Habitat to provide home for Clanton family
Published 4:47 pm Wednesday, February 5, 2014
For the first time in two years, a Clanton family will have a house provided for them through Habitat for Humanity of Chilton and Autauga Counties.
“We have not been in Chilton County in two years because we have had issues with finding a qualified family in the county,” Habitat for Humanity Program Coordinator, Lisa Green, said. “We are really excited that we have been able to find a qualified family this year.”
Green explained the organization is always in need of volunteers to work on homes in both Chilton and Autauga counties but there are certain qualifications individuals must meet to be considered for a home.
Some of the minimum requirements for those who might qualify for Habitat housing include:
•The applicants must have lived or worked in Chilton County for at least the past nine months.
•Must demonstrate a need for new housing based on income and current housing conditions.
•Must be able to pay for new housing with a steady monthly income.
•Must be willing to be a Habitat partner family and complete “sweat equity,” or helping to build another family’s house and their own.
•Have no drug or sexual offense convictions.
Green said if individuals make a monthly payment, the organization needs to know about it as it affects the way individuals applying pay.
“When we look at our applicants we look at their current need including their current living situation,” Green said. “If they are living with family or friends, that is considered a need. If they are living in a home that is structurally unsafe with electric issues or plumbing issues, that is a need. If they are disabled and live in a home that is not properly suited for their disability we consider that a need.”
In 2014, Habitat hopes to provide two homes for individuals in Chilton County due to not having a family to build a home for in the last two years.
“This year, we are building two homes in Chilton and one home in Autauga,” Green said. “We normally try to do two homes per year for each county but we haven’t built any homes in Chilton within the last two years.”
Currently, one of the Chilton homes is being constructed in Clanton with volunteers devoting their weekends to the construction of the house for a family of three.
Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity Chilton and Autauga counties Tom Risher said the house in Clanton is coming along after volunteers started working on the house in January.
“We had a group from the Clanton First United Methodist Church on Saturday volunteer their time and help with the roofing,” Risher said. “The doors and the windows have been put up and we are hoping to have the home finished by the end of March.”
Both Green and Risher explained the home currently being constructed in Clanton will provide for the Bavar family.
“The wife works for CVS in Calera and after CVS found out about Habitat constructing a house for them the company stepped up and wanted to help,” Green said. “There are more than 30 CVS employees scheduled to volunteer Feb. 8 to help with the home.”
Green said the family has gone through some health issues but has a wonderful network of family and friends willing to help.
Risher said volunteers are always welcome to call the office and sign up for a time to work.
“We always need workers,” Risher said. “If they want to work on a weekend they can come and work on a Saturday or if they want to work during the week they can work on Thursdays.”
Green said there are several ways individuals can volunteer including providing meals for workers constructing the homes.
“There are some people who really thrive at slinging a hammer or using a paintbrush,” Green said. “There are others who may not like that as well so we welcome anyone willing to cook a meal for volunteers who are working on the homes. The meals can be something as simple as a pot of soup because it is warm and filling on a cold day.”
Risher said monetary donations are also welcome, as different materials need to be purchased for the homes.
“In addition to manpower, we always welcome anyone willing to donate resources for us to purchase different materials,” Risher said.
For more information about volunteering, or the Habitat program contact the Habitat office (205) 755-8655 Monday through Friday or visit www.habitatautaugachilton.org.