Advertiser endorses candidates
Published 5:52 pm Friday, May 28, 2010
On Tuesday, voters will head to the polls to decide who will earn the Republican and Democratic nominations in several statewide and local races.
This primary and the general election that follows in November are vastly important to the future of our state and county. We encourage everyone to voice your opinion and exercise your right to vote.
With that in mind, we would like to offer our endorsements for several statewide offices.
For governor, we like Bradley Byrne in the crowded Republican primary. Byrne has an impressive track record of ethics reform. His leadership as chancellor of Alabama’s two-year college system reformed an institution that was plagued with favoritism and other forms of corruption. His time on the State Board of Education further prepares him to improve education in Alabama.
As for the Democrats, we prefer Artur Davis, who has represented his district and our state well in the U.S. House of Representatives. Davis has shown himself to be an independent thinker, who casts decisions based on what’s best for Alabama. He has focused most of his campaign on the economy, jobs and schools, all areas the state can make great strides in under a strong leader like Davis.
For lieutenant governor, we endorse Hank Erwin. The local state senator has by far more experience working with the Legislature, which is the lieutenant governor’s primary job, than either Kay Ivey or Gene Ponder. Erwin has also pledged to strengthen ethics laws and have solid transparency in government.
On the national level, both Republican Rep. Spencer Bachus and Republican Sen. Richard Shelby have represented the state well and deserve additional terms in Washington.
For attorney general, we much prefer Luther Strange as the Republican nominee over incumbent Troy King. Strange has promised to restore integrity to the office and work with—not against—local law enforcement and district attorneys. Three lesser known Democrats seek their nomination, and we pick former federal prosecutor Michel Nicrosi.
We make no endorsement in the state treasurer, Alabama Supreme Court, agriculture commissioner or public service commission races because we are less familiar with those candidates.