Church news for Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011

Published 6:26 pm Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bethany Baptist
Sunday was a great day at Bethany Baptist Church.  Bethany presented a Christmas Program entitled “A Blessed Christmas.”  The program focused on scripture reading and music by our choir, ladies, men and pastor.  Following the program, our pastor preached on the faith and faithfulness of Joseph.  He discussed Joseph’s concern for Mary, Joseph’s encounter with the angel that confirmed the Virgin Birth, and Joseph’s obedience to God.  Four times Joseph encountered an angel in the first two chapters of Matthew, and four times Joseph faithfully obeyed.
On Sunday evening, Bro. Steve preached on overcoming fear from 1 John 4:18.  He taught that God’s love (agape) overcomes fear (phobia).   Following the evening service, we had a birthday fellowship for the pastor’s wife, Sis. Phyllis.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Danny Jones, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Laverne Hayes and Lori Knight.
See you Sunday.

Bethsalem Baptist
Our service began with ministry opportunities, welcoming and fellowship time with the congregation singing “Joy to the World,” “The First Noel” and “Jesus Paid It All.”
The message by Bro. Brad was “Not a Fan: Is Jesus Enough?” (John 6).
The closing hymn was “Give Me Jesus.”
Sunday evening our Celebration Choir presented their musical, “Hark the Herald.” Great job.
Pray for Makenzie Barrett, Lilianna Thompson, Betty Gregory, Crystal Keith, Anna Claire Bice, Pam Shepherd, Bruce Moore, Bro. James Moore, Charles Bryant, Keith Smith, Debra Mims, Chris Moore, Paul Green, Pete and Myra Burnett, Pamela Howell, Donnie Eslinger, McCoy Durren, Tyler Harmon, Melissa Jeffers, J.T. Loyd, Jacob Jones, Dana and Alyson Stockton, the Perry Worrell family, all families who have lost loved ones, our homebound and our country. Also pray for revival to come.
Happy birthday to David Matt Wilmoth, Rebecca Eubank, Pam Shepherd, Robin Crawford, Zoey Edwards, Laura Green, Winter Watkins, Hope Mims, Michael Rhodes, Cory Pack, Michelle Enriquez, Katelyn Lovett, Mary Blackmon, Dakota Watkins, Laliah Benjamin and Brooke Bradberry.
Next Sunday night, Dec. 18 at 6 p.m., our children’s choir will share the Christmas story through music.
Remember, our Lottie Moon post office is open for 25 cents a card.
Have a blessed week. God is so good. Come worship with us on Sunday and get connected with us. Tell someone about Jesus this week.

Calvary Independent Baptist
Calvary Independent Baptist Church would like to thank everyone that has visited lately. Sunday morning in the adult worship service, Pastor Rick Hatchett brought a message from Isaiah 66:1-4. It concluded on the fact that God is calling but oftentimes his call is going unanswered. Many people had rather live a life without God than to turn from sin.
Sunday night’s service was on Revelation 15 with our Associate Pastor Oscar Mims. We want to invite everyone to come, visit, fellowship and worship with us. Sunday morning on Dec. 18 we will be having a special presentation by the kids and youth at Calvary during the 10 a.m. service. Sunday morning service on Dec. 25, we will be having communion service in the 10 a.m. service. Come join with us as we celebrate the greatest gift of all, the reason for the season: God’s giving us his only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
There are only seven more services until the conclusion of this year, and then we look forward to a brand new year in service unto the Awesome God and Wonderful Savior, The Lord Jesus Christ.
Start the New Year off with us. We are located south of Clanton just past Dollar General right off 31 on Fulmer Drive.

Cedar Grove Methodist-Protestant
In every season of life, God is with us…a Guide, a Comforter, a Healer and always a loving Father.
“The Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” (Joshua 1:9).
We had a great Sunday School lesson entitled “The Plague Stayed.” The scripture lesson came from 2 Samuel 24:15-25.
Golden text: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts” (Psalm 139:23).
“O Beautiful Star of Bethlehem,” “Joy to the World” and “O Come All Ye Faithful” were the songs for the morning before choir singing.
Chris Cleckley sang two beautiful songs, “Crucified With Christ” and “Your Love Still Amazes Me.”
Sam and Missy Price’s little daughter, Kinsley, was dedicated to the Lord Sunday morning. She is such a smart little girl; she is not even 2 and goes around with her little basket to help take up a collection for the penny march. All the little ones help out, and some will go back for seconds. They are cute as can be.
We welcome our visitors and hope you will come again.
Brother Jeff Carroll is still preaching on John’s testimony of Christ from John 1:29-34 and John 8:22-24.
The song of invitation was “Mansion Over the Hilltop” and the altar filled.
The evening service began with two good handclapping songs, “Just a Little Talk With Jesus” and “Heaven’s Jubilee.” The choir blessed us with several songs.
Brother Tim Scott brought the message in the absence of Brother Heath Vines. His text came from 1 Timothy 1:18, and the message was entitled “Commitment is Everything.” Brother Tim is a very good pastor, and we enjoyed his sermon very much.
Next Sunday night at 5:30, the youth will have our Christmas program, and all are welcome.
The service Christmas Day will be from 11 a.m. to noon with a few songs and a short message. What better day to go to church than on Christ’s birthday?
Everyone is welcome.
Remember to pray for all the sick and shut-ins, our country, our leaders, the military, and all our prayer requests, spoken and unspoken.
Merry Christmas to Brother J.R Lowery, Mrs. Minnie Childress and Mrs. Lois Cummings and everyone else that reads Cedar Grove News.

