Church news for Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011
Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson reviewed the book of Revelation.
The morning message was taken from Psalms 88:1-3. Bro. Shannon reminded us that there are seasons in our spiritual lives, some good and some bad. In the same manner, there are seasons in our spiritual lives. There is the season of spring when we experience newness, excitement and new birth. Summer is a time of growth. Fall is a time to harvest what has been sown, such as souls for God, spiritual wealth and righteousness. Then comes winter, a time of spiritual dryness and inactivity. The key to surviving spiritual winters in our lives is to become active in prayer (Philippians 4:6-7), pruning (John 15:1-2) and patience (Hebrews 12:1-1). Staying active in our spiritual winter will lead us into spring again.
Our Sunday evening Bible study focused on Holy Communion.
Happy birthday to Lisa Langston and Sherman Payne.
We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information, please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
On what might be called a typical winter day, cold and cloudy, it was still a wonderful day to go to the house of the Lord and honor him.
Dr. Mac Stinson took his scripture reading from John 1:35-47. This scripture begins, “Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; and looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, ‘Behold, the Lamb of God.’
And when Jesus saw the two disciples were watching him, he said, ‘What seek ye?’”
When the men answered Jesus by asking where he lived, Jesus invited them to come and see. They accepted the invitation and thus began his collection of men to be his disciples. When Jesus was identified as the son of
Joseph of Nazareth, his followers were heard to ask if any good thing could come out of Nazareth.
As history records and the Bible make clear, indeed Jesus Christ the Light of the world came out of Nazareth. End of story regarding the contribution of Nazareth to the good of man.
We request your prayers for Dr. Stinson and Glenda, Wilma Ellison, Opal Miller, Don and Jan Hammaker’s infant daughter, Jeanette Frost and for all others who are dealing with health problems.
Pray for our military and their families, for our country, our church, our community and for each other.
Pray for our new incoming governor that his service may honor our state.
Sunday night we began our study of the book of Acts. It is a verse-by-verse video drama presentation of how the church began.
We ask everyone to please get your correct family information to Laurel Lee Adams for our new church directory.
Wednesday night Bible study begins at 6:45 p.m. We are continuing our study of the book of Revelation. We invite you to join us for these informative sessions.
We welcome our visitors and invite you to continue meeting with us.
Have a blessed week.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
We had a great time in God’s house worshiping together. We were truly blessed by so many visitors this Sunday. We were glad to have all of them as we joined our service with the congregation of Macedonia Baptist Church on
County Road 55. Our 11 a.m. service was begun with good “old fashioned” singing and then a beautiful baptism service. Bro. Derrell baptized Bro. Michael Rollan and Channah Cleckley. Bro. Gerald Stamps of Macedonia baptized Bro. Jordan Avery. We praise God for these coming to the family of God.
Bro. Derrell’s message came from 1 Peter 3:13-22 and 4:1-2, and was entitled, “Dead Center.” The Christian has hope. Sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. Set your Christian conduct on the “dead center,” and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.
After our morning service, we learned of the death of Bro. Marion Robinson. We extend our sympathy to all his family and friends. He will be missed.
Sunday night’s message was entitled “Case Dismissed” from John 8:1-10. The scribes and Pharisees brought the woman taken in adultery to Jesus and asked, “But Sayest Thou?” Jesus said, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast a stone at her.” Case dismissed.
Upcoming events:
Sunday, Jan. 23: baby shower for Ashley Ellison Worrells. It’s a boy! The shower will be in the church fellowship hall from 2-4 p.m.
Wednesday night prayer service begins at 7. Study the book of Proverbs chapter 7.
Jan. 30: VBS meeting at 4 p.m. Calling all volunteer helpers.
Please take a baby bottle and fill with money to benefit Care Net Pregnancy Resource Center. Who will speak up for the little ones? Children brought up in Sunday School are seldom brought up in court.
A deacon’s meeting is scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 6 at 4 p.m.
Remember to call someone’s name in prayer daily. Our prayer list is long, and we have lots of sick ones. We ask you to pray for Debbie Lockhart this week; Debbie has surgery on her back this Monday.
