Church news for the week of June 30, 2016

Published 5:04 pm Friday, July 1, 2016

Corinth Church News

We had a wonderful service this past Sunday. If you weren’t able to make it, we hope you can join us for our Wednesday night Bible study (6:30-7:30) or next Sunday at 10:00 for study and 11:00 for worship and preaching!

The phrase “Everyone is offended by everything today” is tossed around quite often; but in all honesty, people have always been offended, they just feel that they can speak out about it more freely now. There’s nothing wrong with speaking out against the wrongs of the world. There’s nothing wrong with wanting equal rights for your fellow humans. We are all created equal in the eyes of God. No man or woman is any different than the other. That’s not to say we don’t have our own unique abilities and talents, but when you step back and look at the human race as a whole, we’re all the same. We cannot breathe without air, we won’t live very long without food or water, and we yearn for love and affection (whether you want to admit it or not…everyone wants to be loved).

When someone states that they are offended by something, it typically means they are hurt or deeply troubled. It’s true that there are numerous things in this world that can easily offend anyone at any given time, but as a Christian, should we be so easily offended?

When it comes to being offended, we should be willing to step back and ask ourselves why; why does this offend us? Is it just me? Is it my own personal issue with the offence in question? Is it something that isn’t even an issue, but my brain is simply making it one?

Sometimes, we may have the best intentions in telling someone how offended we are at their actions, beliefs, or doings. However, yelling, demanding, and trying to justify the “right way” (which oftentimes is simply “your way”) of doing something or believing comes across as condemnation, and will only cause hurt to the other person. You will never get your point across by condemning someone.

Which leads to our next issue: Should we be cautious not to offend?

As we all know, Jesus preached love. This was his main message. “Love one another, as I have loved you.” Are you willing to preach with love? In this world full of hate and disdain, can you show love and compassion? Can you?

You can get your point across without bringing offence. Sure, it’s not easy. As someone, whose brain to mouth filter doesn’t always work, I can tell you first hand that it is not easy. However, I want people to know God’s love. I want them to see that though their actions or life choices may not be what I would choose, I love them anyway – just as God does.

So, the next time you feel offended and feel the need to express your discontent, try doing it in a manner of compassion. Sometimes the offence can be a simple misunderstanding and can be easily cleared up with a conversation spawned from curiosity.

In the end, a person’s constructive or destructive choices they make are 100% their responsibility. You can preach love all day long and some will not listen. There are people out there that it seems their sole purpose in life is to be offended by absolutely everything. Showing love and compassion does not mean that you have to sit there and take insults from another. Some people will attack you and claim your way of life is offensive to them no matter how much of Jesus you try to emulate. They will argue with you till their last breath. What’s the simplest way to deal with them? To those that attack and spew hate at you for living as Jesus did, or mocking you with WWJD; kindly smile and remind them that flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip is completely within the realms of possibility.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you and we hope to see you soon!

Mt. Springs

Sunday morning, the congregation sang the hymns of, “This World is Not My Home,” and “Heaven’s Jubilee.”

Bro. Roger Clecker brought a devotion from Luke 6:46-49. Wait until the storms come to see where someone’s foundation is built upon. There is great destruction for those built upon the sand. It is up to you and me as to which foundation we build upon.

After Sunday school, Savannah Parrish sang “Glorious Moment of Faith.”

Bro. Heath Vines preached from Matthew 25:1-13. What God did for you in the past, He can still do for you today. There is a Savior that can meet all of your needs, even when you think you’re down to nothing.

Satan will attack the church on every side. The church will withstand! No one here loves the church as much as Christ loves the church. God is able to add to the church anytime He wants to.

When God establishes something, it is very important.

God is not coming back for the church with sin in their life. He is coming back. Are you ready to meet Him?

Sunday evening was the end-of-the-month singing.

