy Duren, Robert Ethridge, Landa Cook, Milton Nelson, Vick Lawrence, Cindy Knight, David, Clyde Hughes, our missionaries, families who have lost loved ones and our shut-ins.
Happy birthday this week to Cole Reeves, Emma Merrill, Deb Taylor, Donna Johnson, Lois Mims, Ana Thompson, Allen Williams, Joyce Leonard, Hillary Horton, Brad Stange, Nate Jones, Jonathan Limbrick, Cody Barber, Jim Beck, Addison Polk and Ray Moore.
Have a blessed week. God is so good.
Come worship with us Sunday and get connected with us.
Tell someone about Jesus this week.
Cedar Grove Church
“If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24).
Brother Steve Price led the congregation in singing “There’s Power in The Blood” and “At Calvary,” Brother Billy Caton dismissed us into Sunday School.
The Sunday school lesson entitled “Promotion in the Kingdom” (Matthew 20:17-28). Golden text: “Even as the Son of Man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:28).
Happy birthday to Brother Steve Price on Jan. 13, and Lexi Crowe was 4 today.
Our sympathies goes to the Jimmy Flowers family in the loss of his aunt and to Jill McNeel’s family, her grandmother passed away at the age of 104. It doesn’t matter how old, we still miss them very much.
We welcome our visitors, Jerry and Kay Pate.
The choir sang several songs, Sam Price was featured on “Oh How Wonderful” and Jordan Harvley and Kip Cleckley was featured on “Greater Is He.” Norma Muir did a great job singing “I’ve Come Too Far To Look Back.”
Brother Jeff Carroll preached on “Talking About Faith” (1 John 5:1-2, Ephesians 2:1-10). The right kind of faith is based on Jesus Christ and nothing else.
“What a Friend We Have In Jesus” was the song of invitation. Many came to the altar.
The evening service began with “This World is Not My Home” and “Glory to His Name.” Brother Alton Russell sang Great God Jehovah accompanied by Sister Amelia Hubbard. Chris Cleckley sang “Crucified With Christ.” Both did a great job.
We had a surprise pastor for the evening service, Brother Clay Collins, our youth minister, his title was “Message of Hope,” and his text came from Romans 8: 24-25- 15: 4, Jeremiah 29:11.
It was announced last week the Maharreys would be here Jan. 29, but that has been cancelled. On March 11, for the morning service, The Kelleys will be at Cedar Grove.
Jordan Harvely sang the song of invitation “I’d Need a Savior.” Several came to pray at the altar.
Remember to pray for the sick, sad and bereaved, the military, our leaders, and our spoken and unspoken prayer requests. God bless.
Center Hill Baptist
We are thankful for all that attended our services this Sunday morning. It was exciting to see those that had surgery back to worship with us.
We are continuing to collect money for our Lottie Moon offering. Also, there are exciting plans for
our Vacation Bible School this summer.
Sunday night, Jan. 22, Richard and Euleta Guy will be showing their slides from their recent trip to the Holy Land.
Bro. Jeff opened our service with a medley of songs all about grace — amazing grace, wondrous grace,
grace that we don’t deserve. In his message, he reminded us that Judas had been with Jesus for three and a half years. The thief on the cross was with Jesus for a few hours and even mocked him. But his final words were, “Lord, remember me.”
Everyone who enters His kingdom receives eternal life, no matter at what age they are saved. However, this eternal life is a gift; it cannot be earned with a lifetime of work. Whether you work for the Lord all of your life or whether you make a deathbed confession, you do not deserve the grace that He gives.
Visitors are always welcome at Center Hill. Members are expected.
“Remember, if Jesus were born in Bethlehem a thousand times and not in my heart, I would still be lost.”
Christ Independent Methodist
On this beautiful sunny day our pastor, Dr. Mac Stinson, took his scripture from Psalm 40:1-11. His sermon title was “Love Lifted Me.”
Dr Stinson’s hypothetical question followed thus: “Have you ever had the urge to simply do your own thing without regard for how the world may view your actions?” He continued by reminding us if a group of people called hippies back in the 1960s, who decided that personal hygiene was a middle class hang up. Before long, doctors began treating people for disease that doctors had never encountered before. Some of their immoral acts and attitudes are still evident today, though hippies are no longer in vogue. There are still people who want to do their own thing and make their own rules.
Dr. Stinson asks, “Ever hear this one before? This is my money. I will spend it as I please. This is my life. I will live it as I please.” Fortunately, the psalmist gave us a better set of values. Dr. Stinson said the psalmist’s words reminded him of the old gospel hymn, “Love Lifted Me.” Surely the composer had the psalmist’s words in mind.
Have you ever been in a slimy pit? I think most of us would have to answer in the affirmative. When Moses came down from the mountain holding the Ten Commandments, the people met him with these words: “Well and good, Moses. We hope this isn’t meant to be a criticism of our current lifestyle.” That statement reflects the spirit of our time. What do we do when we find ourselves in a slimy pit? The best thing we can do is call out to God. He never sleeps. He is always on the job of looking after his children.
Our young people enjoyed a day of fun Saturday. They bowled and afterward ate lunch at Chick-fil-A in Alabaster.
