Church news for Thursday, June 9, 2011

Published 5:36 pm Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson started a series that will focus on a biblical view of the Church.
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from 1 Samuel 13:8-14 entitled, “Is God Bored With Our Worship?” Bro. Shannon reminded us of how King Saul had been in the will of God during his first year as king but then started falling apart. His decline began when he took it upon himself to offer his own sacrifice, which was against the way God desired his people to worship. It should have been done by a priest. It continued with disobedience in the capture of Amalek’s king and prize livestock. The end result was a rejection by God, even when he asked Samuel to go with him to worship.
Bro. Shannon reminded us many people are bored with church, and although many reasons are given, it often comes back to worshiping God in a manner not pleasing to God.
Jesus reminded the woman at the Well of Jacob that true worship is in spirit and truth. This means our worship must be led by the Holy Spirit and in compliance with God’s holy word. Failure to do so may create complainers, wanderers (those who can’t pay attention in church) and hypocrites within the church. This can cause God to be bored with our worship, which can lead to rejection by God.
We need to stop complaining, stay focused during church and not pretend to be holier than thou. The end result will be a worship experience founded in spirit and in truth, and full acceptance by God.
Our evening Bible study began a series on the Old Testament; a summary.
Happy anniversary to Jerry and Judy Popwell.
We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information, please call 755-6356.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
We had a great time in God’s house, worshipping together. We were truly blessed by so many visitors this Sunday. We were glad to have all of them as we honored all our graduates.
Bro. Derrell’s message was entitled, “But Continue Thou” and came from 2 Timothy 3:14. Paul was carefully writing instructions to Timothy. Our pastor was carefully giving instructions to our graduates today.
“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them.”
Our list of graduates were:
Kindergarten: Channah Cleckley, Isaiah Owens, Elijah Warren, Katelyn Moats, Olivia Childress, Lane Harmon, Jaycie Mandrell, Mesha and Tori Mims.
High school: Alissa Higgins, Bryant Robinson and Jacob Williams.
College: Chad Foshee, Geoffrey Lockhart and Landon Lowery.
A Bible was presented to each one with a prayer card enclosed. Lunch was served after the worship service.
Vacation Bible School began Sunday night, June 5, at 5. Remember to pray for all the boys and girls as they have learned about the Bible and Jesus this week. Times are 1-4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Commencement will be June 12 at 5 p.m.
Youth VBS will be held at Brierfield Park on June 10-12. Remember to pray for these young people and their teachers and directors. For their mission project, they will prepare two care packages for soldiers.
We are proud of our softball team. Come out and support them Thursday night at 7:30 at Field 4, and Monday night, June 13 at 6:30 at Field 4.
Will you continue to help us pray for the sick ones on our prayer list, especially for the lost ones?
Come join us in worship anytime. You are always welcome.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
Dr. Mac Stinson’s sermon Sunday was entitled, “Prayer.” He took his scripture from Acts 1:12-14.
This scripture deals with the acts of the Apostles and others following the Ascension of Christ into heaven. Here beginning with Acts 1:12, we are told that the Apostles turn to prayer: “Then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is from Jerusalem a Sabbath day’s journey.”
But the Apostles are not the only ones who witnessed the Ascension of Christ before returning to the upper room. Verses 1:13-14 name the Apostles who were there as well as Mary, the mother of Jesus, the brothers of Jesus and an unidentified number of women. If we read a bit further, we find that the number of unidentified people in the upper room was about 120. The upper room as we see it today it not your average family-size room. I think 120 people could easily meet there without too much discomfort.
This day must have been a brief but happy departure from the norm in the life of Mary. We don’t read of too many other days of joy in the life of this mother. Only hours before, only a few short days have passed since she witnessed the death of her son on a cruel cross on Mount Calvary. Now as she is among friends, having seen Jesus ascend into heaven to his heavenly Father, it must have been a sweet and poignant moment for Mary.
We all need to pray mightily for little Israel. God has promised that he will always protect and defend Israel and those who stand by Israel. God has always kept his promises.
Our prayer list for this week includes Dr. Stinson, Everette and Robbie Bagby, Wilma Ellison, Dell Moody, Paul Dean, Roy Lauter, Jim Hosey, Janice Cleckler, Beulah Camp, our military and our church family.
Our Wednesday night Bible study will not meet during the month of June but will resume meeting in July.
Our Sunday night worship service at 5 p.m. continues “That the World May Know,” a journey through the Bible lands conducted by a Bible scholar is both interesting and informative. If you have never visited Israel, this program will teach you a great deal about what you are missing. If you have already visited the Holy Land, I promise that you will glean new information from this study. We invite you to join us.
Ladies of CIMC have resumed their once-a-month dinner meetings. Last Tuesday got us off to a good start.
We welcome our visitors this week, and we hope you will come again.
Have a blessed week.

Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with singing “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know,” “Rise Up and Praise Him,” “Come Christians Join to Sing,” “I’d Rather Have Jesus” and “We Are an Offering.” Special music by the Celebration Choir was “In the Cross Alone I Glory.”
Bro. Brad’s morning message, “Hand Me Another Rock,” was from Nehemiah 2:11-18.
Wednesday night is prayer meeting and children’s choir practice. They were precious this week and very good, singing about God and Jesus’ ministry. Thanks to our leaders.
Happy birthday to Amanda Arnold, Don Knight, Randy Sims, Jordan Rohrbough, David Stange, Delaney Davis, Noah Abbott, Bud Pike and Mikavli Glasscock. Happy anniversary to Roger and Charlene (31 years), Blake and Emily Edwards (10 years), Bud and Pat Pike (45 years), David and Brandy Cleckler (14 years) and Kurt and Leisa Lemike (20 years).
Pray this week for VBS teachers and children, Marie Smith, James Moore, Charles Bryant, Elza Enriquer, Dylan Collum, Hunter Moore, Austin Chandler, Betty McGee, April Bazzell, Chris and Sonja Cox, Jim Beck, Mandy Mims, Pete and Karl Burnett, James Pettie, William Thomas, baby Jacob Helms, Lula Spigner, Hazel Boswell, storm victims, missionaries and families who have lost loved ones.
We hope you joined VBS this week and had a “Big Apple Adventure.” Join us Friday night for VBS family night at 6.
Bring your baby bottles back on Father’s Day to donate to Care Net.
Come worship with us on Sunday and get connected.

Jackson Chapel
Bro Gary Fant got our homecoming 2011 started off with “Heaven’s Jubilee,” “I Feel Like Traveling On” and “When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder.”  Bro Dennis Smith, Angel Bavar and Wanda Chadwick blessed us with “What a Beautiful Day for the Lord To Come Again,” “Streets of Gold” and “One Day I Will,” and this was a blessing to everyone present.  Bro Gary Fant also blessed us with “Homecoming Day” and “Family Tree” and following all the good singing, Bro Dennis’ text came from Hebrews 6:1-8.
Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone that we should build our lives upon. Our spiritual lives are like building a house.  We have to form a good foundation and build our Christian lives on that foundation.  We as Christians need to dedicate our lives to Jesus Christ, and if we will do that, he will bless us more than we could ever imagine.  We as Christians need to make sure that we have our house built upon the solid rock of Jesus Christ so that when Satan tries to attack us he can’t get in and destroy it.
Happy birthday to Jessica Wilson. Happy anniversary to Chris and Misty Burnett.
We would like to congratulate Rena Burnett and Cory Fleming as they were united in holy matrimony on Saturday, June 4, and we pray that God would give them many happy years of wedded bliss together.
We were blessed in the afternoon service to have Bro Ernie Dawson and Heirline with us. If you missed this good singing you really missed a blessing, and if you have never heard this anointed group you are missing out on some of the greatest blessings God has to offer.
Please remember these as you pray this week — Vince Moore, Gwen Reynolds, the Bernie Mullins family, Dylan Cleckler, Derek Gray, Guy Gray, Janie Smitherman, Donnie and Dianne Davidson, Margie Baker, our lost loved ones and our servicemen and women.

Mars Hill Baptist Church
What a wonderful day to serve and praise the Lord. The choir gave us “Mansion Over the Hilltop.” Have you ever tried to envision what your mansion in heaven would be like? Whatever it will be like it will be perfect because Jesus will be there.
The sermon for the day came from Numbers 32:20 and Bro. Terry asked the question, “Can we sin and get away with it?” Sin will damage our fellowship with God and each other, and sin keeps our prayers from being answered.
June is Teddy Bear Month at Mars Hill. We are collecting teddy bears to be given to our fire and rescue groups. A child in a crisis situation needs something to hold onto so please bring a teddy bear for this worthy cause.
On June 16 the WMU will have a girls night out and will be going out to eat. All ladies are urged to attend.
Vacation Bible School will start June 26, please start bringing supplies to the church fellowship hall. They need soft drinks, chips and cookies for the children.
Do you belong to Him? If you have come to trust in the saving work of Jesus Christ then you do. Those who belong to God need not fear, for He is with them. Even in our darkest hour He remains faithful and His promises are true.
Come visit us at Mars Hill, you are always welcome.

Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church
Ascension Sunday brought us the assurance that Jesus is still with us, even in the dark times, as Bro. Glenn preached the sermon “First the Dark…then the Light,” based on the creation story.  We also celebrated Holy Communion.
Our Vacation Bible School starts this Saturday with registration from 2 to 5 p.m. and runs from June 13-17, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. daily.  Join us on “Main Street.”
Our Annual Conference was held in Montgomery from June 5-8.
Thanks to all who volunteered for the Habitat for Humanity project in Clanton.  We will have a team working this Saturday beginning at 7:45 a.m.
On Tuesday, June 28, Mt. Pisgah was be the site of an organizational meeting to begin a local Christian community theatre group.  We will need actors as well as behind the scenes workers.  If you missed your call to Hollywood, come be a part of our group!  We’ll meet at 7 p.m.
For more information on these events, call the pastor, Bro. Glenn, at 334-349-5422 or Sis. Teresa at 334-349-5725. You can also follow activities at

Bethany Baptist Church
Bro. Steve’s sermon was on Christ’s Ascension (Acts 1:1-11).  Christ returned to His Father in heaven. There was a remarkable effect on the disciples who witnessed Christ’s Ascension.  They had the joy, encouragement, and assurance (and the presence of the promised Holy Spirit) they needed to do the work God had for them to do. Thank God that we also have the same promises, for the knowledge that Jesus is in heaven making intercession for us, and that He will return for us at any time.  Let’s be ready.
Sunday night the choir sang “In Remembrance Of Me” prior to Bro. Steve’s sermon on from 1 Corinthians 11 and our observance of the Lord’s Supper.  The local churches are commanded to observe the Lord’s Supper prayerfully and honestly — expectantly awaiting His return.
Upcoming events: Mission Development Meeting at Bethany June 11; Missionary Danny Jones and family from Thailand, morning service June 19.
Happy anniversary to Larry and Barbara Miller (June 3).  Happy birthday to Jean Gray (June 4), Elwyn Robinson (June 16), Chris Knight (June 28) and Ellen Gray (June 29).
Prayer list:  James Bixler, Lillian Burkhalter, Ashley Friday, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ernestine Hatch, our servicemen and women, Larry Miller, our missionaries, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Jesse Wallace.
See you Sunday!

Cedar Grove
Protestant Church
What a wonderful day we had in church Sunday; both services were spectacular including the Sunday School lesson.
Brother Steve Price led the congregation in “This World is Not My Home” and Brother David Bullard dismissed us into our Sunday School classes.
The Methodist-Protestant yearly Conference was held here at Cedar Grove this past week. A good time was enjoyed by all. After all business was taken care of, we had good sermons, good fellowship and good food; in fact, it is already planned to be here next year.
Happy birthday to Sabrina Wood, Shaina Muir and Jean Varden.
We welcome our visitors. We were lad to have Doris Rhodes, her friends Beverly and Jennefer, and also Chris Wyatt. We have missed him. We hope all enjoyed the service and will come worship with us again.
We had several good congregation songs, and the choir blessed us with good singing. Brother Jim Lowery sang “Come Morning” and did a good job.
Brother Jeff Carroll brought a good message entitled “Parables of the Kingdom” taken from Matthew 13:24-36-43. He said we will hear the rest of the story next week.
Brother Alton Russell blessed us by singing “I Could Still Go Free” for the invitation song.
Please remember everyone on our prayer list; God knows who they are; some are very ill and some have family problems. Also remember the tornado victims as they have a long way to go.
The evening service began by singing “Living by Faith,” and the choir sang several more songs. Sister Amelia Hubbard sang “How Great is Our God.”
Brother Heath Vines preached a wonderful sermon about deception, how many different ways you can be deceived by false prophets, power and influence, sin and etc.
Brother Alton Russell sang “The Sun’s Coming Up in the Morning” for the song of invitation. The altar filled.
It was good to see Brother Stoney and Sister Debbie Barbee this weekend. Brother Stoney can play a harmonica better than anyone (in my opinion). He has an instrumental CD called “Keys and Reeds”; Scott Roberts and Stoney are the only ones on it. It is wonderful.
If you are looking for a home church, come to Cedar Grove; we would love to have you. We are growing by leaps and bounds but we still need more.
We are located three miles south of Thorsby just off County Road 37 next to Brother Harold Garrison’s farm.
Service begins at 9:45 a.m. for Sunday School, 11 a.m. for worship, 5:30 p.m. for evening service and 7 p.m. Wednesday. We are studying the book of Daniel.
For more information, call 646-2390.