Samaria Baptist Church

What a wonderful Savior is our Lord. To God be all the glory as we pray for those on our prayer list today: Nita Smith, Paul Shearon, Anna Wilson, mission trip, Linda Kirkland, Elvie Patterson, Kent, Maria and Baby girl Willis, Tucker Jones, Lucille Johnson, Peggy Traywick, Myron West family, Gayle Cleckler, Jeff Calhoun, Terry Boswell, Ray and Phylis Hardee, Ricky Posey’s family, Sally Edwards, Drusilla Hudgins, and The Myron West family. We always want to remember our Sheriff, and his staff, and our Police officers who protect us in dangerous situations. We congratulate our new couple in marriage, Courtney Smith Gray and new husband Braxton Gray.

Stacy Wyatt sang a beautiful song, “Little is much when God is in it.” Stacy is such a blessing to every heart and every song.

Today’s message is entitled, “Committed.” We are always going to be dedicated to something. It may be our jobs, our hobbies, our families or other things. However if we want to have true happiness in life, we must be committed completely and totally to our Savior. Proverbs 16 v. 3-4 speaks of commitment. Following His calling empowers us, and surrendering every part of our lives assures us of His Amazing Grace. Troubles in life are going to come, but Jesus loves us in spite of ourselves. Being committed to Sunday morning service is a great place to start. However, it is definitely not total commitment to the cause of Christ. We pledge to serve Him, and that means in all things. So if we are claiming to be committed to The Lord, we have a standing commitment to the Church as well. We must lay a foundation to follow through in God’s plan for us.

It is our responsibility to be teach our children by example, and that isn’t just the ones who are born to us. We are to be examples of how a marriage is supposed to be. Loving your spouse shows your children what true marital obedience to God is all about. In all things let us show Christ by our living example. In the workplace, make sure your co-workers have seen what a true believer looks, and sounds like. May God bless and keep you. Please worship with us at Samaria this weekend.

Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church

It was a great day in God’s house. Our service started with Jim Hayes leading the congregation in singing several hymns. One of them was “When the morning comes”. This song reminds us that the trials we face here may not be understood now, but the purpose for them will be made known to us in God’s time. We all have different troubles, but Jesus is the one that brings us through all of them. In focusing upon Him, we find comfort in all situations. Ashley Liveoak sang “We Bless Your Name” for our special music.

Bro. Travis Burnett used John 1:10 as the scripture passage for the message God sent to us. Sharing the gospel message of Christ is the work of all Christians. Where can we do this? We must go into the world. That is where the ones are that need to hear the good news. As Jesus traveled in the world He encountered people from all walks of life that had all types of needs. Jesus knew the kind of people they were. He knows the kind of people we are. In spite of all the things that are wrong in our lives, He loves us anyway. He wants our needs to be met just as He so willingly supplied answers to the needs of those He met on His earthly journey. Jesus cares for those that are broken, those that are outcast of society, those that feel they are not of use to anyone, those that think they have done so much they can’t be forgiven, as well as those that think of themselves as not needing help at all. Jesus can mend a broken heart. He can make us into a person that is useful to Him and those around us. We all have questions about life, but Jesus has the answers. He can change the entire situation we may be in. He has a purpose for each of us and desires us to fulfill that purpose. We may have been rejected and neglected, but Jesus will accept us into His family just as we are if we will accept Him. He will change us and remake us from the inside out. He will fill us with His love. Being filled with His love enables us to show our love to those in the world that are looking and searching for something fulfilling. Love is an action, not just a word.

Following our morning service, we had a pot luck lunch to honor Bro. Travis and Kaitlyn as they are in the process of adopting a child. They received some nice gifts, diapers, wipes, and donations. Thanks to all that had a part in making this a great time for them. We wish Travis and Kaitlyn all the best in this adventure. The child who gets adopted into this home will be so blessed. They are a wonderful, Godly couple.

