Church News for Thursday, April 5
Published 5:19 pm Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Bethany Baptist Church
This beautiful Palm Sunday, Bro. Steve’s sermon was, “Prophet’s Portrait of Christ”. In Isaiah 53 it is like Isaiah is painting of a portrait of Christ’s crucifixion, 700 years before the event happened.
He is portrayed as a Sorrowful Christ, He was smitten (Isaiah 52:14 says after his beatings He was unrecognizable); He is the Suffering Christ; He is the Sin-Bearing Christ; and the Silent Christ. Jesus, the Holy Son of God, bore all of the sins of the whole world as being His and willingly died for our sins.
He suffered the rejection of the ones He loved, even His Heavenly Father so that we might have our sins forgiven. If you haven’t accepted Him as your Savior, please do so today.
On Sunday night, Bro. Steve continued his sermon from Isaiah 53.
April birthdays: James Gray, Jackie Neeley, Henry Moore, Billie Neeley, Jerry Vines, Ralph Wilson. April Anniversary: Carl and Ellen Gray.
Prayer list: Clayton Armstrong, Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Danny Jones, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Jamie Sanders, Lillianna Thompson, Tim Wallace, and our VBS in June.
See you Sunday!
Calvary Independent Baptist
It was a beautiful Sunday that the Lord gave us. Sunday morning we had Bro. Kevin Shaw preaching in the 10 a.m. morning service. He preached on the importance of believing the word of God. He started with Genesis 1:1 and then went to Revelation 22:21 and showed how none of the word of God would ever make sense unto us unless we had faith in believing it is all the word of God in truth. Sunday night service we observed communion service, remembering our savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, and His sacrificial death on the cross so that we could have forgiveness of sins through His shed blood. Associate Pastor Oscar Mims preached from 1 Corinthians 11. We want to invite everyone to Wednesday night Bible studies at 6:30 p.m. weekly; we are now in the doctrinal study of prayer. We had visitors for the Sunday morning service and also for the Sunday night service. We want to give a special thanks to them for coming and welcome them back to be a part of any and all of our services. If you are looking for a church home or maybe just have a canceled service sometime and would like to visit we would love to have you come and worship the Lord Jesus Christ with us.
Cedar Grove Church
“Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.” Matthew 21: 9.
We had a very blessed day at church today, as Bro. Alton Russell led the congregation in singing The Old Gospel Ship , Sweet Bye and Bye and The Old Rugged Cross.
Brother Gary Hubbard did an outstanding job on teaching the Sunday school lesson. “The Crucifixion,” based in Matthew 27:33-50. The Golden Text: And being found in fashion as a man, and became obedient, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Phil. 2: 8
Happy birthday to Paula Castleberry.
We welcome our visitors. Welcome little Noah Drummond to our world, he is probably our youngest church visitor, his parents John and Brittany Drummond brought him today, four days old, welcome to John’s family members that came with him. It was great to see Jimmy Flowers able to be back in church.
We will have Easter Services Sunday morning; there will be no service Sunday night.
April 11 at 7 p.m. we will have our quarterly business meeting and elections will be done for the new year; everyone come, or you might be elected for something if you are not…only kidding.
After several congregation songs, Patricia Cofer sung a beautiful song “Gone” for the special of the morning and Brother Jeff Carroll preached a sermon entitled “They Know Not What They Do,” Luke 23:1-31, and Ephesians 4:17-18.
Remember to pray for the Burks family in the loss of their loved one, the family of Mrs. Lois Patterson. Remember all the sick and shut-ins, and all the families that are having problems.
Christ Independent Methodist
On this sixth Sunday of Lent, Palm Sunday, it was a joy to arrive at the house of the Lord and enter the sanctuary with beautifuk palms surrounding the pulpit in recognition of their association with the day. Our opening hymns were “Hosanna, Lord Hosanna,” and “In the New Jerusalem.”