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
After a beautiful prelude by Sara McPherson and Joan McGriff, our call to worship was “Awesome God” and hymn of celebration was “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks I Stand.”
Our pastor, Tony Hughes, announced that this month’s theme will be “Peace and Justice.”
Diane Handley reminded the children as they gathered that in sports, as we raise our finger as we score, we celebrate for the team and not for one player. Jesus said, “Love thy neighbor.”
We read 1 Peter 5:6-11, and Beth Hughes led the Affirmation of Faith.
Announcements were given by Jerry Tippett. They are as follows:
Softball is Thursday, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. on Field 5; music classes with Lisa will start next week and continues for the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 4 p.m.; a church-wide pool party will be held Saturday, June 18 at the home of Tony Jr. and Jeanette (more info later!).
Also, there will be a bridal tea Sunday, June 26 for Laura Handley from 2-4 p.m. by the ladies of the church. On that day is the 50th wedding anniversary of Mary Joyce and Jerry Gilliland from 2-4 p.m.
Sharing joys and concerns: Remember Debra Florea in outpatient in Montgomery on Thursday, and remember Jimmy Jones. The Bates babies are coming home! After mom’s encouragement, Ben Handley said, “I have a fiancé!” Prayers are requested for our friend Gene Gilliland; maybe his problem is not as bad as they first thought. Lavada’s doctor changed her room and altered and dropped some medicine, thank you for prayers!
Jerry Tippett had such a heartwarming testimony. Back when Jerry had cancer surgery, he and his surgeon became close friends. Of course, Jerry found him to be a strong Christian and he helped Nina and the family. This past week, Jerry’s job sent him to Birmingham to deliver or pick up a car, and not until he got there did he find out that it was Dr. Renniker’s (his friend’s) car! He talked to his friend to learn that he was to have heart surgery in a couple of days. Wow! And as Jerry said, “Now I can help him with prayers.” Me too.
The message was from John 14:27: “Peace I leave you; my peace I give you. I do not give it to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” This is God’s peace. Romans 8:5: “Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” And Romans 14:17: “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.”
What marks you and your lifestyle?  Which peace do you have, the world’s peace or God’s peace?

Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
We hope you have been enjoying the Kids Crusade at Mt. Pleasant Church this week and also have your calendar marked to join us at Rocky Mount on June 13-17 for the Kids Crusade.  The fun begins at Rocky Mount at 6:30, but please call the church office at 688-2204 if you have any questions.
We all get so frustrated at all the hurry up and wait that we endure in this day and age of busy schedules.  We want everything and we want it now.  We want “instant signs” and “instant cash,” etc.  “While you wait” has become a very tempting phrase.  While we want all this instant gratification, we’ve found we still have to wait.  You’ve probably heard all your life that “Good things come to those who wait.”   The same is true as we wait and watch for Jesus Christ to return.  We go through Advent (a first gift) as we wait for the birth of Christ.  We go through Lent (a second gift) as we wait for the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ.  Now we go through Pentecost (a third gift, celebrated 50 days after Easter). Ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the 12 apostles, Jesus’ mother and family, and many other of His disciples gathered together in Jerusalem for the Jewish harvest festival that was celebrated on the fiftieth day after Passover.  While they were indoors praying, a sound like that of a rushing wind filled the house and tongues of fire descended and rested over each of their heads.  This was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on human flesh promised by God through the prophet Joel.  The disciples were suddenly moved to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ.  They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching to the crowds gathered for the festival.  Not only did the disciples preach powerfully, but by a miracle of the Holy Spirit they spoke in the native languages of the people present.  This created a sensation.  The apostle Peter seized the moment and addressed the crowd, preaching to them about Jesus’ death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.  The result was that about three thousand converts were baptized that day.
This precious gift of faith in the saving work of our Lord Jesus Christ is the reason Pentecost is the third “mega-festival” of the church and why we celebrate it with such joy and thanksgiving.
Something good comes to those who wait and are prepared.

Baptist Church
At Calvary Independent Baptist Church, this Sunday’s morning worship service concluded with a message about salvation, a message of hope and life. We all know how short life can be and when tragedy strikes in our communities and in our families. We can find hope and comfort in the promises of our eternal God and savior Jesus Christ.
If you do not have a church family or just want to come visit and fellowship with us, we welcome you to come be a part of our service. Sunday School is at 9 a.m. , Junior Church and morning worship services begin at 10 a.m. with Bro. Rick Hatchett, pastor, and Bro. Kevin Shaw, youth pastor.
Sunday evening services at 5:30 p.m. are continuing through the book of Revelation with Associate Pastor Bro. Oscar Mims. Wednesday Night Services begins at 6:30 p.m.
We are located in south Clanton just past Dollar General right on Fulmer Drive.
Please pray for our outreach ministries, our bus ministries and children’s ministries that we can be the bold witness for Christ that we need to be.