Church News for Thursday, May 15
Published 10:34 am Monday, June 16, 2014
Bethany Baptist Church
We met for services and sang “Will the Circle Be Unbroken,” before going to Sunday school. Afterward we sang “All Alone,” “I’ll Make It My Home,” “Heaven Is Nearer Since Mother Is There” and “If I Could Only Hear My Mother Pray Again.”
We honored the mothers who were present with carnations and a bag of goodies. Bro. Aubry then brought the message, “A Woman called Mary,” from Luke 8:1-5.
In the Bible, there were two prominent Marys mentioned. One was Mary the mother of Jesus, and the other was Mary Magdalene, who was possessed with evil spirits and became saved and chose to follow Jesus. Today was about Mary Magdalene, the other Mary.
Women who give birth are not always mothers. A mother is someone who loves her children. Mary Magdalene had no child of her own but took Jesus to her heart.
The Lord’s followers have always been fickle (John 6:66-67). Jesus asked his faithful followers if they would also forsake him. By the time Jesus died and was buried, there was one group who was always there for him. These were a group of women, including this Mary. She was the first person to whom Jesus appeared after his resurrection.
What made Mary love Jesus? She was a desperate woman, possessed by seven devils. She was a sinner, driven insane by the demonic spirits with no hope of salvation. She could not go to the temple worship because of her evil lifestyle, so she did not have access to God. She was powerless to change her life from a life of sin, as we are without Jesus.
She was also a delivered woman (Luke 7:36-50). This passage is probably talking about this Mary. Because of God’s amazing grace, she came to Jesus and he saved her soul from a devil’s hell. He can do the same for the unsaved today. When Jesus saves, he changes people’s lives completely and instantly.
We must then grow as we study his Word. We are redeemed, bought with the price of Jesus’ blood, never to be lost again, at peace with God. If lost in sin, do not be afraid. Jesus will save you if you come to him believing that he will. Mary was a devoted woman. She helped support Jesus financially. We as saved people need to give of our finances to the Lord by supporting our churches, pastors and missionaries. It isn’t always easy to follow Jesus, but we should love him enough to always want to follow.
Read Numbers 14. Have you asked Jesus to save you or are you still lost in sin? If saved and not following Jesus, ask him to help you today.
We dismissed with the song “Pass Me Not” and a prayer.
In the evening service, we sang “Face To Face.” Bro. Aubry’s message was from Isaiah 27:8-9 titled “God Fought the Battles, But I Have Enjoyed the Victories.”
Because of Jesus, we need not live a defeated life. We have victory over the grave. Because of the sin of Adam, we all carry the capacity to sin; because of Jesus, we can have eternal life. Anytime we get discouraged, read the book of Job. Regardless of what happens, we can have victory through Jesus Christ our Savior. If we have problems in our life, we can have victory in Jesus.
We closed our services by singing “Blest Be the Tie” and a prayer.
We welcome each of you to come and visit with us on Sundays and on Wednesday nights.
Our prayer list includes, our church, missionaries, mission fields, Bro. Aubry, Shirley and their family, Phyllis, Elwyn, Grace, Billie, Jackie, Colyn and Sherry, Wilma, Glenda, Jenny, Mary Knight, Ellen, most of all, the unsaved.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our day of worship was wonderful. Bro. Cleve Mallory welcomed everyone and gave our ministry opportunities. A video shown was a tribute to moms. All mothers were recognized.
Our Celebration Choir special music was his life for mine. It was so beautiful and a job well done.
Our message was preached by Bro. Justin Thomas titled “The Marks of Motherhood.”
We had a business meeting after his message and voted him in as our pastor. Thanks again to everyone who had a part in our search committee. We looked forward for this great calling.
We had no evening service due to Mother’s Day.
Next Sunday, we will have graduate recognition.
Make sure you pick up a baby bottle for Care Net.
Happy Birthday this week to Helen Carnes, Alexis Barnett, Zachew Hunter, Jason Barber, Tara Chavers, Kia Hilyer, Henry Moore, Jason Chandler, Adanr Barrett, Destiny Griffin, Katelyn Chavers, Greg Green and Jane Humphrey.
Pray this week for those on our prayer list, those in nursing homes, assisted living, our homebound, our country, all missionaries and our new pastor Justin, Thomas and family.
We were proud to have the newborn baby boy of Brandon and Hayley Wright with us on Sunday.
Go to the Nelson-Williams wedding on Saturday at 6 p.m. at Liberty Hill Baptist Church.
Come visit with us and worship on Sunday. Get connected with us. Have a blessed week.