Thanks for help after wreck
Published 5:46 pm Friday, December 17, 2010
Dear Editor,
I would like to thank the rescue people that came to my father’s wreck. I would like to thank the Lifesaver crew that flew my father to UAB.
He was hit Monday, Dec. 13, in Clanton by an 18-wheeler. He has a broken right hip, broken left leg and crushed left ankle, and he will have to be off both of them for at least three months.
I am glad you all were granted the abilities you had to take care of him. Thank you for giving my daddy help and protecting him. Also, thank the police officers that responded.
I also thank God that the driver of the 18-wheeler swerved enough that it spared my father’s life and his friend that was with him.
Samantha Barnes, 10, Clanton