Church News for Thursday, March 21
Published 7:50 am Thursday, March 21, 2013
Bethany Baptist Church
Bro. Steve’s message was “Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane,” using scriptures from Matthew 26 and Luke 22. It was Jesus’ custom to pray in this garden, and at this time just prior to his arrest and crucifixion, the garden was a place of struggle, strain, sacredness and surrender. Bro. Steve’s outline was “The Source of Jesus’ Agony (the cup), the Sweat of the Agony and the Solace of His Agony.” Jesus prayed that the agony, burden and shame of his willing sacrifice on the cross would pass. His agony was so intense that his sweat was “as drops of blood.” Still, Jesus wholly committed himself to the will of the Father. In his agony, he suffered in body, soul and spirit, demonstrating his real humanity. Jesus’ suffering displayed his love, the greatness of his atonement, and the terror of the punishment of those who reject his great salvation.
On Sunday night, Bro. Steve preached a sermon titled “The Noble Bereans,” using a portion of the Sunday School lesson this morning. The scripture reference is Acts 17:10-16: The people in Berea responded to the word of God preached by the Apostle Paul and his fellow missionaries. When Paul preached the gospel to the Bereans, they listed attentively and did not dismiss what the preachers said, but researched it for themselves. They were so interested that they daily searched the scriptures, and as a result, many believed and were saved.
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Arnold DeLoach, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Hubert Griffin, Vikii Mims, Billie Neeley, the Smith and Mims families, and Glenda Wallace.
See you Sunday!
Samaria Baptist Church
It was such a wonderful day in God’s house at Samaria. We had a great attendance and a lot of wonderful blessings to enjoy. We were blessed with Billy Maddox singing “Three Rusty Nails,” with Carolyn Maddox on the piano. Our guest speaker provided dual service today. Bro. Mike Lawrence brought our message today, and at the end of the message, he baptized his granddaughter, Lindsey Popwell. What a joyous event, and everyone received a blessing.
Bro. Mike’s text came from Matthew 14:22-33. His message was titled “How To Know When You Are Sinking.” Some of the ways are: When Calvary doesn’t break us, then we are not in a good place and are sinking. When Satan doesn’t battle with us, then we must be under his dominion, rather than on the Lord’s side. When lost people do not burden us, then we need to grow closer to Christ to close the gap we have created.
God created the world; there was no Big Bang. He created all that is in the world. We did not evolve from anything; we are products of our ancestors, who also came from God’s hand. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. There is no other way to heaven. The Bible refers to preaching as foolish, and the world thinks we are all fools to believe in the miracles of God and Jesus Christ.
We have to remember that we cannot hide sin. It always rears its head and shows up at the most inopportune time. As difficult as it is for some of us, we need to pray for our leaders in Washington. We need to criticize less and pray more for our president, who seems to be against everything moral and right. God can change the hearts of our congressmen. He is the only one who can fix the mess our country has found itself in.
We truly were blessed in our services today. Don’t turn away the only answer we have. Turn to Christ today.
Prayers for Josh and Becca Jones’ baby, Tucker. May this little one be healed in Jesus’ name. God bless you all.
Spring Break is on the way. Start praying now that our children and school personnel will be safe and have a great break from school. Hopefully Spring Break comes with warmer weather and blooming flowers. God is good, and he made this world a beautiful place for us, but this world is not our final home. We have another home, which is more beautiful and has no need for the sun or the moon to shed its light, for God will be our light there! That is something to look forward to, friend—more than any spring break!