Church News for Thursday, Sept. 20
Published 7:33 pm Thursday, September 20, 2012
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Every day we hear of something violent that has happened in this world. The devil is running rampant, he knows his days are numbered, he knows he will not win the war, so he is gathering all the lost souls he can to be thrown into the pit with him! Don’t follow Satan and his lies! There is truly nothing new under the sun that he will not tell you in order to get you to believe a lie and lose your soul.
Bro. William Short’s message this week was taken from Deuteronomy 13:1-5. If there is a preacher, teacher, prophet or dreamer among you who tells you something that is contrary to the Word of God, do not follow them and do not believe them. Be rooted and grounded in God’s Word so that you will be able to discern the truth from a lie. The only way to know what is true is to study the Bible daily and to have it engraved upon your heart and mind. Don’t look away from God. Test those who tell you what the Lord has said by whether it agrees with the Word of God. We need nothing other than God’s Word.
If you walk after God, your steps will lead you to church. Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. In other words, read and study every time you can with others who are like-minded, rooted and grounded in the Word of God. Follow God and fear Him with a reverent fear. Don’t fear what man can do to you; he can only take your life, but fear God, who can take both your life and your soul!
Most people are looking for someone who has all the answers, can heal our nation and take care of all our troubles. That someone is Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God. You need look no further than the Bible to know about him, and his wonderful saving grace. All things change when we give our heart to Jesus and to really mean it. Living a lie will destroy you and cause you miss the blessings of God. Make sure that you really know God, and that he has your heart, mind, body and soul in his care. He is coming again and he will take with him those who are ready. Be sure you are ready. Only God knows the day, the hour and the time of His returning. Don’t be caught living a lie. Live for Jesus. Follow him and his ways and be ready for his return.
Pray for us at Mars Hill, pray for our nation, the lost, the sick and especially pray for our troops who are defending our rights on foreign soil, risking everything so that we can continue to praise God and worship Him in freedom. Amen.
Bethany Baptist Church
Sunday morning we were privileged to have with us missionaries to Thailand, Rodney and Tracy Burdette and their children. We also enjoyed Bro. Burdette and our pastor, Bro. Steve, singing a couple of songs accompanied by guitar and banjo. Bro. Burdette’s video of their mission team in Thailand was interesting and inspiring.
Bro. Burdette brought a sermon from Acts 17. He related experiences much as the Apostle Paul did in Athens of idolatry and disbelief in the true God. In Thailand, when people are converted, they suffer rejection (even of their own family) and are considered traitors. The mission field is difficult, but, as he said, we can’t quit. Even in the darkness, there is light in the Lord Jesus Christ who commands men everywhere to repent and, as Paul says in verse 34, certain ones do believe. Please pray for the Burdette family as they return to the mission field.
On Sunday night, Bro. Steve used scriptures in Romans 14 and 2 Corinthians 5 regarding the fact that all saved will appear before the judgment seat of Christ and receive rewards or suffer loss of rewards. This judgment will be after the rapture and before the millennial reign of Christ. Our rewards will be based on the quality of our deeds after we are saved and our motives. Knowing this should remind us not to judge others because we must all appear before the Lord and give an account of ourselves.
Upcoming Events: Sept. 30 is our annual homecoming at Bethany. We will begin our service with singing at 10 a.m. (We will omit Sunday School.) After the morning service we will have lunch in the fellowship hall. Bro. Paul Armstrong will bring the message. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Prayer List: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Arnold DeLoach, Doris and Verdie Glenn, Hubert Griffin, Mildred Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Ethel Kelly, Billie Neeley and Skipper Wallace.
Jackson Chapel Church
I was glad when they said to me let us go into the house of the Lord. Psalm 122:1.