Our Vacation Bible School started on Sunday evening. Our last day and commencement will be on Thursday, June 30th. On Saturday the 25th, we had our kick-off party for VBS. We had a great turn out. A great big thank you to Isabella Fire Department for helping us with our parade through the community. The fire truck was a big hit with all the children. Bro. Travis provided a couple of inflatables for the kids. Also thanks to everyone else that helped with the food, games, and transportation for the kick-off party. It ended with the kids (old and young) enjoying a wet slide and water balloons.

Our deepest sympathy and prayers go out to the family of Myron West. We pray that God will strengthen all of you as you face the days ahead. May God grant you peace and understanding. Also on our prayer list this week is Phyllis Cofer. She had surgery and is still in the hospital at the time of this writing. Others that need a special touch from God are Minnie Childress, Gladys Franklin, Elladene Mims, George Campbell, West Wilcox, Ricky Posey Family, Susie Veasey, Leona Liveoak, Robert Childress, Mary Dean Higgins, Ruthie Jean Giles, Mary Maudlin, and Christy Lowery.

Upcoming events include: July 3rd we will have a special service at 5:00 p.m. that will include a homemade ice cream social; July 10th Bro. Matt Hilyer will bring our messages; July 24th will be our Homecoming with Bro. William Short binging the message and The Kempters as special singers. This will begin at 10:00 a.m. You are always welcome to worship with us at Mt. Carmel.

Cedar Grove

Announcements: Upcoming events: Saturday 07/16/2016 “Radio Revival” Coming to you live at Goose Pond Park by our very own local Radio Station WKLF 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. There will be Pastors from surrounding community churches preaching the Gospel, free food and drinks will be available. We invite everyone to bring your lawn chair, come on out join in praise and worship to our Lord and Savior.

Prayer Concerns: Our pastors, our church family, our nation, the upcoming presidential election, those in hospitals and nursing homes, spoken and unspoken request.

Pastor Jeff Carroll’s text came from Genesis 18:23 “Intercessor”. There are famous people all of the world, none so much as Jesus and Abraham of the Bible. Abraham was a great intercessor, prayer warrior, and friend. Abraham interceded for the city of Sodom and Gomorra, and his nephew Lot. Abraham asked God if he could find 50, 20, 10, would he spare Sodom and Gomorra? God said yes he would spare the city but there were not even 10 righteous to be found. Abraham was allowed to get Lot and his family out before God destroyed the city for its abundance of iniquity. As a Christian a true child of God, we know God is in control. God has warned us as he did Sodom what will happen to this world if it does not turn from its wickedness, it will be destroyed by fire. God wants us to understand he will not destroy the righteous (those on the right side of God). The righteous are the only reason God is holding off destruction, of the world, but there are becoming fewer and fewer. America Is continuing to decline rapidly, becoming more degraded, debased, than ever before. We just like Abraham need to intercede for our loved ones, and the utterly lost and dying world around us. America is in a wicked dark place that needs to cry out to God in repentance for his mercy and grace to restore our nation. To have a dream Abraham and Sara had a dream to have a child as God told them they would, when Sara and Abraham obeyed God he gave them a son named Isaac. God sent Abraham to slay his only son upon an alter, the boy asked “but father where is the lamb? To which his father replied God will provide, can you imagine what might have been going through Abraham’s mind as he was leading his only son to be slain. Just as he was about to kill Isaac God provided a lamb from the bushes. Praise God. God provided the Lamb (his only son) for sacrifice on Calvary so we would not have to die in our sins. The day Jesus took our place on the cross, we were able to walk away from our sins never to look back. God will always provide a way if we will only call on him. Gen. 4: 8 Cain decided to go his own way when he killed his brother Abel, “when God asked him where is Abel he replied am I my brother’s keeper actually he was. But he had become jealous with rage when God accepted Abel’s sacrifice but not his own, to the point he killed Abel. When God passed judgment on Cain “that when he tilled the ground it would no longer yield its strength for him, he would be a fugitive and vagabond on earth. Cain said unto the Lord my punishment Is greater than I can bear.” In closing “If you remember nothing else remember what Cain said, I cannot bear the punishment. The punishment of not knowing the Lord, being condemned to outer darkness, hell fire and damnation everlasting.”

