Church news for the week of June 16, 2016
Published 5:00 pm Friday, July 1, 2016
New Salem Baptist Church
Our 11 a.m. service opened with the adult choir singing “There’s something about that name.” The congregation then sang “Heavenly Sunlight.” The adult choir sang, “In loving kindness Jesus came”. Brother Reeser made the announcements and read the prayer requests. One birthday was acknowledged, Mr. James Collins. Special music was by Matt Turner.
Brother Reeser’s text was from Psalms 13, and his theme was “Sorrow doesn’t have to linger.” David asked, “How long will you hide your face from me?” Then concluded, God is with us every way. God carries us in our times of trouble. Just as the poem of the foot prints in the sand, when we are unable to carry on, God carries us. He proved who he was by raising Lazarus from the dead. When we put our trust in Him we can take comfort in the fact that he will comfort us in our time of trouble. As Psalm 46 tells us, “Be still and know that I am God.” As David wrote in Psalm 23, “He leads me in the path of righteousness for his names sake.” If we follow Him we will be led in the right direction.
Sunday evening was the regular monthly business meeting. Vacation Bible School will be July 11-15. New Salem Baptist Church extends a cordial welcome to all to worship with us: Sunday Morning 10:00 AM Sunday school; 11 a.m. worship; 5:00 PM Evening worship service; Wednesday 6:00 PM Bible study and prayer meeting. We will begin a new study this week about the 12 Disciples of Christ. You are invited to join with us at any of our services and if you need additional information call 205-389-1102.
Submitted by Lucille Price Pierce
Cedar Grove News
Announcements: Upcoming events: Radio Revival 07/16/2016, coming to you live by our very own local Radio Station WKLF at Goose Pond Park in Clanton. There will be free food and drinks and there will be preaching from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. Pastors from surrounding churches will be bringing the Gospel. We look forward to seeing you there.
Prayer concerns: Our pastors, church family, our nation, those in hospitals and nursing homes, spoken and unspoken request.
Pastor Jeff Carroll’s text was from Genesis 2:7, titled “Holy Ghost”.
Folks we are nothing but dust, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul. We do not realize how precious the breath of life is to us. We are on a journey that began with our Salvation to Sanctification. This is not our home brothers and sisters,” Jesus breathed on them and said to them “Receive ye The Holy Ghost.” There is a difference in the spirit of man’s life than the Holy Ghost. We as God’s people need to get back to totally relying on the Holy Ghost power of Jesus Christ, power of Jesus Christ, Power from on high. God will do things at different times and ways but he wants us to wait on him.
The power of the Holy Ghost. The Israelites that God protected and took care of when they were obeying and living in his will, is the same God we serve today. We are more than conquerors; the victory is ours through Jesus Christ. We have a source we can go to for renewal of spirit and body. The Holy Ghost was breathed on the disciples by Jesus, you either have the Holy Ghost on you or you do not, you either have everlasting life or everlasting damnation in hell. The most powerful part of your body is your tongue. When you are baptized in the Holy Spirit it is like fire that cannot be contained. You cannot do anything without it. We need the Holy Ghost back in our churches. When the Holy Ghost comes out in us, we come out of hiding, not ashamed of being a child of God, but boldly go forth witnessing to others the gospel of Jesus Christ. This world is lost and going to hell because they sit behind the door of the church worried about others feelings.
Holy Ghost Boldness. In closing:” In the name of Jesus gives us boldness, to preach for thee Lord, conviction comes followed by Salvation.” If you clean out your barrel for God, he will bless you with refilling, renewing of heart mind body, and soul. It is a whole lot better to go to heaven with a greater charge of the Holy Spirit, than just a little charge.
