Community garden idea taking root

Published 2:55 pm Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The idea of a local community garden, where people could grow their own vegetables, may come to fruition next year.

The garden would be great for people who want to grow crops but may not have the room or the ability to get the ground prepared, said pastor Greg Nobles, who is helping organize the effort.

Nobles is working to start the garden next year — and is going about finding an appropriate spot and getting things like seeds and tools donated now.

“I have already had conversations with people who have ideas that would make this a blessing to Chilton County,” Nobles said. “I believe there are people in our community who either need or could benefit from a community garden.”

Two possible locations are available, but Nobles said he hopes to find someone with a larger lot willing to let their land be used. Wherever the garden ends up, Nobles said it would be important for the garden to be at a location convenient and centrally located for everyone.

The garden would also help people save money on fresh produce, Nobles said.

“With the price of food and the idea of fresh produce helping someone in need, I think a community garden is just the right thing.”

Guidelines for the garden and exactly how it will be operated would be set during an organizational meeting to come soon, Nobles said.

One model used in other community gardens has people assigned to plots where they can grow whatever they want.

“Each assigned spot would be their responsibility and care,” Nobles said.

Others grow crops to give away to family, friends or those who can’t garden or are in need, he said.

The garden could also be a special place for the community.

“It could even become a place of fellowship and friendship that strengthens our community,” Nobles said. “I hope it will help people and be an annual thing for our community.”

Planning and working out details for the 2012 growing season is now underway. If you are interested in contributing to or being a part of the community garden, call Nobles at 205-389-2141.