Bethany Baptist Church

Bethany Baptist opened the a.m. services with a song “O Happy Day,” followed with a devotional, “A Rich Man and a Beggar,” Luke 16:19-31. Here we have the account of a rich man who died and went to hell, not because he was rich, but because he had not accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior. The beggar died and went to Heaven, not because he was poor, but because he had put his trust in Jesus Christ and had accepted Him as his savior.

As we go through life we need to be reminded of the scriptures which we already know. The rich man in these verses put his faith in worldly wealth, which the religious Pharisees thought would make you righteous. There is no connection between worldly wealth and spiritual wealth. He, after death was in hell and in torment which is forever, eternal. He needed someone to come down and cool his tongue, and he also did not want his family to go to hell. He asked for Lazarus, the beggar to cool his tongue and that he would go back to earth from the dead and witness to his family. Abraham told him that if they did not listen to Moses and the prophets, they would not listen if someone went back from the dead. Jesus arose from the dead, but many still did not believe in Him. Worldly wealth, though it will not keep you from going to Heaven will do us not good after death. Do not put your faith in earthly wealth. We as saved people need to have a burden to tell the lost in the world today about Jesus Christ and eternity!

We were dismissed with a prayer to our Sunday school classes after which we sang “Come Unto Me,” “Each Step I Take,” “So Send I You,” and “Fill My Cup, Lord.”

Bro. Aubry announced the combined baptismal services at Landmark Baptist Church in Prattville at 5:00 p.m., asked for prayer requests, and received the a.m. offering.

Bro. Aubry’s message was “Being at the Feet of Jesus,” Luke 10:38042. Mary and Martha experienced the joy of being at the feet of Jesus. We, too, can have the same joy of abiding at the feet of Jesus. There is a purpose behind each one of God’s children for being where we are in His service. We need to continuously have Christ on our mind and heart.

Mary is always found at the feet of Jesus. We must study to learn how to sit at the feet of Jesus where there is a place of calmness and peace. Everything and all the cares of the world go away when we are at our places of obedience to Jesus. Do not worry about the conditions in our country and the world today, because God is in control. Martha was concerned with the physical food while Mary was concerned with spiritual food. Jesus told Martha that Mary was concerned with the right way for peace and contentment. Many saved people never find true peace in this world, because they are too busy with daily life. John 11:28-32, we read that Mary was telling Jesus that if He had been there earlier, her brother Lazarus would not have died. Jesus was four days late, but still on time according to God’s timing. Jesus is concerned about us today.

Isaiah 55:22, Jesus is always interceding for us. We need Jesus to be our intercessor (speaking to God on our behalf), not some worldly man. Jesus expects certain things of us; we must be obedient to Him. Mary began to understand that Jesus was concerned and cared for her. The purpose of Jesus coming to Lazarus after 4 days was to show people who Jesus was. We may not always understand what Jesus is doing in our life. When we go through trials, don’t question God, but realize what God does for us. God, Jesus, has all power in Heaven and earth.

One thing we need to understand at the feet of Jesus is our place of service. John 12:1-6, Mary used a year’s salary to buy a pound of ointment which she poured on Jesus feet. When we serve, we should serve willingly and joyfully. Romans 12:1, when we serve, we must serve whole heartedly. Be willing to be a slave for Jesus, do whatever is necessary to serve and honor the Lord. Jesus deserves the best we have. Mark 14:8, 9, is our life making a statement for Christ? Can people around us see that we truly are Christians by the way we live?

Services closed with a prayer and song “Trust and Obey.”

