Column: Grace, Grace, Amazing Grace!

Published 12:16 pm Monday, August 5, 2024

Getting your Trinity Audio player ready...

By April J. Buchanan | Religion Columnist

As I neared the end of my long journey of bad theology, I became increasingly aware of my sins. I had exhaustively pursued experiences, or an extra-biblical word to assure that God sees, hears or loves me. My eyes were being opened to my bad theology which also tested my assurance.

I believed that I could lose my salvation. Overwhelmed with increasing knowledge of my sin, I sat in a parking lot and called the only person I knew to call. She responded only with, “Grace, Grace”.

It sounded wonderful but I knew God’s grace had saved me, what I struggled with was assurance.

I parroted those words as if saying them aloud would make the inner turmoil subside. It didn’t. It grew.

I couldn’t settle my weary mind – my thoughts assailed me. Was it true we could lose our salvation? If so, how? What is the last straw to which God says, “Away with you! I’ve done all I can to try to save you and you won’t let Me”? Was God merely “trying” to save me? Is it true that God alone saves me but I can rend myself from His Mighty Hand?

I wearied of my thoughts and found no solace in those who burdened my mind with what I must do to hold on. I felt the frailty of my grip as it seemed to slip under the weight of my sins.

I prayed for comfort, for peace. I prayed for God to forgive my sins.

I couldn’t find comfort in seeking comfort. I couldn’t find peace in (false practices) decreeing, declaring or rebuking the enemy. I couldn’t find assurance; did it exist or was it always just outside my reach?

I opened my Bible searching for truth. What does God’s Word say? Does it say I can lose my salvation? Is God’s grace sufficient: if so, sufficient for what?

I began in Romans. I felt the weight of my sins again. And then I read Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.”

This was the beginning of testing all my beliefs according to God’s Word. The more I unlearned bad theology and learned the truth of Who God Is, I found assurance in Him and the more I saw the glory of God in salvation revealed all through Scripture.

Many affirm that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone but do not have a Biblical understanding of the Trinity in salvation and sanctification. This leads to errant beliefs and practices as well as heresies.

Biblical ignorance plagues the church.

Many sit under man-centered teaching. The sacred desk becomes a platform for CEO-style preachers, motivational speeches, gimmicks, extra-biblical revelation, stories exalting man, narcigesis and where God becomes a means for our greatness.

The Glory of the Triune God is inescapable in true Expositional Preaching.

“People are starving for the greatness of God.” ~ John Piper

Grace and Peace

Soli Deo Gloria