Jemison city hall parking lot makes progress on sealing

Published 12:43 pm Tuesday, July 18, 2017



The City of Jemison is praying for the storm to pass—well, specifically the rain. Both completion of the City Hall parking lot sealing and the city’s spraying for mosquitoes depend on the skies to clear and the rainfall to cease.

In a City Council meeting on July 17, City of Jemison council members discussed updates regarding the city hall parking lot sealing project.

“It had been fast deteriorating,” Mayor Eddie Reed said.

The parking lot, whose deterioration had been accelerated by the abundance of recent rainfall, hit additional bumps in the road when two old drainage pipes announced their presence with an overflow of sewage water, Mayor Eddie Reed explained in the meeting.

“Because of all the excess rain, we were made aware of the problem.” City Clerk Sylvia Singleton said.

Repairs were made, and the city replaced a large sewage pipe that would have run under the proposed Marion Bank and Trust Company parking lot located next door. The first portion of the city hall pavement sealing project began July 8-9, sparing the lot a total repaving that likely would have been imperative after six more months in its prior condition.

Reed said the city financing of the parking lot reparations was not desired, but necessary.

According to Singleton, the lot will need resealing in about two years, but will then be fine for five more years, at which time it will require resealing.

Right now, the city is waiting for what has been sealed to cure, and then will complete the sealing in about a month.

“As long as it’s dry, it’s curing, ” Singleton said of the pavement.

In other city council meeting happenings, Reed updated the council on the proceedings from the City’s Safety Meeting on June 30, which is recommended by the League of Municipalities to meet periodically.

Before adjourning, a motion was passed to pay bills was carried.

A citizen concern about trailer parking ordinances was also addressed and progress announced for the securing of a good location for the parking of a truck driver’s trailer.