Bethany Baptist Church
Bethany Baptist met at 10:00 a.m., sang a song and had a devotional, “Making a Choice for God,’ Joshua 24:15-23. Joshua was making a statement that as long as he had a say in the way his family lived, that they would serve the Lord. He could not make the decision as to their own personal salvation, but he could make sure they were doing what is right and he was leading them to the knowledge of salvation. Men should be the spiritual head of the family, leading by example the ways of the Lord. We were then dismissed with a prayer to our Sunday School classes.
We sang “Jesus Loves Me,” and “How Great Thou Art.” Bro. Aubry announced our VBS to be Wednesday, June 15, 2016, 8:30a.m.-3:00p.m. He then brought the a.m. message “The Either or Or of Life,’ Matthew 7:13-27.
There is a moment of decision when we have a choice to make. Many have the idea that things are ‘my’ way of the ‘highway.’ In the spiritual realm, Jesus, in this passage of scripture, offers 3 circumstances where there is either, or, or. We want to make decisions in our own way and time, not God’s way or time! You have already made a decision in these matters. There are only 2 sides, God’s side or the no side. Your eternal destiny is determined by your decision to be saved and follow Jesus to Heaven, or remain lost and follow Satan into Hell for eternity. The wide path leads to hell; it has a broad gate that is laced with pleasures to entice you. Romans 3:23, 5:12 speaks of our life before salvation. The narrow path that leads to Heaven has a narrow gate. There is only one way to go to heaven, through Jesus Christ our savior. John 14:6, you must ask Jesus to save you, I John 5:3, if we do not have Jesus as Savior, we are dead. Without the Son we have no life. We have to leave our sinful lifestyle behind, cannot bring other gods with us to meet God. We, though saved are not perfect and still sin, but we have left our old way behind. A child of God should want to please Him.
II Corinthians 5:17, any man in Christ is a new creation. Does it cost anything to be a child of God? NO! Salvation is free. The second example is of a good tree versus a poor tree. You are either saved, a good fruit tree, or lost, a bad fruit tree. The only way to change the nature of fruit is to change the nature of the tree. That which is born of spirit is good fruit, and that of flesh is bad fruit.
Did your profession of faith change you? If not you are not saved. How you start determines how you finish. Build your house on a good foundation and nothing will destroy it, or build it on sorry ground, a poor foundation and it will fall. This is the third circumstance. You must be saved and the only foundation is Jesus Christ. If your life is built upon the sands of the world or your good works to save you, you will never be saved. Depend on Jesus Christ for your salvation and you will go to Heaven. Repent of your sins and ask Jesus to save you. Acts 4:12, Jesus is the only one who can save us. Has your profession of faith weathered the storm? Everyone that says “Lord, Lord” will not enter into heaven. Be saved today. A.M. services dismissed with a prayer and a hymn.
P.M. services opened with a song “The Old Rugged Cross.” We had our monthly business meeting, and Bro. Aubry brought the message from John 5:34-38. Jesus is reiterating His authority as the Son of God. In v. 31, 32, Jesus said He needed someone other than Himself to bear witness of him and that man is John the Baptist.
No man in our age has heard the voice of God since the apostle Paul. We have the Word of God, the Bible, through which, by studying, we know what God wants us to do for him. V. 38, If we believer not what Jesus says, we do not have the Word of God abiding in us. We are individually responsible for our own personal witness, but a man cannot decide on his own to start a movement, or church. V. 35, we must go to Jesus Christ for our salvation. The vast majority in the world will follow a man who starts a movement (church denomination) before following the Word of God. The only one we need to honour is God, not man. Believe in the Word of God. Be saved tonight!
We closed with a prayer and a song “God’s Final Call.”
Our prayer list includes: our church, Bro. Aubry, Shirley, Grace, Colyn, Sherry, Charlotte, Evelyn K., Lisa M, Jane, Mr. Hubert, Sherry, Justin, Missionaries, Journey in Calera and the Missionary pastor Bro. Paul A and his family, Jeanette, JC, Frankie, Vikki, Helen, and many more including the lost.
