MHS seeking delicious recipes
Published 11:41 am Tuesday, January 22, 2019
By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer
Maplesville High School is looking for favorite family recipes for an upcoming cookbook fundraiser.
Dena Jones, who is coordinating the project, said the school compiled a cookbook in 2008, and it was a success.
“I still hear from people how much they have enjoyed using the cookbook, and I use mine on a regular basis,” Jones said. “There are some very good recipes in that first cookbook, and I have no doubt the new one will be just as good. We decided to do a new cookbook because it had been long enough since the original one to generate new interest, and because we needed a good fundraiser for the school’s general fund.”
The school’s general fund is used for expenses for the entire school. Jones said one of the largest expenses at this time is copiers.
“This fundraiser will be a big help for that purpose,” Jones said.
Students in seventh to 12th grade are contributing and gathering recipes from parents and grandparents for inclusion.
“We would love for MHS graduates and any community members to contribute,” Jones said.
Elementary students are also invited to participate with a parent’s name on the recipe.
“Recipes can be sent to the child’s teacher, dropped off in the office or emailed to,” Jones said. “Contributors should include their names and a phone number in case there are questions regarding a recipe.”
The recipe will include the following categories: appetizers and beverages, soups and salads, vegetables and sides, main dishes, breads, desserts and miscellaneous.
There is also discussion about having a tailgating section in the cookbook.
“Our school is known for tailgating before football games, and so we are also asking for tailgating recipes,” Jones said. “If we receive enough of these type recipes they will be included in a separate ‘tailgating’ section in the cookbook, but if not they will be either in the ‘miscellaneous’ section or the ‘appetizers and beverages’ section.”
All recipes must be submitted by Feb. 8. If mailing or dropping off, getting the recipe to the school earlier is encouraged to allow time for the recipe to be typed up.
“The cookbooks should be ready in plenty of time for Mother’s Day gift-giving,” Jones said.
An exact cost for the product is still being decided, but Jones estimated it would be $10 to $15.
Once the selling portion starts, order forms will be available in the MHS office during regular school hours or by emailing