Thorsby one step closer to railroad crossbars
Published 9:34 am Tuesday, May 4, 2010
By Scott Mims
The town of Thorsby is one step closer to getting crossbars installed on all railroad crossings located within corporate limits.
The town council Monday night entered into an agreement with CSX and the Alabama Department of Transportation to maintain pavement markings and signs on all approaches to railroad crossings at Baggett Road, Jones Street, Franklin Street and the crossing near County Road 71.
Mayor Dearl Hilyer said the town would not be responsible for maintaining the crossbars themselves; only the reflective markings and signage.
“From talking with ALDOT, this is all we needed to do, and they’re supposed to get started very soon,” Hilyer said.
Crossbars are already installed at the Concordia Street crossing. Once the agreement is fulfilled, every crossing in Thorsby will have traffic caution signals, Hilyer said.
Over the years, several fatal accidents have occurred at crossings in and around Thorsby. Several years ago, the town installed speed bumps at some of the crossings to make up for the lack of crossbars and signals.
Monday night, the council voted to use some of the speed bumps on the entrance road to Sam Bentley Park.
Also, the railroad crossing near County Road 71 will be moved a few feet north in order to give traffic direct access from 71 across to the Chilton County Solid Waste Transfer Station entrance road.
In other business, the council:
•Announced that a community event has been planned for the National Day of Prayer on Thursday, May 6 at Helen Jenkins Chapel beginning at 9 a.m.
•Approved a proclamation declaring May 14 as School Hand Hygiene Day
•Agreed to continue its franchise agreement with Charter Communications
•Voted to continue its lease agreement with CRH, lowing the monthly rent from $4,000 to $3,500.