Clanton Council approves applying for sewer rehab grant
Published 3:41 pm Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Clanton will apply for a Community Development Block Grant to complete a sewer rehabilitation project in the West End community.
The city’s Council voted unanimously during a regular meeting Monday to apply for a grant in the amount of $450,000.
The city would have to match about $261,000 of the grant amount.
A public hearing regarding the grant was held during the June 9 meeting, but no residents were present to offer an opinion.
Clanton Mayor Billy Joe Driver said he hoped the grant would be enough to allow workers to complete the ongoing work needed with the sewer system in the area.
In other business, the council:
•Was updated on the status of the project to renovate the E.M. Henry Head Start Center so that the facility can be re-opened. Councilman Greg DeJarnett questioned the amount of one of the items on a quote that was provided. Driver said because of the high prices quoted, and the fact that not all of the work quoted was necessary to re-opening the center, the city would have to look in another direction for the project.
•Hired Burl Skyles as a truck driver in the sanitation department, to replace a former employee.
•Accepted the resignation of Richard Quincy from the beautification department.
•Approved the minutes from the June 9 meeting, and paying the necessary bills.