Thorsby girls play complete game

Published 3:37 pm Monday, January 22, 2018

Thorsby girls basketball played its most complete game this season during a 47-22 area victory over Verbena on Jan. 19.

The Rebels’ home crowd was treated to a lockdown defensive performance, which included frustrating Verbena’s top two scorers all night long.

JaNiya White finished with 11 points, while Jasmyn White mustered only one point in the game. It was an uncharacteristic night for both players who finished well below their season averages.

“We made a concerted effort to not let them [JaNiya and Jasmyn White] beat us,” Thorsby head coach Kris Wood said. “They are so fast that if they get the ball and go, you can’t stop them.”

Eight Thorsby players scored points in the game, led by freshman Carlee Wyatt with a game-high 14 points.

“Very unselfish offensively,” Wood said. “They don’t really care who scores.”

The Rebels knocked down six three-pointers, including two each by Wyatt and Hannah Smith.

“I’ve definitely improved on my three-point shot, and I only hope to get better in the next few years,” Wyatt said.

Emily Jones added eight points around the rim, all in the first half, as Thorsby had opened up a commanding 28-9 lead at halftime.

“We were fortunate that a lot of our shots went down early and it got us into a rhythm,” Wood said. “We’ve struggled offensively all year, but tonight got everyone’s confidence up.”

The Rebels’ win snapped a seven game losing streak.

“We have a lot of potential, and we play well as a team considering how young we are,” Wyatt said. “This helps us see that we’re better than those loses and we can beat anybody on our schedule if we play to our full potential.”