Column: Remember God

Published 12:48 pm Monday, July 22, 2024

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By April J. Buchanan | Religion Columnist

Charles Spurgeon once said, “When you go through a trial, the sovereignty of God is the pillow upon which you lay your head.”

Much is said of God’s love as it well should be and much of His grace for which we should rightly ascribe Him praise. Oh but what of the immutability of God? Or the Aseity of God? Have you ever studied The Attributes of God?

There are faithful teachers of the Word who have taught and written much on the Attributes of God. There are faithful pastors who exposit the Word that calls our attention to behold the glory of God.

The more we study who God is as He has revealed Himself, the more sound theology informs our doxology. Worship is not something that can be whipped into someone or whipped up in us. We may perform out of duty or stir ourselves into an emotional frenzy with the help of repetitive man-centered songs, but neither of these are true worship. The truth of who God is does not change; emotional experiences are fleeting.

“High theology produces high doxology.” – Steve Lawson

How can we who are born again meditate upon such wonderous truths of who God is and worship not be our response? When worry would enter our mind, it is not by unbiblical prayers of declarations or decrees, or speaking positive words that we are truly comforted but it as we Remember God.

“There is no attribute of God more comforting to His children than the doctrine of Divine Sovereignty. Under the most adverse circumstances, in the most severe troubles, they believe that Sovereignty hath ordained their afflictions, that Sovereignty overrules

them, and that Sovereignty will sanctify them all.” – Charles H. Spurgeon

“Absolute sovereignty is what I love to ascribe to God. God’s sovereignty has ever appeared to me a great part of his glory. It has often been my delight to approach God, and adore him as a sovereign God.” – Jonathan Edwards

What assurance, what hope, what peace, what joy as I think upon the absolute sovereignty of God. What purpose would there be to pray if God is not sovereign? What assurance could there be for whatever should be tomorrow if God is not sovereign? But He is! He is!

And what then when I am reminded of how I have sinned against God? If He is not immutable then can I trust His grace is sufficient? His grace is sufficient!

What confidence could we have if God were love and not just or if God were not self-sufficient and dependent on us?

Is what we believe about God informed by a correct study of His Word, or our own imaginations or subjective experiences? Who is God? It matters what we believe about God. We live what we believe. Are we praising God for who He has revealed Himself to be?

Grace and Peace

Soli Deo Gloria