Local earns Troy crown

Published 7:59 pm Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lauren Guy, a junior health and physical education major from Jemison, has been crowned the winner of the 2011 Ms. Venus Pageant at Troy University.

Jemison's Lauren Guy was recently crowned the 2011 Ms. Venus at Troy University.

Guy, the daughter of Ed and Renee Guy, received a crown, a sash and a $150 book scholarship from the Troy University Alumni Association.

She is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority, the Troy University Diamond Dolls and the Kinesiology and Health Promotion Club.

As Ms. Venus, Guy will take part in various events associated with the University’s upcoming Spring Alumni Reunion, including a St. Patrick’s Day-themed parade set for Saturday, March 26.

Twenty-three contestants participated in the pageant, which was held in the Claudia Crosby Theater on the Troy Campus.

Allison Reynolds, a junior human resources management major from Auburn and a member of Phi Mu sorority, was first runner-up and received a $100 book scholarship from the Alumni Association, while Hannah McDonald, freshman nursing major from Prattville and a member of Phi Mu sorority, received a $50 book scholarship as second runner-up. Courtney Smith, a freshman marketing major from Gurley and a member of Alpha Delta Pi sorority, was the People’s Choice winner.