Christ Independent Methodist
On this third Sunday of Advent, when we light the Candle of Joy, Dr. Mac Stinson took his scripture message from 1 Thessalonians written by the Apostle Paul.
Dr. Stinson’s sermon began with two profound statements early on. After referring to the Candle of Joy, he said, “We determine what kind of life we will have, but when we turn from God, joy leaves us. We cannot buy nor possess joy. It is a gift.”
But like all gifts, each individual has the God-given privilege to accept or reject any gift offered to us, no matter who the giver. No one is obligated to bring us gifts, but have we not heard that it is more blessed to give than to receive? Even that choice is ours to accept or reject. We are not forced to choose one or the other. When God created man, He gave man freedom of choice at the same time.
Referring back to our Candle of Joy, Dr. Stinson reminded us that the “Christmas season gives us opportunities for bringing and spreading joy.”
Our prayer list is short I believe due to our prayers being answered. Continue to pray for Mable Mitchell, Horace and Mary Ann Carden, Cindy McCavitt, Christians worldwide, little Israel home of God’s chosen people, our country, leaders, community, church and each other. Remember our military and their families, and never forget that freedom is never free. Our military stands between us and those who would enslave us.
Shea Simms, son of Dr. Phil and June Simms, is now in Kuwait. One of our own, David Lufta, returned from Puerto Rico in time for services this week.
Remember the Bible study group meets each Wednesday at 6:45 p.m.
Our Christmas program and fellowship will be Sunday night, Dec. 18. We encourage your attendance. Any church day you are absent, you are missed.
CIMC will present its traditional live nativity scene Tuesday night, Dec. 20 from 7-9 p.m. The location is County Road 29 directly across from our church. We invite you to drive by. Have a blessed week.

Church of God’s Word
Jesus went to the cross and was sentenced to death to die to have eternal life. Did you know that God will cause your enemies to bless you? I know of people who the doctors gave up on but God healed them. God will make a way where there is no way. When we bring things upon ourselves, we should repent and put it under the blood.
Who is your first love? If Jesus is the first love, you’ve got to love God more than anything or anyone else. The Bible is full of promises. God created the heavens and the earth and all that is in them. You know God parted the Red Sea and the children walked cross on dry land. He shut the mouths on the lions when Daniel was in the lions’ den, and when David slew the giant — God is always right on time. When it seems that all hope is gone, God always shows up.
Who do you serve? Jesus tells us to trust him, and we are to believe the word of God that it will work for us. He has promised blessings and promises upon our lives. We are to choose this day who we are going to serve. We make the choice of the lifestyle that we live — to live for Jesus or not.
Bro. Ray invites everyone that does not have a home church to come and be with us.
Jesus is Lord.
Friendship Baptist
Our call to worship was “How Great Thou Art” sang by Bro. Dusty Dutton.
We had a baby dedication for the daughter of Jimmy and Mary Martin, Aspen Lynn Martin.
Bro. Ken’s message was from John 1:1-14 and was titled “From the Cradle to the Cross.” In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. Through him, all things were made. In his was life. Life was the light of men.
Remember why God came. The true light that gave light to every man came into the world many, many years ago.
During the evening service we had our youth/children Christmas play, “A Grinch’s Christmas.” They did such a great job!
Happy birthday to Jimmy Martin. Happy anniversary to Steve and Pam Jones.
Welcome to new church member James Huey Wilson.
Prayer requests: Shane Sansom, Jacob Jones, Vivian Sanders, Glenda Marcus, Bronson Dafrene, Billy Barker, Paula Dennis, JoAnn Lyles, Paula Owen, Billy McCall, Lilianna Thompson and unspoken requests.