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Calvary Independent Baptist Church wants to thank everyone who attended services this past week. Sunday morning services included a message from Psalms 126:1-6 and other passages about “What God expects us to be doing in the here and now?” We live in a time where the crime rate rises almost daily and still church attendance has dropped below the minimum. If the soul winning and bible teaching church can no longer survive and pay its bills, where are we headed, and does anyone really care? Yes, God still does and is still calling people into a right relationship with him. God still cares and he is still requiring his people to be good stewards of what he has given unto them. God’s people are precious unto him, he promises to preserve them, has a purposed plan for them, and God’s people will prevail. Want to become one of God’s people? Salvation is simple, the gospel of Christ is how that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and rose again the third day. Want to go to heaven? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Want to go to Hell? Trust in anything else.
Sunday night services included a message from John chapter 6 and other passages about “Truth is not always popular.” Doctrinal truth can be tough to hear, hard to discern, turn away the multitudes, and yet cause some to stay.” I had rather stand with the few and be right with God, than to sit with the multitude and have nothing to offer at the judgment seat of Christ. We hope you are saved and are faithfully growing daily in his truth and grace.
If you are looking for a church to visit with this Sunday in the Clanton area, we would love to see you at Calvary. We are located in South Clanton just past Dollar General, right off 31 on Fulmer Drive. Our regular weekly services include Sunday School at 9:00 am, Children’s Church and Adult Worship Services Sunday Morning at 10:00 am, Sunday Night Services at 5:30 pm, Wednesday Night Services at 6:30 pm, and a Bible study on every other Tuesday Night at 7:00 pm. For other services and events check us out on Facebook ,Twitter, visit our website at , or call Pastor Oscar Mims at 205-755-9399
Samaria Baptist Church
As we met this morning on a hot June Sunday, we are again reminded of the downward spiral our country is engaged in, more deaths in a major American city for no good reason but hate and terror.
We are so blessed to meet and worship our living God today, and to know that He is the answer to the sorrow we feel, and the peace that can be ours in Him.
Our prayer concerns today are for Orlando and it’s victims, Myron West’ healing and his family, Peggy Traywick, Esther Jones, Ms. Silas, Anna Lane and friends, Ashley Minor, and of course God bless America. We pray for a healing of our land that we all need desperately. We pray today for the Randy Roper family and for our Samaria Church family.
Happy Birthday to Cherlyn Stoneback and Happy Anniversary to Hank and Cherlyn Stoneback.
Thanks to Ms. Lucille Johnson for the beautiful flowers in the church today.
Special music today was “Til the storm passes by” by Floyd Collins. Our Pastor, Brother Shane, chose Jeremiah 29 v. 10-14 for his beginning scripture today. Jeremiah was a man who trusted God and wanted to please Him. For the people who had been driven out of their land and held captive for 70 years, the time would come for them to return. This was God’s promise that He would hear them when they prayed to Him.
He said, “I will hearken unto you and deliver you.” We continue to fret about the condition of the world, and specifically our nation. However, when we take the time to read and absorb the Word of God, it is filled with awesome promises that make our fears unnecessary. We must endure hardships, and even tragedies in this life. But if we call out to Him, and surrender our pain and anguish to Him, then He has promised to give us peace and grace. Not one person alive today can match the suffering that Jesus endured and He did it out of a willing, and loving heart. Therefore, if He went through such anguish for sinners as we are, there is no limit to what He will do for us when we put our all on His altar. Jeremiah led the people out of bondage and captivity. Our faith can be the catalyst for leading us out of whatever bondage our life situation may have us in. Listening to the world and father satan can keep us beaten down. Why do we make Christian living so hard? Why do we choose to dwell on troubles of life, rather than lay them at the feet of the cross?
No matter what comes our way, we have a Good Father to turn to. He never abandons us, even when we turn away from Him. The joy of The Lord is above all that we can imagine. We need to think on the things that we know are true in God, and not on the lies and contempt of the devil and his minions. Do not listen to satan. We’re made perfect by God himself. Fearfully, and wonderfully made to be a reflection of His image. Since we are His creation, He has in His hands everything we could possibly ever need. We are promised a heavenly home. We are to be encouraged by His mercy and grace.
