Auditor: Clanton’s in ‘great’ financial shape
Published 11:04 pm Monday, January 26, 2009
Auditor Janice Hull told the Clanton City Council last night the city is in good financial condition.
Giving her annual audit report to the council, Hull said, “The city is in great shape.”
She said the city currently has $7.3 million is city department assets and another $12 million in Water and Sewer Board assets. In the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2008, the city posted profits in both services departments in the general funds and in the Water and Sewer department.
The council passed a motion to accept the audit as presented.
In other business, the council approved rules and regulations for the use of City Park. The rules set the charges for the use of fields at the park as well as the responsibilities of those who schedule events at the park.
The council approved a motion to send city clerk Debbie Orange to a training and certification meeting in Tuscaloosa in February. It also asked Clanton’s Fire Department personnel to begin the process of having Insurance Services Office (ISO) to determine how the city can reduce its ISO rating. Currently the city has an ISO rating of 6.
The council also approved a motion on a 4-1 vote to continue a plan under the Urban Forestry program that will keep trees in the city catalogued as to their condition and any work done of specific catalogued trees.
Council member Jeff Price voted against the city contracting with Green South to provide services under the program. He explained he was concerned that the city’s beautification department employees and members of the City Tree Commission could do the work necessary to keep the tree inventory data up to date. He said the information must be kept in good order for the plan to be of use to the city.
The city was awarded a matching fund grant to continue to program began in 2006. The city’s share of the matching fund is $6,000.