Historical society to repair Foshee house roof
Published 7:19 pm Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Joel Atchison of the Maplesville Historical Society shared plans for preserving the Foshee house with the town council Tuesday night.
Atchison said the historical society has raised enough money to pay for a “partial permanent repair” of the roof.
The estimated cost of materials and labor for the roof’s initial repair is $5,000.
The original bid to completely repair and renovate the house, namely the damaged exterior and interior parts, was $24,000.
Atchison said the $5,000 for the roof could be applied to the total cost of repair.
The house, built by Noah Foshee, supposedly dates back to the late 1800s.
“I don’t think you should let that asset go away,” Atchison told council members. “We really want to do everything we can to save that property. The only thing we have is preserving the history of this town.”
Several months ago, the council had given the historical society permission to raise money for repairs to the house, which sustained damage from storms earlier this year.
Since then, the historical society has held fundraisers and accepted community donations to put toward the house’s restoration expenses.
“I don’t think you’ve got a choice, really,” Councilman Jim Threadgill said to Atchison. “I agree with this 100 percent.”
Jimmy Parnell of Parnell Inc. in Maplesville explained the measures his business is taking to combat an odor residents have complained about all over town.
Parnell said he thought the odor was coming from buildup on equipment used to put preservatives on produce mixed into cow feed—a normal and permissible farm process—and he and his employees are working to keep all equipment clean to eliminate the odor.
“I’m sorry that it got bad before I got something done about it,” Parnell said. “I think the problem is being addressed. We’re going to get it to where it’s acceptable.”
For the fire department, the council approved the bylaws presented by Fire Chief Michael Drewry.
The council approved EMS Chief Christine Epperson’s request for $400 for items to give to children at the schools during Fire Prevention Week, which will be the first week in October.
Epperson said the annual Christmas Parade in Maplesville will be Dec. 1 at 5 p.m.
For the police department, the council tabled a decision regarding the purchase of a new police car.
For the street department, the council accepted the Chilton County Humane Society’s fee changes and contract for stray animals in town.
It also approved for culverts to be installed on Graham Avenue and Reynolds and Reed streets to alleviate flooding issues during heavy rains.
In other business, the council:
•Declared surplus five pieces of equipment from the 1940s in the former Brown Brothers building. The Maplesville Historical Society will have first choice of the pieces for its museum, and the council will take bids on the rest.
•Approved specs and to take bids for a new roof to be put on the Brown Brothers building, which the town plans to use as a shop for storing and fixing town equipment.
•Gave $250 to support the P.E.E.C.H. program.
•Bought a Chamber of Commerce Membership Directory advertisement for $100.
•Changed the October council meeting from Tuesday, Oct. 9 to Monday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. The town’s mayoral run-off will be Oct. 9.
•Agreed to pay $125 per person for newly elected or re-elected officials and municipal personnel to attend an orientation conference in the fall.
•Approved the budget for Fiscal Year 2013, subject to amending by the new council.