We are beginning a new series of video presentations entitled “So the World May Know” each Sunday night. If you are interested in seeing the land of the Bible, join us at 5 p.m. each week.
Prayer requests: Mable Mitchell, Mary Ann Carden, the Rev. George Creel, Charlotte Vereen, Shea Simms serving in Kuwait, and Dr. Stinson.
Pray for our country, church, community, Christians worldwide, Israel and each other.
Have a blessed week.
Church of God’s Word
Our pastor brought the message from Mark 11:23-25 that when we speak to the mountain, believe and it should obey. When we put on the whole armor of God, which is the helmet of salvation and the breastplate of righteousness, and we go up against the enemy like David and Goliath, we should remember that David defeated Goliath when he said, “You come to me with a spear and a sword, but I come to you in the name of the Lord.”
David knew who he served before he went up in front of his mountain. Take Daniel and the lions’ den — he knew who he served before he was thrown into the lions’ den.
The three Hebrew children, before being thrown into the fiery furnace, all had victory before they even faced their mountain.
If we can’t trust God and put on the armor before we face the mountain, we will lose the battle, but if we would pray and put on the whole armor of God before we face the mountain, then we can speak to the problem no matter what it is.
When you pray, forgive so that your Heavenly Father which is in heaven will forgive you. It really does not matter what people do because if we truly forgive, we will have victory over anything we face.
Take Paul and Silas when they were thrown into prison. They knew whom they served, and when they began to sing praises, the chains were loosed and they were set free because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
We invite everyone to come and visit and have a glorious time in the Lord.
Jackson Chapel
“There is a way which seemeth right unto a man; but the end thereof are the ways of death” (Proverbs 14:12).
Bro Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “He Set Me Free” and “Love Lifted Me,” and Bro Horace Wyatt blessed us with “All Because of God’s Amazing Grace.” Bro Dennis’ text came from Matthew 7:13-27 — We’ve got to start with repentance if we want to get to heaven. We can’t live our lives like the devil during the week and for Jesus Christ on Sunday. We’ve got to enter heaven through the narrow way but if we make it to Heaven we as Christians have got to remember that it’s not going to be an easy task to accomplish. We have also got to live our lives according to the Word Of God, read our bibles and pray everyday. The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro Gary Fant got our evening service started off with “When We All Get To Heaven” and “There’s Power In The Blood.” Bro Dennis Smith, Angel Bavar and Wanda Chadwick blessed us with “I Believe In a Hill Called Mount Calvary,” Luke Wilson really blessed our hearts with “Deep and Wide” and “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus” and Bro Dennis Smith, Bro David Hopper and Bro Gary Fant blessed us with “He Touched Me.”
We were blessed to have Mineral Springs Baptist Church with us, and they presented “Mary Did You Know” for us. If you missed this, you really missed a blessing.
Please remember these as you pray this week — Horace Wyatt, Faye Baker, Gail Edwards, Jeanette Smitherman, Juanita Wilkins, Susie Bragg, Jaxon Pate, our lost loved ones and our servicemen and women.
Mars Hill Baptist
The choir marched in singing “When The Saints Come Marching In” and this brought smiles and laughter from the congregation. It’s OK to enjoy a good laugh in church. God would want us to be happy in His house.
Bro. William took Luke 9:23-27 for his sermon; everyone needs Jesus in their life.
Every third Wednesday night we will be having a fellowship supper. The ladies of Mars Hill are world-class cooks. Even their turnip greens and dry beans are delicious. Perhaps we need a fried chicken/banana pudding cook-off contest.
The senior adults are busy planning their trip for 2012. There will be more information later on where they decide to go. On Feb. 25 and 26 we will have our Mission Celebration. Four missionaries will come and share their commitment with us.
We extend our sympathy to the Cochran family in the home going of Mr. Gordon; all who knew him will miss him. Also, we want to praise God for His goodness during the surgery of little Macoy Duren. Macoy had heart surgery and is now doing great.
How long is forever? I don’t know. How long is eternity? I don’t know. When is from no beginning to without end? I don’t know. One thing I do know is that you will spend forever in eternity somewhere. There are only two places to go, one is heaven and the other is hell. You and you alone can decide where it will be. People will tell you that a loving God will not send you to hell; He does not send you, you send yourself.
If you do not have a church home, we welcome you to Mars Hill where the scripture is taught and preached.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
As we gathered to worship Sunday morning, it seemed the whole earth was filled with the Lord’s glory. We were thankful to be with our friends and visitors on this Sunday morning.
The little children gathered around Bro. Derrell as he taught them a message using two pages from a coloring book. One page was colored very well, but the other page not as well. The message was “Staying Within the Lines.” God tells us to stay within the lines, live the way God teaches us, and obey God. His message came from Exodus.
Special music for our praise solo was presented by Donald Liveoak followed by Bro. Derrell’s message entitled “Strong and Courageous” (Deuteronomy 31:5-7).
Sunday night Bro. Derrell and Tammie got the spirit of the congregation lifted by singing “I Wouldn’t Take Nothing For My Journey Now.” His sermon was “Facing the Giants” (1 Samuel 17:36-51).