We met at 5:00 at Landmark Baptist Church in Prattville for our combined Baptismal service. Michelle Vines and Nina Morton from Bethany and Trae McCullar Merriweather from Landmark were to be baptized. Bro. Justin Gray led us in a song “The Old Rugged Cross.” Bro. Aubry read Acts 2:38. Take any Bible that traces its date to the time of Christ and you will find that the only way to be saved is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Peter had just preached the great message on the day of Pentecost, “Repent,” and be baptized for the remission of sin.” An example of this is the law enforcement officers put people in jail for stealing, not so they can steal but because they had already stolen. They and we are baptized because of already being saved, not to be saved. The only way to really, lawfully serve Jesus is after baptism. Many will be in Heaven who have never been baptized and are working for the Lord, but they will have no rewards in Heaven.

After the short message, we sang “At Calvary.” Bro. Aubry baptized Michelle and Nina by the authority of Bethany Baptist Church, and Trae, his great-grandson, by the authority of Landmark Baptist Church. We had a prayer and sang “Christ Arose.” After giving these three the hand of church fellowship from the two churches we were dismissed with a prayer.

Our prayer list includes our church, Bro. Aubry, Shirley, Grace, Mr. Hubert, Missions and Missionaries, Phillip V, Paulette and Peggy, Lisa Morton, Jenny, Colyn, Sherry, Barbara T. W, Melissa, Vikki, Helen, Charlotte, Evelyn K, Harold T, Sherry and Justin, many more including the unsaved!

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

Calvary Independent Baptist Church wants to thank everyone who attended services this past week. Sunday morning services included a message from I Corinthians 15:1-4 and other passages from the book of Romans. We looked at the gospel of Christ and how it is the power of God unto salvation. We know that a person must be on the right foundation and believing the right gospel to ever truly understand they are living in the dispensation of the grace of God. We indeed do live in times where man is without excuse. Not only has the price been paid for salvation but the power of God is available unto all who will believe so that people do not have to live under the bondage of sin. To be free in Christ is to be free indeed. Our hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and for the freedom to do that which is right, what is your hope in today? Sunday night was family night. We started off upstairs with a short song service, then a message from Psalms 16:11 and Ecclesiastes 12:9-14 on preparation for the path, promised blessings in his presence, and the pleasures of being in the right place with God. After services upstairs we went downstairs for food and fellowship celebrating this month’s birthdays and anniversaries.

If you have an opportunity, come visit with us this Sunday!! We are in located South Clanton just past Dollar General, right off 31 on Fulmer Drive. Our regular weekly services include Sunday school 9:00 am, Children’s Church and Adult Worship Services Sunday Morning at 10:00 am, Sunday Night Services 5:30 pm, Wednesday Night Services 6:30 pm, and a Bible study on every other Tuesday Night at 7:00 pm. For other services and events check us out on Facebook ,Twitter, visit our website at , or call Pastor Oscar Mims at 205-755-9399

Mars Hill Baptist church

Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again.

Our choir gave us a praise medley of songs this morning. It is so wonderful to be able to praise Him.

Our pastor had 1 John 3:7, 8 for his sermon today. Here we find a lesson on righteousness. Little children, let no man deceive you, he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as He is righteous. He that committeth sin is of the devil, for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil. People, get on your knees and pray because if the devil is not after you he may already have you. We must accept the saving grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The purpose of Jesus is to save the lost, to separate us from the world and help us stand un-waveringly on our faith. A Christian must be separate from the world. God can do anything for anybody. He is a mighty God. We need to pray for lost souls. Jesus was sent to die for the lost. Proclaim Jesus as the only way to Heaven.

Here at Mars Hill we are growing; souls are being saved and added to the kingdom of God. If you do not have a church home come visit us.

We have some out due to a death in their family, vacation time or visiting in other states. We had some today who have been sick and were able to be back in God’s house. We praise Him for this.

Remember our Vacation Bible School and make plans for you and your children to attend. We will serve the children a meal each night. There will be much for them to learn and do. We have classes for Beginners to Adults. The theme this year is “Submerged”. Come join us July 10, 14.

