Church news for Thursday, Sept. 29, 2011

Published 5:26 pm Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Bethany Baptist
We had a good time at Homecoming Sunday. We were pleased to have several first-time visitors and, of course, many former church members and family. The music, fellowship and food were good. Bro. Aubry Wallace preached a challenging and timely message on “How to Experience the Real Heart of Christianity.” He used Matthew 16:21-24 as his text. Many believe being baptized makes you a Christian; some think if you live a clean life you are a Christian. To be saved a person must believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
The word “Christian” means “Christ-ones” and Christlike. In verse 24, Jesus told His disciples to deny themselves and take up their cross and follow Him. Who or what is the heartbeat of your life? Family, job? Jesus should be our “first love.” He must be first, and He must be exalted.
October birthdays and anniversary: Oct. 10, Jean DeLoach; Oct. 10, Elaine Staton; Oct. 16, Shirley Wallace; Oct. 22, Barbara Miller; Oct. 23, James and Jean DeLoach (anniversary)
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley and Jesse Wallace.
See you Sunday.

Bethsalem Baptist
Our morning service began with ministry opportunities, and a time of welcoming and fellowship shared by the congregation.
A See You at the Pole emphasis was presented by Brady Edwards and Zachary Martin. Special music by the Celebration Choir was “Christ Alive, Christ Triumphant.”
The message by Bro. Brad was “God’s Call to Children” from Ephesians 6:1-3.
We were blessed again by a new family joining our church, Andrew and Ashley Ellison.
Pray this week for Randy and Anna Thompson, their daughter Lilianna, J.D. Jones, Bro. James Moore, Charles Bryant, Jeanette Smitherman, Sylvia Wingard, Nolan Waters, Janice Blackmon, Billy Ray Mims, Paul Green, Tyler Harmon, Joe Ann Adams, Clyde Hughes, Ella Vance, Jimmy and Jetti Durbin, Scott Blankenship, Pete Burnett, Joe Wingard, Austin Hicks, Jeff Brasher, Macoy Durren, Perry Jacks, Vic Lawrence, Elaine Boddie, Richard Ferrell, Philip Plyer, Wesley Averette, our missionaries and those in storm areas.
Happy birthday this week to Jay Pierce, James Chandler, Robin Mims, Rhonda Gray, Sasha Sims, Devidica McConnell, Josh Shepherd and Abby Wilson.
Next Sunday night is our singing and praise service.

Calvary Independent Baptist
Calvary Independent Baptist Church’s services Sunday were a blessing. Youth Pastor Kevin Shaw brought the morning message from Romans 12 about the Christian life. He preached on how we are to stay on the right path and not build again a life full of things that are contrary to God. Sunday night service we had a few special songs and a devotional message from our Associate Pastor Oscar Mims from Proverbs and Corinthians. After the message we had our monthly fellowship meal downstairs celebrating birthdays and anniversaries for the month. We want to thank all the ones who cooked and served to make all this possible. We want to thank and welcome back all our visitors that came and worshipped with us during these services. A reminder to everyone, we have Homecoming next month on Oct. 16 with a three-night revival following on Oct. 17-19. We want to invite all who will to come for any or, better yet, all of our services.

Cedar Grove
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and he delighteth in his way” (Psalm 37:23). This verse was on the front of our church bulletin this week.
Happy birthday to Earl Giles, Juliet Hayes and Dianne Patterson.
Pray for Bro. James Earl Davenport who had knee surgery Tuesday, Bro. Alton Russell’s mother, Donny Eslinger who was injured in Afghanistan, and pray for all those with family problems. We have a long prayer list, but God knows all about it.
Sis. Reba Tucker played piano for us in the absence of Bro. Gary Hubbard. The first song before worship was “When We All Get to Heaven,” followed by “Heaven’s Jubilee” and “There’s Power in the Blood.” Sis. Reba played “Goodbye World Goodbye” as a special on the piano, and Chris Cleckley sang “The Cloud He’s Coming Back On.” Both did a wonderful job.
Bro. Jeff Carroll’s message was entitled, “What’s Shaking Baby.” His scripture came from Hebrews 12:25-29. His scripture came from Hebrews 12:25-29. He said the things being shaken is the kingdom of this world, the thing that can’t be shaken is the word of God. Other text came from Ezekiel 17:38 and Isaiah 24:18.
Sunday evening, Bro. Heath Vines’ message was entitled “A Little That a Righteous Man Hath” from Psalm 37:16. A righteous person is in favor of God.
Remember, we have a website, Leave a message on the guestbook.
Next Sunday at 5 p.m., Donnie Sumner is going to be singing. He is the nephew of the late J.D. Sumner. We have seen him on the Gaither show on TV.
We welcome all our visitors and hope you will come again.
The youth are having a yard sale next Saturday at 7 a.m. at the church. For more information, call 646-2390.