Bro. Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson titled “Christ’s All Sufficient Priesthood.” Bro. Gary Fant got the morning service started off with “Just A Little Talk With Jesus” and “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” Bro. Dennis Smith blessed us with a beautiful song titled “You Can’t Ask Too Much Of My God.” Bro. Dennis’ text came from 2 Samuel 6:12-21 with a message titled “What Happened To Your Dance.” We as God’s people need to have a desire to be where God is. We as Christians need to have the desire that David had to worship God and not to worry about what people think about us when God blesses us. We as Christians need to be assured that when we serve Jesus Christ, Satan will try and rob us of our joy and keep us from enjoying the blessings of God. The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro. Gary Fant got the evening service started off with “Send The Light,” “Draw Me Nearer” and “The Old Rugged Cross.” Bro. Gary Fant blessed us with “Has Anyone Seen Jesus Today” and “Filled With The Spirit.” Luke Wilson blessed us with “Jesus Loves Me” and “Deep and Wide.” Bro. Dennis’ text came from James 5:13-20. We as Christians should be some of the happiest people around because God has blessed us with more than we could ever imagine. We should also show Jesus Christ how much we love and appreciate what he does for us, but instead, we take so much for granted. God allows us as Christians to go through things in this life that cause us to become stronger in our faith. The service ended with several people coming forward to ask for prayer.
As you pray this week, please remember Kathy Waites, Shirley Burnett, James and Marie Johnson, Melba Adams, Amy Solis, Carolina Solis, Julie Solis, our service men and women and our lost loved ones.
We are located at 4020 Yellow Leaf Road in Clanton. Sunday School starts at 10 a.m., Sunday morning worship at 11 a.m., Sunday evening worship service at 6 p.m. and Wednesday evening bible study at 7 p.m.
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
We would like to thank everyone who visited this weekend and invite them back to be a part of any of our services. Sunday morning services included a message about living a life for the Lord Jesus Christ and how we as believers are laborers together with God. The passages came from 1 Corinthians 3, 2 Corinthians 5, 1 Timothy 1 and 2 Timothy 1. These passages were used to show that we should be laboring together to build the right kind of foundation.
The Sunday evening service included a message from Acts 4 and other passages regarding the problems that arose during the early church period. It was presented that believers should not become stumbling blocks to others, but should be stepping-stones instead. We are to look to the benefit of others and exhort each other in our Christian life. Life’s lessons prepare us to be a help to others in their time of need.
We would like to invite you to visit with us during any of our services. We are located south of Clanton just past Dollar General, off Highway 31 on Fulmer Drive. Sunday School starts at 9 a.m., Children’s Church and adult worship services at 10 a.m., Sunday night services at 5 p.m. and Wednesday night services at 6:30 p.m. We are in the doctrinal study of “Repentance” on Wednesday nights. Everyone is invited. For more information, call Pastor Oscar Mims 205-755-9399.
Samaria Baptist Church
Conditions of Serving Christ. Pastor’s text today came from Luke 9:1-36. Jesus preached the kingdom and he was about his father’s business. He died for you and me. So what does this mean for us? Without this kind of faithful service today, people will not be saved. Christ expects us to be about the father’s business as well. He expects us to keep the standards set by him as he laid the foundation for our service for him.
Without preaching and bearing witness of what he means to us, others will not follow. Without leadership, our churches will fall. Our Lord Jesus Christ died for all humanity, and he is coming back. We need to be busy in His service for the time is short. If a person is not in a right relationship with Jesus, the devil can sway them and confuse them with the things of the world. Church fusses and splits are so unpleasing to God. He is not the author of confusion, nor is he in favor of men who struggle for power. Great difference can be found in leadership and power. We need to live each day seeking his will for us, and our life decisions. God will never fail us. Don’t make snap decisions. He has all the time in the world and he knows what is best for you and me.
How can I be better for Christ and my fellow man? We cannot hoard our lives for ourselves. We must devote our lives to each other in his service. How wonderful it is to be a blessing in someone’s life. Jesus always blesses our efforts when he is the guide for our steps. We look forward to heaven, but in the meantime, come and visit us at Samaria. God has a blessing for you here.
Prayer concerns for this week are Barbara Mims, Chilton Medical Center, our military, our nation and the families of those murdered in the Middle East. God bless.
