Jemison approves fiscal year 2018 budget

Published 2:58 pm Thursday, September 21, 2017


Jemison approved its 2017-2018 fiscal year budget at a City Council meeting on Sept. 18.

City Administrator Shannon Welch briefed the council with a summation of the budget.

“Basically, the budget we presented has got a surplus of $88,000 in it. We’re very, very conservative on our revenues, and then we went through and fine-tuned all of our expenses,” Welch said. “I think we’ve got a very, very good budget.”

According to City Clerk Sylvia Singleton, the approved fiscal year 2018 budget is $3,809,800.

Mayor Eddie Reed said the construction of the budget was completed with the teamwork of Singleton, Welch, Chief of Police Shane Fulmer and Fire and Rescue Chief John Dennis.

“I want the council to understand this budget was made with you in mind,” Reed said. “This council deals with these issues, and with this process in place, and with the staff we have in place…a lot of studies and work and time has gone into this, and because of it, not only do we have a balanced budget, we have a budget with surplus, and is very conservative.”

Before approving the adoption of the budget, the council discussed a possible revision for the police department’s funding, accounting for needed funds during a time of transition regarding newly hired personnel.

In other proceedings during the meeting, the council approved two ordinances regarding the sewer situation and water tanks.

“One is for improvements to sewage treatment plant in the amount $620,000. The other is for repairs and improvements to our water tanks,” Singleton said. “After debt forgiveness on the latter, the loan amounts to $265,000.”

During the meeting, the council also:

  • Approved an amendment to an ordinance regarding police department employees. “It changed pay grade increase fromthe first pay period within the month of January of each calendar year after their probationary period to the first day of the next pay period after their probationary period,” Singleton said.
  • Opened the floor to a citizen requesting support for M4A, an organization that provides food to homebound senior citizens.
  • Approved to open an executive session. Having no further business afterward, the council adjourned after the session, according to Singleton.