Mars Hill Baptist
We had a great day in church Sunday. It’s always good to see friends. The smiles on the faces of the children are a delight. They are trying so hard to be “good” right now. They have to make up for the past 11 months.
The choir sang “Come” and did an excellent job. Ms. Jessica does a good job with the choir and church music.
We extend our sympathy to the ones in the church who lost loved family members recently. This is harder during a holiday season. We want you to know that we love you and God loves you.
Bro. William took his sermon from Luke 5:1, 11. He brought out the fact that if you are not fishing God’s way you are on the wrong side of the boat. We all get tired and discouraged, but when we are ready to quit we are to throw our net back out and get up and continue fishing for people to come to the Lord.
The adult choir will present their cantata Dec. 18 in the morning service, and the children will give us their program Dec. 18 at 5 p.m.
I always enjoy the children. Some remember their lines and do them just right. Others forget their lines, others may cry and want their Mama. I have even seen a few have a tug of war over the doll representing Baby Jesus. This is a precious time for the children and makes memories that stay with us for a lifetime.
Dec. 11-18 is prayer week for our missionaries. Hopefully we pray for them every day.
Always remember: No matter how far wrong you’ve gone, you can always turn around.
Come visit us at Mars Hill, we have a place waiting for you.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
We are thankful for the choir and singing on this Sunday morning. The Spirit of the Lord was felt as the choir sang a special “Sweeter as the Day Goes By,” and music was led by Donald Liveoak.
The children’s sermon was the teaching of John the Baptist.
As Bro. Derrell began his message, he asked Bro. Ricky Cofer to read a poem entitled “Joseph’s Son.” Joseph’s prayer was, as he held this child in his arms, for God to help him raise the child according to God’s will.
Bro. Derrell’s message was taken from Mark 1:1-18, “Preparing for Christmas.” Prepare your heart for Christmas. It’s important that we prepare ourselves for Good News, the beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God. We prepare for Christmas in many ways, but do we remember that Babe in the manger is our Lord and Savior today? He is the King. Repent — prepare for the coming of the Lord.
Sunday night’s message was taken from Luke 2:1-20, “Three Christmas Messages.” Special music was by Denna Campbell singing “There’s a New Kid in Town.”
Please remember to pray, especially for baby Jacob Jones and his family. Baby Jacob is in Children’s Hospital at the time of this writing.
Mark your calendar for Dec. 18 at 5 p.m. The youth and children will present our Christmas program, “Waiting for the Christmas Guest.”
Remember, Dec. 21 at 3 p.m. — a time for Christmas caroling and visiting the sick and shut-ins.
We have several sick ones in our church family, and we ask for your prayers for God to take a healing hand if it’s His will.
You are always welcome at Mt. Carmel No. 1.

Mt. Springs
Services started Sunday, Dec. 11 with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Joy To the World,” “O Come All Ye Faithful,” “Where the Milk and Honey Flows” and “Come and Dine.”
Bro. Roger Cleckler gave a devotion from Isaiah 9:6. You could take all of the letters in the alphabet to describe Jesus and have a verse to back it up. What a great illustration he showed all of us.
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymns “When We All Get to Heaven” and “I Feel Like Traveling On.” Debbie Barnett sang “I Made It By Grace” and blessed the church with such a powerful song.
Bro. Don’s message was taken from Isaiah 9:6. We should praise God and rejoice because of who he is. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forevermore. In the end, God is always still God!
Sunday night’s service started with Bro. Kenneth leading in the hymns “Send the Light,” “I Shall Not Be Moved” and “This World is not My Home.”
Bro. Wayne Barnett gave the devotion and done a wonderful job. We need to be serious about our praying. We should talk to God as much as possible because of everything he does for us each and every day.
The youth previewed a song from the musical, “The Christmas Shoes.” They will be performing this musical Sunday night at 6. Everyone is encouraged to attend this very heartfelt Christmas play. There will be a second performance the following Wednesday at 7 p.m. You will be truly blessed!
Bro. Sam Ross preached from John 20: 19-31. We are so thankful for the calling God placed on his life to preach the Word of God. He is very anointed and will continue to grow with his ministry throughout his life.

New Salem Baptist
God is so good. Because of the prayers and generosity of our many Christian friends and church families, New Salem Baptist Church was again privileged to worship in the repaired auditorium. Thank you from all our church family. Our prayer is that God will bless you in a marvelous way during the Christmas season and New Year.
God blessed our church this past Sunday with excellent attendance. Our week of prayer for foreign missions was delayed until we could return to our auditorium. The church has set a challenging goal, and our mission march for the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering will be Sunday, Dec. 18. Jesus has commissioned us to be His heart, His hands and His voice.
The children will present “Great News From Heaven,” a Christmas program and musical Sunday, Dec. 18 at the morning worship hour. You are invited to be part of this special time and observe God’s smaller children sharing the great news.
Our pastor has challenged us with the scripture “of whom much is given, much is required.” Our church has been so blessed this year. The challenge is to find others we can bless with our life and resources. What a warm and sweet feeling to know that we have helped others in this time of year.
If you are looking for a place for the family to find friends and friendship as we worship together, come celebrate Jesus with us each Sunday.

Samaria Baptist
A wonderful service awaited all who came our way on Sunday.  Our pastor’s message came from Colossians 3:1-25. Put off the sins of the world and put on the armor of God, in order to grow in Christ. We shall not be influenced by the evil one.  God creates within us a new heart, and a new life in Christ.  We shall walk in newness of life.  We are buried to sin and raised up by Him.  We should seek the thing that pertains to heaven, even though we still reside on earth.  Delight in our Father, and praise Him and His plan for our salvation.
Prayer concerns today are Horace and Gail Cleckler,  Drusilla Hudgins and her family, Walter Hudgins, Ray Hardee, Phyllis Hardee, and all others that are suffering bereavement in this Christmas season.
Jeannie Mims sang “Mary Did You Know” for our morning special.
Our evening service was our adult Christmas special.  Our choir sang the Christmas story, and our children provided the manger scene.
May God bless and keep you all is our prayer at Samaria Baptist Church. Please join us for a wonderful worship experience.  In Him, is our prayer for you.