Bethsalem Church
Bro. Cleve Mallory opened our day of worship and welcomed everyone. The children’s message, delivered by Jay Pierce, was taken from 2 Timothy 2:19 titled “Word of Foundation.”
The Celebration Choir sang special music. Soloist Kelsey Pierce performed “Victory in Jesus.”
Guest speaker Mark DeVine of Hoover gave the message “Recognizing the Body” taken from 1 Corinthians 11:17 through 12:31: “Now You Are Christ’s Body and an Individual Member of It.”
Wednesday night family supper starts at 5:30 p.m., prayer meeting for adults at 6:30 p.m., children’s choir and “The Outlet” for students.
Happy birthday this week to Mason McCay, Garrett Chavers, Lynn Cox, Joseph Howell, Tiffany Smith, Taylor Barrett, Mekale Wingard, Mie Williams and Kelly Courtney.
Please pray for Lexi Glasscock Marshal, Hazel Green, Charles, Brant and Roy Williams, Sid Griner, Debra Mims, Harold Pierce, Ida and Claude Davis, the Crawford family, Peggy Harris, Glenn Smith, Jay Troy, Bill and Sandra Eubank, Randy Brant, Bobbie Cox, Edward Moore, Elridge Townsend, Lilianna Thompson, Carol Hayes, Jim Beck, Juane Wright, Pete Burnett, Marnie Asher, Chris Cooper and Monica Ousley.
Sunday night Life Tracks at 5 p.m. Come join us. Next Sunday night, we will observe the Lord’s Supper.
The Church of God’s Word
Our Sunday School message came from Revelations 1:9-20.
Homecoming will be Sept. 30. Bro. Roland Hazel will bring the message. Lunch will be served in the fellowship hall. We will have singing with Bro. Randall Edwards and Bro. Joe Raspberry.
Youth gathering will be on Sat., Sept. 22 at the church. We will have music, food and games from 4-8 p.m.
Everyone is invited to join us. For more information, please contact Bro. Joshua Ervin at 334-201-1489 or Bro. Ray Edwards at 205-755-4889.
Friendship Baptist Church
Our choir special was “Above All” with a duet by Lauren Conradi and Bro. Dusty Clyde Dutton. Bro. Ken Daniel’s message was from Matthew 16:17-19 titled “Key Holders.”
Bro. J.C. Pierce was the guest speaker for the evening service. His message was from Romans 8:28, “The Power of Love.”
Thanks to all who supported the WMU’s BBQ on Saturday.
Sept. 20: Association Mega Conference 7-8:30 p.m. at Jemison First Baptist. The conference is for teachers and leaders in our church. Sept. 22: children’s trip to the zoo. Sept. 25: youth revival at Shiloh Baptist Church.
Oct. 10: Café Escape (manna meal) at the University of Montevallo BCM. If you can help by providing food and/or serving, please contact Mrs. Faye Powell. They begin serving at 11:15.
Happy birthday to Randall Wyatt, Beth Whittle, Tim Wakefield, Claude Daniel and Dusty Clyde Dutton.
Please pray for Fred Ferguson, Cathy Gossett, Matthew Jones, Sue Roberts, Matthew Cox, John Mitchell, Paul Varden’s family, Peggy Gates, Debbie and Donny Bean, Marzell Carter, Mary Martin, Vivian Sanders, those traveling and unspoken requests.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Sunday morning service began with the teaching of a great Sunday School lesson from the Book of Matthew titled “Right Motives.” Why we seek to obey God is as important as what we do. Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of people as to be seen by them.
Our special music for the day was presented by our two little songbirds, Tory and Mesha Mims. They sang “Rise up and Praise Him.” We are thankful for our young people and children who sing and praise the Lord.
The children’s ‘sermon in a sack’ was about exercising your faith and trusting in the Lord. Bro. Darrell used a tennis ball to explain how to exercise your hands and body by playing tennis. You exercise your faith by reading your Bible and praying.