God bless you this week, and we always invite you to join us to worship the Lord on Sunday.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with ministry opportunities and a welcome to the congregation and visitors. Sharion Williams directed music; the call to worship was “We Have Come to Join in Worship” and “Sweet Sweet Spirit.”
Bro. Brad Eubank talked about the sanctity of human life, and the Celebration Choir presented special music entitled, “Jesus Built This Church On Love.”
Bro. Brad’s message was from Hebrews 10:19-25, “Captivated By His Church.”
Blake Edwards brought the evening message, “The Giants In Our Life,” from 1 Samuel 17. It was a great message.
At 7 p.m. we had a wedding reception and shower for Jodie and Steven Bice. They say thanks again to everyone.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5 p.m., followed by prayer meeting, choir practice for all choirs and youth at 6:30 p.m.
Pray for Hazel Green, Pearl Williams family, Iella Vance, Linnie Hathcock, Pete Burnette, Shorty Short, Bro. James Moore, Carol Hayes, Brent Jackson, Bill Tifion, Dale Gandy, Herb White, Susan Carter and Hunter Moore.
Pray for all families who have lost loved ones, families affected by cancer, our shut-ins, residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and all our men and boys who are serving in the military.
Happy birthday this week to Donna Johnson, Lois Mims, Ana Thompson, Allen Williams, Joyce Leonard, Hillary Horton, Joanna Cobb, Brad Stange, Nate Jones, Cody Barber, James Beck, Ray Moore, George Edwards,
Donald and Ronald Spigner and Jim Mitchell.
Have a blessed week. Tell someone about Jesus. God is so good all the time. Come worship with us at Bethsalem.
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Sunday was a great day to praise and serve the Lord. God has told us not to forsake the assembly of ourselves together. We all need that time of fellowship with other believers.
The choir gave us “Keep on the Firing Line” from the old red book. We enjoy the old hymns from time to time.
The sermon was that God will provide for His people. This is good to be reminded of and to remember because He will provide for us. When we think things can’t get any worse God is always there with us.
A supper for the senior adults is in the works; make your plans to attend this evening of food and entertainment.
Remember to attend your favorite place of worship next week and if you do not have a church home we invite you to visit us.
Sunday School is at 10 a.m., regular worship at 11 a.m. with Children’s Church during this time, Discipleship Training at 5 p.m. Sunday night and worship at 6. Wednesday Bible study is at 7 p.m. We provide a nursery for the little ones.
Who will you pray for this week?
Samaria Baptist Church
The book of Daniel says the people of God are strong through the Holy Spirit. God provides this spirit for us. There is a manifestation of spirit given to every man to share with others. God gives us gifts to use to bless our church. Among these are wisdom, faith, healing and knowledge, and we can experience spiritual, physical and emotional healing through the Holy Spirit of God. Our God also provides the knowledge of medications and doctors to aid us in receiving healing. Healing and miracles happen every day. Prophecy is a gift. On the day of Pentecost, everyone understood every tongue. God’s love is kind, and according to 1 Corinthians 13: Love doesn’t behave itself unseemingly. Love never fails. Putting on the armor of God empowers us to face the devil and defeat him on his own ground. Standing against the devil’s onslaught overcomes the ways of darkness of this world.
Praying people who study God’s word can have ultimate power from God the Father. Praying with supplication and persevering with faith in the Master saves us from the eternal damnation of Satan. We walk in the Spirit to sanctify the church. Seek those who have strayed away. Read and study the word. Commit to do this. Those who serve should see hundreds saved. Stand fast. Be dependable. Let God use you. Cultivate the seed that is planted. Be ready to reap the harvest. Let us not be lazy. It is our responsibility to prepare those for eternity, and to work to build our church.
We are blood brothers with Christ. We are unified as Christians under the cross of Christ. Everyone who will come to Christ as their Savior will be born again. It should be our hope to see families come to Christ. The love of
God protects us from the hate that equals murder in our hearts. We are the offspring of Jesus Christ. Families need harmony, unity, and togetherness and we need to learn how to love God unselfishly, as He loves us.
