Schools promote nutrition for Lunch Week

Published 12:05 pm Monday, October 15, 2018

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

Meals offered at school have changed over the years to be more nutritious.

During National School Lunch Week, Oct. 15-19, Chilton County Schools Child Nutrition director Tasha Hayes and her staff are promoting the health benefits of eating school lunch.

“We are promoting healthy eating and encouraging them to eat in the lunchroom,” Hayes said.

Each school lunchroom will have flyers posted outlining the heath requirements that each school lunch must meet.

School lunch menus are created by local CNP directors based on USDA requirements.

Each meal must offer one cup of one percent or fat-free milk, 3/4 cup of vegetables, 1/2 cup of fruits, whole grains and lean protein.

Other requirements limit the calories, sodium and unhealthy fats in each meal.

Hayes said flyers will be “put in all children’s folders to promote healthy eating habits.”

Elementary school students will also receive National School Lunch Week stickers.

Hayes said participation in the school system’s meals program increased in September with 108,000 meals being served. This includes staff members that buy a school lunch.

While Hayes said she does not have a specific explanation for the increase, she thinks promotion of the menu and students enjoying the meals have been factors.

Both breakfast and lunch are served each school day. In addition to being sent home with students, the school breakfast and lunch menu is posted on the Chilton County Schools website under the Child Nutrition tab.

Menus are sent home with students each month. Hayes said she has started adding a student’s drawing to each menu. Students are recommended by their school counselor.