Halloween Safety Tips

Published 11:09 am Tuesday, October 18, 2016


Halloween is a fun time for many to venture out and celebrate the thrill of a good scare. However, being spooked and being in real danger are very different things.

It is important to provide a safe environment for children to enjoy Halloween festivities. Many churches in the area have trunk-or-treats as an alternative to the traditional door-to-door candy hunting. Some neighborhoods prefer the traditional trick-or-treating and encourage homeowners to participate in an organized way.

Whatever your preferred method, as trick-or-treaters take the streets there are many steps that can be taken to ensure all the little ghouls and goblins get home safe.

The American Academy of Pediatrics has created a list of guidelines for making this year’s Halloween safe.

The AAP suggests wearing bright costumes or adding reflective tape if your youngsters will be crossing streets. Make sure any props are not too sharp and will not cause your child to trip and fall.

Parents should review with their children how to call 911 if there is an emergency while trick-or-treating, or if they get lost. A responsible adult should always accompany children, and flashlights are recommended in case they must walk through a dimly lit area.

Children should be reminded to never enter a home or car for a treat, and to only approach homes with a porch light on.

If your older children are going out without a parent, make sure they stay in a group and communicate with you where they will be. Remind them not to assume the right of way when crossing the street, and to contact the police if they see anything suspicious.

Once the candy has been collected, parents are encouraged to sort and check treats. Though tampering is rare, a responsible adult should closely examine all treats and throw away any spoiled, unwrapped or suspicious items, according to the AAP website.

To see an extensive list of Halloween Safety tips, use the shortened link bit.ly/2bpfebz to go to the AAP website.