No smoking, no tax money

Published 6:48 pm Friday, May 6, 2011

Dear Editor,

Regarding the town of Thorsby considering a ban on smoking at ball parks, my child plays ball at Thorsby, and I smoke. However, I have always moved far away from everyone when I smoke.

I understand having “smoking areas,” but I believe that if any municipality bans smoking at any public place, that municipality should not sell tobacco products. It should revoke all licenses to sell tobacco.

As for myself, if they ban smoking, I will no longer purchase tobacco in Thorsby! If they don’t want me smoking in their public places, they can’t have my tax dollars to help with the upkeep of those public places.

People should realize that just because you smell smoke doesn’t mean you will develop cancer. You must inhale it. If the lady that started this is so scared, maybe she should sit in her car to watch the games. Also, maybe we should ban outdoor grills that put off smoke because it also contains dangerous chemicals.

I am so sick of people banning smoking but continuing to make money off the smokers!

Audrey Chance, Jemison