Human rights upheld by Chilton County humans

Published 4:07 pm Friday, March 16, 2018


Before March 14, I had never covered a protest before — peaceful or otherwise. Thankfully, the walkout protests of March 14 were peaceful in nature.

There is no doubt that school shootings is a serious issue in the U.S.

Columbine High School was the first of many, and some people said that when it happened, they knew more would follow.

And so they have.

Much discussion has arisen from the rubble, and on March 14, Chilton County students embraced their First Amendment rights to speak their thoughts concerning the issue.

Regardless of sides or positions relating to the proposed actions for solving the horrific problem, what happened on March 14 in schools across the county and nation was irrefutably admirable.

Students calmly exited their classrooms and gathered where they could honor the 17 fallen victims of the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting and discuss solutions for greater safety in schools.

It takes courage to take a stand and voice a thought or belief — even when the action itself is calm and respectful.

As a journalist, I can certainly appreciate this exercise of the freedoms provided by the First Amendment. Encompassed in its liberating literature is protection for the rights not only to free press, but also to religion, speech and peaceful assembly.

March 14 served as a powerful reminder of the blessing we Americans have engraved in this Amendment and others. May the rights of humans in America continue to be promoted and protected in this nation under God. As long as it is one nation under God, it will.