Center Hill Baptist
Our choir opened the worship service with “We Will Lift Up The Name of the Lord.”
We were glad to welcome former minister of music and his wife, Clyde and Gloria Dutton, back to Center Hill. Bro. Clyde was filling in for his son, Dusty Dutton, our present minister of music.
Just as many local churches, we had special prayer for Donny Eslinger. Donny is a Jemison graduate that has been wounded in Afghanistan. Continue to remember Donny and his family in your prayers.
An old hymn begins with this line, “Trials dark on every hand, and we cannot understand.”
The theme of Bro. Jeff’s sermon was “ The Authority of Christ Over Trials.” As the song says, we don’t understand why trials come into our lives. If you are not in a trial or coming out of a trial, then you will probably be soon going into a trial. Trials are God’s way of taking us into another direction in our life.
As Peter walked on the stormy water, he took his eyes off of Jesus. Matthew tells us that “immediately” Jesus stretched out his hand. Remember that Jesus knows where you are, He shows up on time to calm you, and He (Jesus) will calm you before he calms the storm.
Jesus wants us to walk through our trials with our eyes on Him. While we may not understand, trials will make us stronger and help accomplish God’s purpose for our lives.
And so the last line of the hymn says, “We Will Understand It Better By and By.” Our service closed with a beautiful rendition of “Still.”
Ladies, don’t forget the baby shower for Shari (Majors) Burks on Sunday, Oct. 2 from 3-4 p.m. at the CHBC fellowship hall.
If you don’t have a church home, Center Hill is inviting you to worship with us next Sunday.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
These beautiful Sundays we have enjoyed for the past few weeks just serve to exemplify the goodness of our God. On this day of rest and worship he has given us milder, more spring-like temperatures, and now he is dressing the trees and the landscapes in their fall colors. More vivid colors are to follow as the temperatures drops, but the fields of goldenrod give us a preview of what is to follow.
Dr. Mac Stinson, who feeds our soul every Sunday with the dynamic words of scripture, called his sermon Sunday “Like-Minded With Christ,” based on Philippians 2:1-11 and 1 Corinthians 2:1-16. Both scriptures are based on the writings of the Apostle Paul. In the first instance, Paul is speaking to the people of Corinth, the first city of Greece in Paul’s day.
Paul was a humble, self-effacing man but claimed to speak the wisdom of God. In 1 Corinthians 1-2 and 5, Paul writes, “And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified: that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
Throughout his sermon, Dr. Stinson emphasized that being like-minded with Christ meant developing an attitude of humility; not a haughty attitude out of selfish ambition. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ.
Pray for our military, their families, our country, our church, church family members who are traveling, little Israel and her people, and for each other.
On Oct. 16, Dr. Mike Weldon, executive director of the Association of Independent Methodist, will be our guest and bring our morning worship service.
Have a blessed week.
Church of God’s Word
Bro. Ray opened with prayer, and we sang praise and worship songs.
Bro. Thurl Pearson brought the message, “Homecoming is a Celebration.”
When Paul and Silas were in jail, about midnight they began to sing and their chains were loosened, and the door swung open and they were set free.
When we begin to put on the garment of praise, then we will be set free.
Luke 23:29 talks about the repentant thief and how Jesus forgave him. There is a love God has for us that no one else has. He has the unconditional love. We need to have that same love. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the word that he gave his only begotten Son…”
The church had a wonderful time Sunday, and God moved in a mighty way. Bro. Randal and guests did a great job, and Bro. Jeff and Sis. Carolyn had an uplifting message. The church drama team put on some fantastic dramas.
God is God and is still blessing.
Pastor Ray thanked everyone for coming and invited them to come again. If you don’t have a home church to attend, we invite you to visit Church of God’s Word on County Road 7.

