Maplesville Fire Department requesting new members
Published 1:24 pm Wednesday, September 23, 2015
The Maplesville Town Council voted on Sept. 14 to allow Maplesville Volunteer Fire Chief Michael Drewry to do a mass mailing to local residents asking for new members.
Drewry reported to the council that the number of members and active members for the fire department is down and asked the council if it would be possible to do a mass mailing requesting volunteers.
Council members mentioned names and addresses could be acquired from the utility board.
Council member Hal Harrison made a motion to allow the fire department to do a mass mailing to local resident with the motion seconded by council member Sheila Hall. The rest of the council voted in favor of the motion. Council member Patty Crocker was absent from the meeting.
In other news, the council:
•Appointed Matt Maddox as a reserve police officer and also as a part-time police officer.
•Heard from Police Chief Todd Ingram that the new patrol car had been picked up and was waiting for the police decals.
•Approved a body camera policy for the police department.
•Voted to declare an old water tanker as surplus and accept sealed bids with a minimum bid of $1,500 for a new water tanker to be opened at the October council meeting.
•Voted to give Earl Livingston, who works in the street department, a one-year (.25) raise beginning Sept. 8.
•Accepted Josh Franklin’s resignation after Franklin resigned without notice on Aug. 25.
•Voted to hire Josh Stewart to drive the garbage truck and PRN (as needed) with the street department.
•Voted to renew a quarter-page advertisement for the Chamber of Commerce Directory for $225.
•Voted to hire Hull and Russell PC for the annual audit for an estimated $13,200.
•Voted to change the Maplesville Public Library account from a checking account to a savings account because of the monthly minimum requirement.
•Voted to purchase a quarter-page black and white advertisement for the Generations Issue.
•Voted to give United Way $500.
•Voted to declare an old air compressor surplus and accept sealed bids with a minimum bid of $25 to be opened at the October meeting.
•Voted to hire Darren Crocker as the inspector for the road project at $25 an hour.
•Heard from town clerk Dawn Smitherman who told council members they would need to have a special council meeting to pass the 2015-2015 budget. Smitherman told the council she would get them with at a later time and set the time of the meeting.