Our prayers this past week and the weekend have been for our youth. They are attending the Smokey Mountain Student Conference in Tennessee. We received a call from them Sunday morning of the great times they are having; they have truly felt the presence of the Lord.
If you missed our prayer breakfast Saturday morning, you missed a good meal and a very special blessing. Bro. John Dennis brought our devotion, and we closed with our group chain prayer.
Coming events for our church: Wednesday night Bible study on Revelation 5-6; choir practice Sunday at 4 p.m.; and a special service for Sunday evening at 5 on Jan. 22 to honor all our music directors and musicians. Following the message there will be a soup and chili supper in the fellowship hall.
The Jan. 29 Sunday night service will be at Providence No. 2. We will combine our service for the presentation of pictures and reports of the Holy Land trip.
Remember to pray for the On Mission Celebration coming up in February. Make plans to attend the “meet and greet” service to be held at Liberty Hill Church on Saturday morning, Feb. 25 and Saturday night at Jemison First Baptist. Keep in mind our church will have a special offering the weekend of Feb. 26 for the missionaries.
Our church will be taking part in the Relay For Life project coming soon. Keep this on your prayer list.
Remember to pray for the names on our prayer list, Mary Godwin, Robert Childress, Cecil Franklin and Elladene Mims stand in the need of prayer. If you don’t have a church, please come join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus in praise and worship.
Mt. Springs
Services started Sunday, Jan. 15, with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Come Unto Me,” “I’m Going That Way,” “Lift Me Up Above the Shadows” and “I Want to Know More About My Lord.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler’s devotion came from Exodus 15:22. Sometimes God tests us and puts us through the fire just to make us stronger Christians. If we empty ourselves to the Lord, he will fill us up!
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymns “Send the Power Just Now” and “Where the Milk and Honey Flows.” Kellie Bice sang, “He’ll Make a Way” and touched the church with her sweet song.
Bro. Don preached from Hebrews 4: 1-16. We can always lean on God; he’ll never fail us. God has chosen us to be his people because he loves us. Remember this thought: “Faith with nothing gives you everything; everything without faith gives you nothing.”
Sunday night, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymns “Mansion Over the Hill Top” and “Victory in Jesus.” Bro. Kenneth gave a devotion from Genesis 26:13-18. God’s blessings are the same today as they were yesterday. God will never change!
Bro. Sam Ross sang “He’ll See You Through” and blessed the church with his wonderful talent he uses for the Lord.
Bro. Sam preached from Romans 14:10-12 and he titled his message “Waiting in Line.” One day we will all stand before the throne of judgment. The question we need to ask ourselves is, will we be anxious to get in the front of the line or will we want other people to go in front of us?
Rocky Mount United Methodist
As we now hit the middle of January of the new year, we find that our prayer list continues to be long. While we are adding some names to our praise box, new names fill their spots. Please pray for all the many that need our extra prayers, whether for illness, injury, for military service and all the many other needs.
In the early 1970s, a song became popular and even made its way into the Methodist Hymnal. “It only takes a spark to get a fire going, and soon all those around can warm up in its glowing. That’s how it is with God’s love, once you’ve experienced it; you spread his love to everyone, you want to pass it on.” “Pass It On,” a wonderful song with a wonderful message. Are you doing everything you can to share God’s love with those around you?
You are the only Bible some people will ever see. Are you doing it justice? Are you using every opportunity put before you to share God’s love and his blessings? Do you talk about Jesus and what he has done for you? Have you invited someone to Sunday School, Bible study, church? We have all been blessed with talents to share in one way or another and we should definitely use those talents to the glory of God, but we can all share God’s love!
Samaria Baptist
Our special music Sunday was a song that had a great impact on many of us. “Hear my heart” is a true blessing, and when we are downtrodden, or worried about family, friends, or people we haven’t even met, this kind of song allows us to just let Jesus hear our hearts pray.
Our pastor, Bro. Charles, brought a wonderful sermon from Colossians 3:1-17, “Walk in Holiness.” Not of ourselves, but of our Lord and Savior. We should seek the things of God; have fellowship with God’s people. We seek the face of God through prayer, and studying His word.
We shall pray for ourselves, and for the needs of others. We should be earnest in our search for God’s direction, blessing, and answers to our prayers. We cannot be separated from the Holy Spirit of God. When we stray, he deals with us, and brings us back through the Holy Spirit. We are His, and He knows how to convict us of the failings and draws us back to Him.
Let us set our sights on things of heaven. Our focus is on so many things other than God. We need to come to prayer meetings, and this is the most neglected service we have. People need to pray, to seek His face, and witness the glory and blessings of God. Prayer should be a straight line from our hearts to God’s heart. Seeing what He will do to our lives, born again believers desire to worship Him. Let your light shine today, and let Him live through you.
Prayer requests today are for Ms. Johnson’s granddaughter, Brandie, Horace and Gail Cleckler, Paul Shearon, and Lucille and Pud Moore. It was wonderful to have Ray Hardee with us again Sunday and Sunday night. He has come a long way by the mercies of a Loving God, and we praise Him for Ray’s progress.