Students graduate from SPAN

Published 1:42 pm Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Students who graduated Wednesday morning from the SPAN Program of Chilton County hold up their diplomas after the ceremony. Students pictured include (back row) Dillan Langston, Dante Pacheco, Hakeem Underwood, Dykota Wells, Justice Young, Christopher Willis, (front row) Skyler Smith, Brooklyn Griffin, Mikayla Fenske, Ashley Patterson, Alexis Sewell and Michael Weaver.

Students who graduated Wednesday morning from the SPAN Program of Chilton County hold up their diplomas after the ceremony. Students pictured include (back row) Dillan Langston, Dante Pacheco, Hakeem Underwood, Dykota Wells, Justice Young, Christopher Willis, (front row) Skyler Smith, Brooklyn Griffin, Mikayla Fenske, Ashley Patterson, Alexis Sewell and Michael Weaver.

Twenty-four students graduated from the SPAN Program of Chilton County Wednesday morning at Clanton City Hall.

Special Programming for Achievement Network provides comprehensive academic, social, behavioral and employability skills training for high-risk teenagers in the county.

SPAN students who have fallen behind in Chilton County’s public schools can catch up with their grade level or earn a GED in preparation of college or the workforce.

SPAN Coordinator Amanda Hicks described the day as a “stepping stone” for students who will return to school in August or in January.

Students who participated in the ceremony included (back row) Cameron Easterling, Dillan Langston, Dante Pacheco, Hakeem Underwood, Dykota Wells, Justice Young, Christopher Willis, (front row) Andrew Ray, Skyler Smith, Brooklyn Griffin, Mikayla Fenske, Ashley Patterson, Alexis Sewell and Michael Weaver.

Students who participated in the ceremony included (back row) Cameron Easterling, Dillan Langston, Dante Pacheco, Hakeem Underwood, Dykota Wells, Justice Young, Christopher Willis, (front row) Andrew Ray, Skyler Smith, Brooklyn Griffin, Mikayla Fenske, Ashley Patterson, Alexis Sewell and Michael Weaver.

Curtis Smith, who Hicks said was instrumental in bringing SPAN to Chilton County, welcomed those in attendance and congratulated the students graduating.

“I want to challenge you to stand for good,” Curtis said. “Don’t participate in evil things, but help be good citizens.”

Elizabeth Huntley was the guest speaker and shared with the students some of her personal experiences surrounding her childhood including parents who were drug dealers and being abused by family members.

“My message is to not have any excuse for success,” Huntley said. “I give glory to God for everything. There is nothing more precious to me than being a child of God.”

Huntley is now an attorney with Lightfoot Franklin White LLC in Birmingham and credits much of her success to those who helped her thrive as a child.

“You take this fresh start and you use it wisely,” Huntley said. “No goal is too high for you to achieve.”

Huntley has written a book, “More Than A Bird,” which chronicles her life growing up and is based off the Bible verse Matthew 6:26 which states: “Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?”

“I am more than a bird because I am God’s child,” Huntley said. “I believe you all here today are on the path to do something great with your life. Be a giver and not a taker. Be a productive member of society. Regardless of whatever scars you may have, work to put those behind you. It is so much nicer to live a life where you are at peace with yourself.”

Elizabeth Huntley was the guest speaker, and shared with students some of her personal experiences surrounding her childhood.

Elizabeth Huntley was the guest speaker, and shared with students some of her personal experiences surrounding her childhood.

Chilton County District Judge Rhonda Hardesty presented the graduates their diplomas.

Hardesty told the students they were important to a lot of people in the community.

“If you ever need anything, there are people who can help you in so many ways,” Hardesty said.

SPAN graduates were Cameron Easterling, Mikayla Fenske, Brooklyn Griffin, Dillan Langston, Dante Pacheco, Ashley Patterson, Andrew Ray, Alexis Sewell, Skyler Smith, Hakeem Underwood, Michael Weaver, Dykota Wells, Christopher Willis and Justice Young.

Others who graduated but were unable to attend Wednesday’s ceremony were Christopher Davis, Alana DeLaRiva, Courtlyn Gray, Collin Harvill, Skylar Ledlow, Lamain Peake, Jayda Taylor, Donovan Whitted, Sierra Whitted and Joseph Wyatt.

Sherry Hartley provided the music for Wednesday’s ceremony, and Ira Blanchard gave the opening prayer.