Driver proclaims Family Day in Clanton
Published 3:44 pm Thursday, September 22, 2016
The Alabama Family Rights Association and the Exchange Club of Shelby County are partnering to encourage the state of Alabama to participate in this year’s “Family Day” by planning an activity or event in each community.
Clanton is doing its part to support the cause, as Mayor Billy Joe Driver proclaimed Monday as “Family Day” throughout the city.
Family Day is a national movement to celebrate parental engagement as an effective tool to help keep America’s children substance-free.
Families are the cornerstone of an orderly society, but over the last several decades, Alabama families have grown progressively weaker, according to a press release.
Family Day has evolved and expanded to reflect the importance of connecting with children throughout the day and making a concentrated effort to implement programs that stress the importance of a child’s needs and the importance of interacting together as a family.
According to scientific studies, when both parents are actively involved in a child’s life, the outcome is measurably improved.
Children spending significant time with their parents and family members decreases the chances of youth suicides, school dropouts, juvenile drug abuse, teen pregnancies, and incarceration. Research shows that children with hands-on parents are far less likely to exhibit risky and disruptive behavioral problems.
This is an important local and national initiative to remind parents, communities, and leaders that a child whose parents are not engaged and involved in their upbringing and care is a child “at risk.”
Show your support for children and family on Monday.
The Alabama Family Rights Association asks families to eat a meal or make plans to spend time together as part of the “Family Day” activities.
Ideas include organizing a block party in your community, hosting a potluck at church, playing games that include the family, eating dinner as a family and using conversation starters or attending movie night at the park.
This will remind everyone of the precious nature of childhood and our responsibility as adults to protect and encourage our children.
Families are encouraged to take a photo or video with everyone enjoying time together, and post it on social media channels using #MyFamilySelfie and #FamilyDayAL16.