Church news for the week of March 29, 2015
Published 2:02 pm Wednesday, April 1, 2015
Samaria Baptist Church
Our choir sang “Jesus, There’s Something About that Name.” Special music from Stacy Wyatt was “They Can’t Take the Blood,” which was a wonderful blessing in song.
We celebrated Palm Sunday with a wonderful sermon from Bro. Shane. Revelation 3:20 was his pivotal point of reference.
As we approach this Holy Weekend, we want to realize the difference between a holiday and a holy celebration of eternal life. We are to knock, to seek Christ, and we will find him.
Matthew tells us that when we call out to God, he will be there and never disappoint. The prophets of Baal called out to their god. They became distraught and destructive when he never gave an answer or supplied their needs. He couldn’t help them because a statue cannot hear the cries of those who call on it.
When Elijah began to pray, he soaked the altar wood with water. Fire came and burned the sacrifice. Those who had been disappointed realized then who the real God is. False gods cannot answer and will never provide peace and eternal life.
Easter is the celebration of our Savior, Jesus Christ. God takes care of us in the little things, as well as in everything we need in life. Sometimes his answer is delayed, and sometimes he says ‘No’ to certain things we think we need, but he knows best. Jesus provides peace. We have all sought to find satisfaction and pleasure in the things in the world. We have lived to regret many of the decisions we made while out of the will of our Savior.
Jesus gives ultimate peace and will never fail us. He knocks on our heart’s door, and we often turn a deaf ear. Thankfully, we haven’t waited too long. Let us all realize the needs of friends and relatives who still haven’t answered the knock of Christ.
We think we want to live it up, and that we have plenty of time to surrender to God before we die, but friends, we are not promised tomorrow—or for that matter, we are not even promised another breath. We should not ignore the call of God on our lives. No greater love can we experience than the love of Jesus Christ fulfilling the promises he came to earth to bring.
In Luke, we find that we can ask and receive the needs for life. Jesus Christ is waiting on you to come to him; his arms are open wide. Do not waste years seeking the wrong things. True pleasure is found in Christ.
Join us for Easter service at 10:15 a.m. Time is running out for our country to come back to God. Do your part, and seek him now. God bless you and your loved ones.
Our prayer needs are for Elle, Linda Dennis, Patricia Cofer, Ray Hardee, Tracy Mims and Johnny Tracy.
Submitted by Diane Fisher
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
We were blessed to have our Palm Sunday service special music presented by Leslie Lambert. She sang the inspiring song “Via Dolorosa.” As she sang, a video was shown depicting the trials and suffering Jesus encountered on the road to Calvary’s hill.
Bro. Terry brought a message on the institution of the Lord’s Supper. He used scripture from 1 Corinthians 11:17-34. These scriptures remind us that the Lord’s Supper is about the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ; it is not about man in any way. Our worthiness is based only on our acceptance of what Christ did for us.
Following the message, the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was observed.
The Sunday evening service was a special blessing. A big thank you goes out to the youth for leading this special service.
They started the service with a skit depicting people in a restaurant, and the items they ordered were not your usual menu items. They ordered items such as Testimonial Tea and Heavenly Hash, and one of them only ordered a baby bottle of milk. The orders they placed were to illustrate the fact that some Christians are still so immature that they can’t digest the meat of the Word.
The theme of this skit was the basis for the message that was delivered by Geoffrey Lockhart. He used Hebrews 5:11-14 as the scripture for his message “Hungering for God.”
As a baby grows physically, changes are very noticeable. Does your life show enough spiritual growth that others can see a change in you? Spiritual growth is necessary in your life in order for you to fight against the ways of the world. This growth is obtained by Bible study, earnest prayer and regular fellowship with other Christians.
Several of the youth gave their personal testimonies. Sometimes we forget just what a struggle it is for young people to live out their Christian lives on a daily basis. Our youth need our prayers as they face each day.
Upcoming events: A glow-in-the-dark egg hunt will be held for the children on April 3 at 6 p.m. Please bring plastic eggs. Supper will be served.
A reminder for choir members: A special practice will be held following the egg hunt (approximately 7:30 p.m.).
The Easter musical “Grace that Amazes” will be presented on April 5 during the morning worship service. We invite everyone to worship with us on this special day.
Our Relay For Life team is collecting aluminum cans. They would like to thank everyone who participated in the yard sale last Saturday, especially to those who stopped by and purchased items.
We request that you remember those who are in need of a special touch from God. Among those connected to our church are Jennifer Watley, Kaye Franklin, Reba Chambers, Faye Franklin, Elladene Mims, Jacob Jones, Jenny Hayes, Tammy Harmon and Gladys Franklin.
Submitted by Louise Liveoak