Friendship Baptist
Carl and Joan Headley brought our music Sunday morning. We are always so glad to have them.
Bro. Ken’s (Daniel) message was from Luke 10:25-37 and was titled, “The Key Ingredient.”
There was an occasion where a lawyer stood up to test Jesus. He asked what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus asked him, “What is written in the law?” He replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”
Jesus told him he answered correctly. Do this and you will live. We must go out and share the word of God. We must have this “key ingredient.”
Bro. Ken’s message for the evening service was from Mark 9:2-5, “A Good Place to Be.”
Happy birthday this week to Callie Wyatt, Alisha Headley Callhan, Fred Glover and Mary Martin.
Prayer requests: Robert Fuller family, Sherry Puckett, Tracy Stilwell, Joe Clipston, Sandra White, Betty Wilson, James Wilson, Huey Wilson, Anita Glover, Holly Shirley, Mildred Fuller, Donnie Eslinger, Tiffany Hughins, Logan Pledger, Lilliana Thompson, Kay and Irby Fanning, Jim Staggs and our search committee/choir director.
Upcoming events:
Oct. 1: Trip to visit the Amish culture in Etheridge, Tenn. We will be leaving the church at 6 a.m. See Regeana for more details.
Oct. 6-15: Seventh Chilton Baptist Association annual meeting from 8:30 a.m. until noon at Jemison First Baptist. Lunch will be served.

Lime Springs United Methodist
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 entitled, “The Value of a True Friend.” He reminded us that he had faced a disappointment this past week. Many people were quick to offer encouraging words and support. It reminded him of the importance of having a good friend who can celebrate with you the good times and be a shoulder to lean upon during the bad times. Truly the time and effort needed to develop and cultivate friendship is a great investment that will reap many rewards.
Using our scripture text, Bro. Shannon shared three of those rewards. First, a real friend helps you when you are down (verse 10). Second, a real friend provides emotional and physical warmth in a cold, cruel world (verse 11). Third, a real friend will have your back when being attacked (verse 12).
The problem is obvious: real friends are hard to find. If this is your case, consider the words of Proverbs 18:24: “But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” That friend is Jesus Christ.
Bro. Shannon closed the service by reminding us of two reasons Jesus Christ deserves to be our best friend. He knows us better than we know ourselves, and he has done more for us than anyone else has ever done (John 15:13).
Our evening Bible study continued a series on the Old Testament: a summary. We studied Ezekiel.

Jackson Chapel
Bro Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Just a Little Talk With Jesus” and “Heaven’s Jubilee.” Bro Dennis’ text came from 1 Peter 1:13-25 — We as Christians need to guard our minds and our hearts from Satan because Satan will put thoughts in our minds, and then we start to dwell on those things. If we’re not careful, it will eventually get us back in the world doing those sinful things.
God is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins, but we can’t ask Jesus to forgive us and know in the back of our minds that we’re going to turn around and do those same things that we’ve just asked forgiveness for.
The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro Gary Fant got our fourth Sunday night singing started off with “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms,” “O I Want to See Him” and “The Eastern Gate.” Bro Gary Fant blessed us with “Keep Marching,” Olivia Hughes sang “Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” and “Did I Mention,” Bro Dennis blessed us with “I’m Not The Man I Used To Be,” Bro Dennis and Wanda Chadwick blessed us with “They’re Holding Up The Ladder,” “No More Pain” and “I Hold a Clear Title,” Bro Dennis Smith, Wanda Chadwick and Glenn Riley blessed us with “I Will Trade This Old Cross For a Crown,” “In the Garden” and “I Saw the Light.”
Happy birthday this week to Kathy Waites.
Please remember these as you pray this week — Harold Sansom, Jean Mayfield, Jane Cain, Lurleen Varden, Faye Baker, our lost loved ones and our servicemen and women.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
God is so good! He blessed us with a great day in His house. Bro. Derrell brought another sermon in a sack to the children. His theme this week was the importance of having the correct tools for the job that is to be done and the importance of using them in the correct way. Just as a wise carpenter has the important tools to complete a job, we as Christians need to use our most important tool – the Bible – to complete the task of life.
Our morning service was opened with Lillie and Rebeka Jones singing “The Next Time that you see Me.” We were honored to have Ricky Cofer (one of our own) and Ollie Clyde Jones in our worship service on Sunday morning representing the Gideons. Bro. Ollie Clyde brought a very God inspired message based on John 4:4. He titled it “Living Waters.”
We want to urge everyone to mark their calendars for Oct. 16. The youth from our church will be having Spirit Day. They will be working at Zaxby’s from noon until 3 p.m. that day to raise money for an upcoming mission trip. We ask for your prayers and support of our Youth.
Saturday, Oct. 8 we will be having a prayer breakfast in the fellowship hall. We invite all church members to be a part of this special time. It will begin around 8 a.m. Those on our church’s prayer list this week are Cecil Franklin, Joan Rogers, Mary Dean Higgins, Johnny Scott, Mary Maudlin, Ruthie Jean Giles, Hershel Scott, Robert Childress, Minnie Childress, Elladene Mims, our military and our missionaries.
You are always welcome to worship with us at Mt. Carmel.

