Commission hears requests to close roads

Published 6:15 pm Monday, February 14, 2011

Two Clanton landowners asked for roads in front of their property to be blocked off and closed at the Chilton County Commission meeting Monday.

Don Burdette, who spoke on behalf of his mother Jeanette Jessop, who owns 80 acres of property, asked for County Road 528 to be closed.

“People come and do doughnuts with their tires,” said Burdett, referencing photos he brought to the meeting. “We have anonymous people littering, drinking and driving and stealing gas from vehicles and gas cans.”

Burdett went on to state that a cat was run over and one of their animals was shot and killed. He also mentioned that there have been suspicious acts of drugs and other illegal activity.

“We are asking you all to control the access and close the road; our neighbor wants it closed too,” said Burdett.

The road that Burdett has asked to be closed consists of about two-tenths of a mile, according to County Engineer Tony Wearren.

The commission responded, saying they will follow protocol, which would include the party making the request having to advertise for three weeks, which would be followed by a public hearing on the matter.

Burdett agreed to place the advertisement and move forward with the request.

Landowner Janice Wesson also requested a dead end on County Road 502, which she lives on, be closed as well because of “riff raff.”

The commissioner’s administered Wesson the same advice. The hearing for these requests will be held at the next commissioner’s meeting Monday, March 7.

In other business, Commissioner Heedy Hayes made a motion to upgrade the security at the jail and open the bids. The motion was approved unanimously.

The commissioners approved a request made by Gerald Arrington of Minooka Park for the bids from the wastewater treatment system be rejected and rebid at a later date.

The bids received were higher than what they anticipated,” Arrington said.

Walter McKee, architect for McKee and Associates in Montgomery, proposed his assistance with the replacement of the Chilton-Clanton Library roof. McKee is performing numerous roofing jobs for the Chilton County Board of Education.

“The building has a lot of potential,” said McKee. “I’ve seen the water buckets there, and I would like to be a part of the team.”

McKee went on and discussed the different solutions available for the roofing project and offered his expertise.

Allen Caton made a motion for McKee to become the architect for the project, but the motion died for lack of a second.