We have the key to our own personal eternity, and we must turn the key to receive the glory that is ours in The Father. Remember now, the problems of the world around us will make us feel as though God is far away. This could not be farther from the truth. We are the ones who have moved from Him, or taken our eyes off of the Master. His love is greater than all the problems and sorrow that comes.
Our Vacation Bible School has been scheduled for July 24 through the 29th. Plan to join us and bring the children for a wonderful time in the Lord’s house. God bless and keep you all, and know that you are welcome to worship at Samaria where God’s Word is shared every Sunday.
Mt. Springs
Sunday morning, the congregation sang, “This World is Not My Home,” and “I Love My Savior, Too.”
Brad Shaw brought a devotion from Isaiah 40:31 and Mark 4:26-27. Wait for the Spirit to come flood the pews, wait to experience what the Lord has for us. The Lord will give when He wants to give. Wait on the Lord to give the increase.
Bro. O’Neal Cleckler preached from Acts 23:1-8. How do you respond to criticism? Christ said we are equal in His eyes. We cannot tell who can and cannot be saved. We need to reach out to the lost no matter what they’ve done. They need Jesus just like we do. Are we going to be a positive influence to people, or criticize and condemn them?
Sunday evening, Ricky Cleckler led the congregation in the hymn of “When the Saints Go Marching In.”
Wayne Barnett sang, “What Heaven Means to Me.”
Bro. O’Neal Cleckler preached from Ezekiel 37:1-6. God sent Ezekiel through a valley of dry bones. Israel chose to wander from God and to do things that were abominable to Him.
Ezekiel saw Israel in those dry bones. Since the bones were scattered, he saw a scattered Nation. Since the bones were dry, he saw a spiritually dead Nation. Lastly, since they were lying in the open, he saw that the Nation brought shame to the witness of God.
The breath of God can bring new life. Even though the nation of Israel may be dead spiritually, God could bring new life.
Are you ready for Jesus to come back? You can choose heaven or hell. No matter what, God has the power to restore, save, and fulfill His promises!
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
Our services began with Libby Warren playing for our penny march. Following this, Rick Cofer sang the Doxology and Revive Us Again. The songs speak to you in a way that should remind you that our praises belong to God. He is the source of all our blessings. Our congregation songs were led by Jim Hayes. These included “Victory in Jesus” which is an old favorite of many people.
Bro. Travis Burnett began by asking us a question. He said, “Do you ever wonder what the heart of God is like?” We know the Bible tells us that a man’s words reveal what is in his heart. God’s Word is given to us in the Holy Scripture. In studying these Words, we can know the heart of God. Bro. Travis continued God’s message to us from John 1. He used verses 4-11. From the message that God sent to us we are told that The Light is to be exalted. To exalt means to magnify, raise or elevate by praise. This is what The Light deserves from us. We should live in a way that He is magnified and lifted up in our lives. If you happened to be caught in a dark place and someone has any kind of light, it isn’t the person holding the light that helps you see, it is the light. The beauty that the light shines upon is wonderful, but again it is the light that deserves the honor and praise, not the objects that are revealed by the light. Every man knows within themselves there is someone greater than they are, but every man does not acknowledge the fact. This is because The Light has not been received by them. Man may deny the existence of The Light, but He still shines. Just as when the days are cloudy and stormy and the sun can’t be seen, it is still there. We may challenge the truth of The Light, but we will be proven wrong. In our daily lives we have the choice to believe in and exalt Him or refuse the love that is extended to us. Philippians 2:9 tells us that God has exalted Him (Jesus, The Light) and given Him a name above all names. We owe Him no less that to live our daily lives in a way that will exalt Him in all things.