Our prayer requests for today are James Smitherman, Ray Hardee, Essie Coleman, Billy Crumpton, the Friday family, Kay Wade, Mr. Mcanalley and our shut-ins. Please visit Samaria for a wonderful blessed experience.
Many thanks to Eloise Voyles for playing the piano for us from time to time. She is such a blessing when she plays. Diane Fisher sang “Still Blessed” for special music.
May God bless you and your family.
Bethany Baptist Church
After congregational singing and after requesting prayer for several of our members who are sick or recovering from surgery, Jeanette Jessop and J. C. Collins sang “Hand in Hand With Jesus.”
Bro. Aubry read I Samuel 30:11-15 and entitled his message, “A Stranger Finds Mercy.” This is the story of David and his comrades’ mercy and care for the starving Egyptian slave who had fought with their enemies, the Amalekites. Jesus meets the greatest needs of our soul. Luke 19:10: “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Romans 6:23 reminds us that “..the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Jean DeLoach, Ellen Gray, Ernestine Hatch, our military, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Jesse Wallace, Pastor Wallace; revival in America, Roller family, James Bixler, Geneva Cheek and the family of Jack Friday.
Happy birthday on Jan. 18 to David and Ron Peppers.
See you Sunday!
Mt. Pisgah
We started off with another cool Sunday as Brother Glenn Walker gave the message on “The Baptism of Jesus.” We have missed all those who are sick and those who are traveling. We pray for your swift recovery and safe journey home.
The new year has started and Mt. Pisgah is filling up the calendar with exciting activities. On Jan. 16, we held our visioning meeting to prepare for the ministries of this year. On Jan. 23, we will be attending “The Local Church Academy” held at First United Methodist Church in Montgomery. Our youth will be attending the youth rally at this event.
On Feb. 6, we will have a guest speaker from the Society of St. Andrews. She will share some ministry opportunities for our church. And on Feb. 26 at 6, we will host our 22nd Annual Easterling Singing. This year’s event will feature the Southern Gospel group Bledsoe. Admission is $10. We hope to see everyone there. All our activities are opened to the public. For information on these or any activities, contact Teresa Walker at 334-349-5725.
Cedar Grove
I am pleased that the weather forecast was wrong for our section of the country; bless the ones that had it so bad.
The service got off with a good hand-clapping song, “Just Over in the Gloryland,” followed by “The Way of the Cross Leads Home.”
Prayer is requested for the following: Kenneth Robinson, who is reportedly doing better; Ruth Kate Parr, who had a similar report; Ruby Neely with the flu; Derek Gray that he will soon be able to come back; and Dollie L. Price. We miss everyone when they are not here.
Also pray for our country, military and all that are in need of the Lord’s helping hand.
Bro. Jim Lowery’s sister went on to be with the Lord this past week, so keep the family in your prayers.
We were glad to see Patricia Cofer able to be out.
Happy birthday this week to Steve Price and Lexi Crowe. We have several coming up in the next few days.
“When We All Get to Heaven” was the beginning of our worship service followed by “He Set Me Free.” Brother Alton Russell and Sister Amelia Hubbard sang “I’m So Glad He Found Me,” and Sister Norma Muir blessed us by singing “You’re Still God.” She did a beautiful job.
Brother Jeff Carroll’s sermon was entitled “Christian Influence” and was taken from Matthew 5:13 and 2 Kings 2:19-22.
Many approached the altar to pray during the invitation.
If we could have everyone back at night that was in the morning service, it would be so wonderful.
The songs for the evening were “Where the Milk and Honey Flows” and “Peace in the Valley.” The choir sang several good songs, and the icing on the cake was when Brother Gary Hubbard sang “Amazed.” It was so beautiful.
We also have a very energetic preacher for the evening service, Brother Heath Vines. His sermon was entitled, “What Are You Boasting In?” His scripture came from Jeremiah 9:1-23 and part of chapter 8.
We are looking for more people that want a home church, one they can really feel like they have a family because that is what we will be, your church family.
We are just three miles south of Thorsby off County Road 37 next to Brother Harold Garrison’s farm.
For more information, call 646-2390.
Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry taught a good Sunday School lesson entitled “Josiah: Rediscovering the Word.” Bro Gary Fant got the morning service started off with “Trust and Obey” and “He Lives.” Following the congregational singing, Bro Horace Wyatt blessed us with “The Unseen Hand.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from James 5:13-18 with a message entitled “The Power of Prayer.” There are times in our lives when God wants us to just pray and be patient and wait on him to do the rest. God hears us every time we pray, and he will answer our prayers on his timetable. God is able to do way more than we could ever imagine because of the power of prayer. All we as Christians need to do is just have the faith that God has bestowed on us and move upon that faith. God will give us a peace that passeth all understanding.
The service ended with the altar full of people coming to pray.
Bro Gary Fant got the evening service started with “Just Over in the Glory Land,” “Glory to his Name” and “Where the Soul of Man Never Dies.” Bro Gary Fant blessed us with “Crown of Bright Glory,” and Bro Dennis Smith, Wanda Chadwick and Angel Bavar blessed with “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary,” “Child, Child” and “When My Feet Touch the Streets of Glory.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Acts 9:10-17. We as Christians need to understand that everything God instructs us to do will not be pleasant. God will instruct us to do things that some people will not be receptive to, but we need to understand that we must be faithful to what God tells us to do. By doing what God asks us to do, we will be rewarded for those things. We need to make a stand for Jesus Christ no matter what it takes because he doesn’t thing twice about answering prayer or blessing his people, so we shouldn’t think twice about serving him.
Please pray for this these as you pray this week: Juanita Wyatt, Margie Baker, Hershell Rhodes, Marie Johnson, Kathy York, Vasteen Driver, Geraldine Smith, Pearline Davenport, Jerry Castleberry, Myrtle Cleckler, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7. We also have Kid’s Club on Wednesday nights at 7 for grades 1-6.
Mt. Springs
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any better, then they do. We had an outstanding service Sunday morning and Sunday night. The Lord is moving in the hearts of our members.
Happy anniversary this week goes out to Donny and Sheri Moates, Curtis and Cathy Bailey, Don and Florence Vanderslice and Bobby and JoAnn Lewis. Please sign up to attend our Valentine banquet on Feb. 12. We were blessed in song by a visitor whose name was Joseph. Sorry, but I didn’t get his last name. Geneva Johnson blessed our hearts again with her beautiful voice.
Brother Don’s text for the message, “Who am I?” came from Exodus 3:1-9. He used Moses as an example of someone who came up with excuses for why he couldn’t do something and showed how we sometimes do that, too.
He asked the crowd, “Who am I?” Many people think they are someone that God doesn’t want because they are not good enough and that he can’t use them. Jesus came to save sinners, not the righteous and these people are the very ones He came to save. That is who you are.
When we look in the Bible, we see all kinds of people who became Christians and followed Jesus — cheaters, rough necks, possessed of the devil, revolutionaries, adulterers, the poor in spirit, the broken hearted, the captive and the blind. He comes not to condemn but to save and says “Go and sin no more.” He came to save and set you free from sin. We can look around us and we don’t have to look very far to see how sin destroys lives. There is hope and His name is Jesus. One answer to the question “Who am I?” is you are the object of God’s love. He died for you.
Who am I that God would want me to serve? One of the hardest things in a Christian’s life is to forgive self for what God has already forgiven. The Bible is full of those with a sinful past. Moses murdered someone, Peter denied Jesus, Jonah disobeyed and these are just a few. God forgave them and said “Just go on and do what I told you to do.” None of us have a past life that we are proud of, and we need to move on, after God has forgiven us, into a life of serving Him in every way that we can. You are who God wants to serve Him. None of us are strong alone. Joshua, David, Elisha and Paul were not strong either. It was God who won the battles through them because they let Him use them.
God chose to die, forgive, save, love and use us. We are a chosen vessel. Back to Moses, he had a choice. The choice to stay where he was or to go and serve as God had told him to do. We all stand with the choice each day – the choice to stand with God and believe; or the choice to stay lost or to go forward with Christ. Who do you want to be? A child of God? Ask forgiveness now.