Our morning message was taken from John 8:31 titled “Three Things I Don’t Want to Be; One Thing I Do Want to Be.” I don’t want to be a backslider and backslide on God. I do not want to be a castaway and sin against God’s will. Paul says to have control of what you do and say. A reprobate is a person who does not have love or compassion. Examine yourself daily and do not fall into the hands of the devil. Do not be a pretender and say you know God, but your life doesn’t show it. I want to be a disciple of Christ. John 8:31: “If you continue in my word, then you are my disciples indeed.” Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Read God’s word daily and study to show yourself approved.
Sunday evening message was “The Lord’s People” from Leviticus 26: 11-12. We are a chosen people, handpicked by God and happy because we serve a living God.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Bro. Jim and Ms. Pat Hayes in the passing of Bro. Jim’s father, Mr. Billy Hayes. Our prayers are with you in these times.
Please remember to bring items or write a letter for the box we are preparing to send to those serving in the military. Sunday will be the closing date for this project.
Sunday offered a great night of service. Testimonies were shared and the presence of the Lord was in our midst. We thank God for all his people and especially for the freedom to stand and say, “I love the Lord.”
Please remember to pray for those on our prayer list. We have Thomas Liveoak and Brian Robinson who will be having surgery on Wednesday of this week. Remember to call their names in prayer. We all stand in the need of prayer, so let’s pray for each other, our nation and our leaders.
Christ Independent Church
Today was our Homecoming Celebration Sunday and we thank all of those who came to share the day with us.
We began with the congregation singing our hymn of praise “To God be the Glory.” Dr. Mac Stinson then welcomed our guest singers, Brett Fincher, Warren Sweeny and Dennis Wallace, who blessed us with a trilogy of gospel hymns. These singers came down from Shelby County and we so appreciated their beautiful voices that added so much to our planned schedule.
Bro. Mike Weldon, recently retired president of A.I.M. (the Association of Independent Methodists) was our guest speaker. Bro. Mike is a dynamic speaker who has blessed us many times in the past with his sermons.
Following Bro. Weldon’s inspiring words, we moved into the fellowship hall for a bountiful lunch.
We appreciate each family who prepared and brought the food and each family represented who came to share the meal with us. We thank David and Michelle Lufta who provided the attractive centerpieces for the dinner tables.
Following lunch, we returned to the sanctuary for an afternoon of beautiful music by our guests from Shelby County. The day ended too soon. Please accept one final thank you to all who contributed to make our homecoming the joy we will remember until it comes again.
Prayer list: Dr. Mac Stinson, Carl Glass, Opal Millers, Cindy McCavitt, Cathy Lufta, our military members and their families, our country, little Israel and Shea Simms in Kuwait. Remember to pray for each other. Have a blessed week.
Mountain Springs
Sunday services started with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Send the Light,” “Heavenly Sunlight” and “The Old Gospel Ship.”
Bro. Donnie Moates gave the devotion from Matthew 25:1-11. We can’t shine with the light of God without the filling of the Holy Spirit.
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymn “When We All Get to Heaven” and Rickey and Sherrie Williams sang “If That Mountain Don’t Move” and “Everybody Will be Happy Over There.”
We were glad to have Bro. Tim Henry and his family with us this Sunday. Bro. Henry preached from 2 Kings 4:1-7. When people are at the end of their rope we need to do everything we can to help them climb back up.
This Sunday, Sept. 23, starts our annual Pumpkin Patch Revival. Sunday night at 6 p.m., we will begin the revival at Mt. Bethel with Bro. Ball. Monday night’s service will be held at Mt. Springs at 7 p.m. with Bro. Tim Scott. The Tuesday night service will be at 7 p.m. at Cane Creek with Bro. Tim Henry. The Wednesday night service will be held at Old Macedonia at 7 p.m. with Bro. Jerry Cleckler. Thursday night’s service will be held at 7 p.m. at New Hope with Bro. Gerald Stamps. We hope to see you there!