Sorry to say that I did not make it to Sunday evening services, but I was informed that Bro. Travis continued bringing the message God has given him from Genesis 1 on the beginning and source of life. Without Him we would not exist.
It is so wonderful to know that we have a loving God that really cares when we are hurting. In believing this is true, we bring some special prayer request before His throne. Special prayers were presented to God for Myron West and his family, Susie Veazey in the death of her brother, and Minnie Childress as she is at home, but having to take dialysis three time each week. Others in and connected to our church family with special needs are Gladys Franklin, George Campbell, Robert Childress, Virginia Ward, Mary Dean Higgins, Elladene Mims, Mary Maudlin, Marlene Hayes, and Christy Lowery.
A special prayer request our church has is for our VBS that starts on June 26th. We will have classes for ages 3 through those that have finished the sixth grade. Also, there has been an adult classes added. We encourage all the ones that do not have a specific class to join in the adult class or work with some of the other classes. We will begin at 6:00 p.m. each evening. There will be a kickoff party on Saturday, June 25th at 2:00 p.m. We will have commencement on Thursday June 30th at 7:00.
On June 26th following the morning message, we are planning to have a pot luck lunch and honor Bro. Travis and Kaitlyn with a baby shower. The gifts that are being requested are diapers, wipes, and/or monetary donations toward their adoption process.
Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
We had a wonderful service Sunday, if you weren’t there we hope you can join us next time!
This Saturday is our Christian Olympics VBS from 9:00am – 1:00pm. We hope you can join us for an awesome experience!
As Father’s Day approaches some of us scratch our head at what to get our Dads. Ties and coffee mugs seem to be a good go-to if you’re really stumped. My Daddy always told us to just get him a box of screws because he knew he’d always use them. Isn’t it funny how you remember simply little things like that? In a world where good fathers are hard to find, I’m proud to say that I was blessed with a great one… and my husband is a pretty awesome Father as well.
The ‘traditional’ roles for men have changed throughout time, but no matter if you are a stay at home dad or work 40+ hours a week, this Father’s Day we celebrate ALL of you. You are superheroes to your kid(s), never forget that. The world needs more Dads that mirror what God is truly about!
Thank you to the dads that work long hours to provide for your family, to the stay at home dads who keep the house running, to the step-dads who stepped-up, to the foster dads, to the granddads, and to the moms who have to pull double-duty as dad. Life is crazy. Thanks for being there.
Until next time, may God bless you and keep you and we hope to see you soon!
Bethsalem Baptist Church
We had a great week we had in VBS last week. 133 total children and an additional 58 workers. Thanks to all who help make this possible. Also we had Sunday Night Children’s Kick-off for Awana, with games, snacks & Bible study. We had a fire truck from Enterprise Volunteer Fire Department, a slip and slide and water-themed activities. It was lots of fun and fellowship, come join in our Awana.
Bro. Justin Preached from Colossians: Qualified & Disqualified. It was a great sermon.
Wednesday Night: Adult Evangelism Class /Prayer Meeting, Wacky for Children 6:30pm.
Happy Birthday This Week To Jamie McConnell, Izzy Jones, Sarah Jones, Ashlee Jones, Angela Henley, Cindy Stange, Jordan Wilkins, Walter Thornton, Debra Jones, Christy Killingsworth, Randy Wells, Drew Smith.
Pray For Paul Price, Our Country & Leadership, Elyven Green, Allen & Casey Daniel, Ron S., Billy & Dean Patterson, Billy Arnold, David Reid, Kim Kennedy, Donald Johnson, Lori Rogers, Ashley Minor, Peggy Harris, Charles Bryant, Betty Bennett, Betty Prewitt, John Flowers, Walton Aaron, Debra Mims, Caleb Harrison, Kathy Fitzgerald, Stephanie Hinton, all who are facing cancer, our homebound, assisted living/nursing home residents and everyone needing salvation.
Come worship with us on Sunday, God Bless. Hope you have a blessed week.