Dr. Mac Stinson’s sermon title was “After the Parade,” based on scripture from Mark 11:1-11. These verses are wonderful to read because they are some of a small number of verses that tell us how Jesus was happily received by the throng of people about him.
Mark 11:9 tells us “And they that went before him, and they that followed, cried, saying, ‘Hosanna; blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.’”
John 15:13 tells us “Greater love has no one that this: to lay down one’s life for one’ friend.” That is exactly what Jesus did for you and me.
Prayer report: Carl Glass, Gene Cost, Dwight Sammons, Dakota Justice, Lilliana Thompson, our military, their families, our community, church, each other and Shea Simms and family.
We ask travelling grace for those who will be thus engaged this coming week.
If you would like to place a lily in the sanctuary on Easter Sunday in honor or memory of someone, please speak to Laurel Lee. Following our Easter Service at noon, the lily will go home with the recipient.
Due to crowded schedules, we will omit our customary Sunrise Service Easter morning. We will meet for Sunday school at 9:45 and morning worship at 11, with lunch and an Easter Egg hunt following.
Have a blessed week.
Mars Hill Baptist
Our Easter services will be different from our regular worship times: 6 a.m. Sunrise Service, 7 a.m. breakfast, 8 a.m. Sunday School, and 9 a.m. worship service. There will be no night services on this date.
We have the good news and that is Jesus Loves us. Keep your eyes on Him.
Remember our sick in prayer and the family who lost their loved one this week, please remember that family in this difficult time in their life.
Friday, April 27: Be a “Life Saver!” Support Relay For Life.
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist
Our weekend services got off to a great start on Saturday afternoon with a church/community cookout and showing of the movie Courageous. Our thanks go to everyone that put a lot of work into making this a success. We pray that each one in attendance was blessed in some way.
Bro. Derrell’s message for the children on Sunday morning was focused on the words from the Bible that tell us that the rocks and stones will praise the Lord if we refuse to do so. His morning message was taken from John 19:23-30. He titled it “Near the Cross”. The women that was near the cross on the day of Christ’s crucifixion had special reasons to be thankful to Jesus. Their redemption, as well as ours, had a great price. Jesus paid that price by giving His life on Calvary. Even as cruel as it was, the cross is a place of redemption and restoration.
Sunday evening our services began with our Youth praise band blessing us with several songs followed by a couple of spirit filled songs by the congregation. Bro. Derrell used scripture from Mark 7 for his evening message “Water, Insects, and Weeds”. It is not what enters into the body/belly of man that defies. It is what comes out of the heart that defiles. Just as too much or too little water, insects, and weeds can choke the growth of a garden, our acts and words that proceed out of our mouths can choke the effectiveness of our witness.
We would like to extend a special invitation to everyone to attend our revival that is scheduled for April 22 – 27. Sunday services will be at 5 p.m.; weeknights will be at 7 p.m. Please pray for Bro. Don Vanderslice as God prepares him to bring our messages. On our special pray list this week is Ryan Scott, Jacob Jones, Zoe McNeil, and our upcoming VBS.
Mt. Springs
We had a wonderful service Sunday morning with special guests the Down East Boys and Canaanland. Both groups did an outstanding job ministering to us in song.
Sunday night’s service began with Bro. Ricky Cleckler leading the church in the hymns “Just A Little While,” “I Want to Know More About My Lord,” and “Just a Little Talk With Jesus.”
Bro. Kenneth Moates gave a devotion from Proverbs 3:6. Sometimes life is so hard we tend to reasonably doubt the presence of God. The road may be hard, but the Lord will always be by our side.
Debbie Barnett sang “I’ve Made it By Grace” and blessed the church with a wonderful song.
Bro. Don’s message came from Galatians 6:14. The cross reveals the ugliness of sin, the love of God, and it gives us promises of our future.
We will have Easter sunrise service starting at 6 a.m. and regular services at 9:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.