Gardens takes on NALW with week-long celebrations

Published 3:07 pm Tuesday, September 24, 2024

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By Carey Reeder | Managing Editor

The Gardens of Clanton joined the national celebration of National Assisted Living Week earlier in September that was filled with festivities for its residents.

From Sept. 8-14, NALW had the theme of ‘Inspiring Generations’ that rallied all assisted living facilities for the week. The Gardens of Clanton held a wide variety of events during the week that put smiles on the resident’s faces. The week started on Sunday with Grandparents Day that brought in resident’s families to spend the day with them. On Monday, the facility hosted a care bear drive to accept donated stuffed animals and deliver them to Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center to comfort the children the nonprofit assists.

Tuesday was a birthday celebration for one of the Gardens’ residents, and Wednesday the residents held a remembrance luncheon for those who lost their lives on Sept. 11. First responders were guests of the Gardens, and came out to have lunch with the residents. The week of celebrations ended on Thursday with a fiesta and Friday with a tailgate party.

“This was one of the best National Assisted Living Weeks the Gardens has had,” Vickie Moseley, Administrator at the Gardens of Clanton, said. “We aim to live happy each and every day.”