Mt. Springs
Services began Sunday, Sept. 25 with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Are you Washed in the Blood,” “He Set Me Free,” “Living By Faith” and “Keep on the Firing Line.” Bro. Rickey Bice’s devotion was taken from Psalms 112:1-6. If we truly praise God and follow his commandments, we will be blessed.
Bro. Don’s message was taken from 1 Corinthians 1:18. Christ is our power source. We as Christians need to maintain our connection with God or we will be corroded. Get cranked up for Jesus! The service ended with the hymn “Near the Cross.”
Sunday night was our end-of-the-month singing.
We would like to invite each of you to come and join our community revival. The Revival will be held Oct. 9-13. Beginning Oct. 5 there will be a community prayer service held at Cane Creek Baptist church at 7 p.m. The community revival will began on Sunday, Oct. 9 at Mt. Springs Independent Methodist Protestant Church at 6 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. O’Neal Cleckler. On Oct. 10, the revival will be held at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. Jerry Cleckler. Tuesday, Oct. 11 the revival will be held at Cane Creek Baptist Church at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. Gerald Stamps. Wednesday, Oct. 12 the revival will be held at New Hope Assembly of God Church at 7 p.m. The speaker will be Rev. Donald Vanderslice. The last night of the revival will be on Thursday, Oct. 13. Services will be held at Old Macedonia Baptist Church at 7 p.m. The Speaker will be the Rev. Austin Ball. We are looking for God to richly bless us through this revival.

Samaria Baptist
Sept. 25 had a hint of fall in the air. It was just an absolutely beautiful day to serve our Lord. Bro. Floyd Collins blessed our hearts with “’Til the Storm Passes By,” and our pastor, Bro. Charles, preached his sermon, “Bringing Forth Fruit to Maturity,” from Luke 8:4-15. The seed is the word of God, and all things come to pass because of Him.
The Bible is the true word of God; It has no errors, no mistakes and no faults. All scripture is given of God; divinely inspired. People in a state of unrest came to know they could rest in the Holy Word of God. Those who worship Alla are not worshipping a God who can answer prayers, provide needs and give peace, grace and joy. Killing in war is inevitable; but killing to achieve spiritual “heaven” is not the way Almighty God approves it to be.
God does not abide the worship of false gods, and doctrines. Seed sown on rocks cannot thrive and produce a harvest. Likewise, seed sown on a hard heart has difficulty producing spiritual fruit, but God can make it happen if we continue to sow. Only God can save, and He waits for us with patience. Lost people put off Jesus, and one day He may no longer knock at your heart’s door. Surrender to God’s power while you can.
Sunday evening’s message focused on How to have a happy marriage.
Prayers going out for Jeff Brasher; Horace and Gayle Cleckler; Ray and Phyllis Hardee, Ms. Fran Burrell; Walter and Drusilla Hudgins, and all our youth, firemen and policemen.
Our prayers are always sent to our military all over the world. Join us at Samaria. God bless.