New Salem Baptist Church

New Salem Baptist Church 11:00 AM service opened with the adult choir singing “Jesus we just want to thank you.” The congregation then sang “Sunshine in my soul.” Brother Reeser made the announcements and read the prayer requests. There were no birthdays or anniversaries the past week.

Brother Reeser’s text was from Leviticus 26:1-14 and his theme “We need to be warriors.” As warriors for Christ we need to abandon the sin of creating false idols; live a life that is pleasing to God so that we can lead others to Him. As makers of equipment give an operators manual for us to follow to insure the equipment performs like it was designed, God, as our creator gave us a manual called the Bible. If we follow the manual the product will perform as it was designed, however, if we try to skip details the results will be damaged products that don’t perform at all.

In these days of turmoil where it seems the devil is in charge, we need to stand up for what we believe and fight the evil. The time is short Christ could return any time: death comes suddenly and when we leave this life and stand before God’s throne it is too late to try to get right. Most of us try to live a good life, but as Max Lacado says “how good is good enough?” The bible says good people don’t go to heaven. In fact Paul wrote:” there is none that doeth good, no, not one” Romans 3:12. Luke wrote: “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish” Luke 13:5. Repent means to have a change of mind, which causes a change of heart that causes a change of life. If Christ came for you today, would you be ready?

The 5:00 PM evening service was conducted by J.C. Pierce who spoke on the subject of the makeup of the church using visual illustration. We sometimes find those who are envious of others who have seemingly important jobs, but we fail to realize that Christ places those that he wants in the church to fulfill his purposes. Then there are those who always have an attitude that life’s just not going right, they seem bored and never want to get involved. Then there are those who are afraid to stand up for what they profess, I couldn’t do that or people would laugh if I tried that, really they just look a little yellow. But worse are those who are never in harmony with the crowd. Always against everything, no real reason, just against it. The person like this who was against the church getting a new chandelier used the excuse that there wasn’t anyone that could play it, it was too expensive, and what they really needed was more light.

Vacation Bible School will be July 11-15 at 6:00 PM to 8:00PM. Kick-off for VBS will be Sunday July 10th. 4:000 PM. New Salem Baptist Church extends a cordial welcome to all to worship with us: Sunday Morning 10:00 AM Sunday school; 11:00 AM worship. 5:00 PM Evening worship service; Wednesday 6:00 PM Bible study and prayer meeting. We are learning about the 12 Disciples of Christ. You are invited to join with us at any of our services and if you need additional information call 205-389-1102

Friendship Baptist Church

Our children’s song was “He is the Light”. This was one of the songs they learned during VBS last week. Our call to worship was “Our God is an Awesome God”. Pam Marcus sang “God makes no mistakes”.

Bro. Ken’s message was from 1 John 1:6, “The Light of God without Darkness”: Christ illuminates our past, He illuminates our path today, and He illuminates our future.

During our evening service we had our VBS Family Night.

Next Sunday at 10:00 a.m. is Stars and Stripes Forever: A Musical Celebration. At 5:00 p.m. will be our Annual Shrimp Boil, all are invited. Please give your donation to Susan Davis to help pay for the $300 shrimp. See Regeana to offer other needed items. If you plan to cook, come at 4:00 p.m. We’ll plan to eat at 6:00 p.m. Come enjoy the food, fun and fellowship.

Opportunities for the future: July 12 9:00-4:00 p.m: The children will be going to the movies and afterwards to Pratt Park for a picnic and play at the park and splash pad.

July 18-22: Chilton Baptist Association Kid’s Camp.

September 15: Chilton Association MEGA Conference at Jemison First Baptist Church 7:00-8:30 p.m. This training will be for teachers and leaders of all ages in all areas of local church ministry.

October 17-20: Celebrator’s Conference in Pigeon Forge.