Large number apply for absentee ballots

Published 7:16 pm Saturday, November 1, 2008

More than 1,100 people have obtained absentee ballots on which to vote in Tuesday’s General Election in Chilton County.

Linda Sherrill of the Chilton County Circuit Clerk’s office said Friday 1,133 absentee ballots were requested. Thursday was the deadline for requesting absentee ballots.

While the request for absentee ballots is higher than most elections, it is not a record number according to Sherrill. In 2000 she remembered 1,365 absentee ballots were requested.

Under emergency circumstances the right to vote an absentee ballot can be granted after the absentee deadline. “In cases where work or medical emergencies occur,” Sherrill said, “a person with written proof of the medical or work emergency can be allowed to vote an absentee ballot. But such requests are rare.”

– Mike Kelley can be reached at