Church News for the week of March 10
Published 4:08 pm Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Samaria Baptist Church
Cast your care on him, for he careth for you; Phillipians 4:13.
This is just one of the scriptures that highlighted Bro. Shane’s Sunday message.
As we think on this we want to share our prayer concerns for Nathan Friday, Paul Shearon, Summer Patterson and baby, Tracy and Bennie Mims, Stacey Wyatt, Dunn employees on very dangerous work in the coming weeks, Glenn McGriff’s mother and family, Nita Smith, the victim killed on Highway 155, as well as the driver, names not known at the time of publication and our United States of America.
We need to handle all our thoughts with prayers concerning our voting and the future of our elections.
Beautiful music was performed by Lauren Wyatt, as she sang her own song, “Beautiful Mystery.” We are so blessed by Lauren’s willingness to share her talents with us.
God uses difficult things sometimes to prepare us for what we will face in the future on earth. Submitting our all unto him will produce peace through his grace.
According to II Corinthians 4:16, we do not gather for a beat down or discouragement but to find strength in the power of God.
We will survive and succeed if we toil, and faint not. Apostle Paul had plenty of cause for despair. He could have fretted, and whined as many of us do today, for he had so many troubles to befall him.
Paul endured sufferings in his life that we might not be able to imagine. He not only had enemies from the opposite side, but many of his own countrymen were against him.
He said, “Though our outward man perish, our inward man is renewed. Our bodies die, after many years of deterioration. However, the inward man renews daily. When we love God and want to live for him, we can claim this verse.”
Romans 8:28 states, for all things work together for good to them who love God, and to them who are called according to his purpose.
We are to study to show ourselves approved and in so doing we can avoid many of life’s pitfalls.
Paul referred to many of his trials as light afflictions. I am certain based on God’s word that the afflictions that Paul endured would have taken many of us down. His faith was sufficient for all his needs.
Pray for your problems. Do your best to leave them at the altar, and exercise your faith in the one who can make all things new.
God bless you. Join us at Samaria for the message meant just for you.
Submitted by Diane Fisher Greer
Corinth Missionary Baptist Church
We are thrilled to announce that our pastoral search has ended. We extend a warm welcome to Bro. Donald Short and his family.
We hope you can come out Sunday and worship with us and help us welcome the Short family to Corinth.
Our annual Easter celebration will be March 26 at 4 p.m. Come out and join us for food, fun, games, prizes, and fellowship! You can keep up to date with all our events and happenings on our Facebook at The primary election has come and gone for Chilton County, and the votes have spoken. But what does it say?
I heard something the other day that everyone should here, “If Christians want to support someone who speaks what needs to be said, they should listen to the preacher.”
That could not be truer, because the presidential position should never be filled by someone who uses fear tactics to gain followers.
They should never bully or endorse racism or sexism. Any candidate that changes their opinion from interview to interview and continually lies does not deserve to be in the White House.
The President should be someone who is well respected among every race, religion, and gender.
The President is someone who will represent America, let’s make it a good representation.
I hope everyone remembers when the election rolls around this November to vote on the person that God approves, not the party.
Pray about it and let God guide you. God is not a republican or a democrat. He is love, mercy and grace.
Until next time, may God bless you and keep you and we hope to see you soon.
Submitted by K.J. Bowen
Cedar Grove Baptist Church
Announcements include coming to you live from Cedar Grove Church through the local Radio Station WKLF’s “Radio Revival.” There will be preaching from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. that will be brought by Pastors from various churches in the surrounding area. Please Tune In.
Prayer concerns go out to our pastors, our church family, our nation, those in hospitals and nursing homes and the spoken and unspoken request.
Pastor Jeff Carroll’s text came from John 18:1-11 and was entitled “From The Garden To The Cross.”
We were part of Jesus’ prayer at the Garden of Gethsemane. There was a demonstration of Jesus’ power in the garden when the Pharisees and soldiers came to arrest Jesus.
“Jesus asked them whom do you seek? To which they replied Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus said I am he, the overwhelming power of Jesus caused the men to fall back onto the ground, letting them know he was allowing them to arrest him but that he could stop them at anytime.”
God will let each of us know when we think we are too big for our britches, and that we are in control and not him.
The leaders of this country are so arrogant they think they can do whatever they want without letting God lead them, they are too blinded by Satan to see how wrong they are.
The Garden of Gethsemane is the place that starts the journey to the cross. Jesus asked his disciples to sit and watch with him that he was exceedingly sorrowful even to death.
Jesus fell on his face and prayed “O my father if it be possible let this cup pass from me nevertheless, not my will but as you will.”
Jesus came to the disciples and found them sleeping. He woke them by saying “what could you not watch with me one hour? The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
It means a lot when you have someone else praying with you and for you in the time of storms.
We do not get up desiring to fail, but we want to do what is right. Our spirit man, is not going to discourage us from doing God’s will, but the flesh man will because he is weak.
If we are going to be anything for God, we must live for God in spirit not the flesh.
Your spirit is willing to do all you can for God, but your flesh man will try to stop you.
God’s will, must be done if we do not do as God tells us the prophecy of God cannot be fulfilled.
If we do not come to the resolution to obey and follow Jesus without turning back, we will fail. God does not make us do what he wants us to do he gives us the free will to choose to obey him.
There will be times when your enemy will cause you harm, but you must forgive them as Jesus forgives you.
There will be times when people do not like when you do right, and they will turn against you, turn their back on you.
Satan is of darkness, outer darkness. In Luke’s gospel: Jesus spoke to the Pharisees and soldiers when them came to arrest him, have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs?
When I was with you daily in the temple you did not try to seize me. This is your hour, and the power of darkness.
We are living in the hour of darkness and all around the world the spiritual light will continue to get dimmer and dimmer until Jesus comes back.
In closing, what Adam lost in the Garden of Eden, Jesus won back in the Garden of Gethsemane. He overcame death, hell and the grave.
Have you had your garden experience with God? All of us have had the experience of The Garden of Eden. Oh how marvelous to have the Garden of Gethsemane experience with God, where you will have eternal life if you surrender to Christ.
Submitted by Naomi Gillespie
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our day of service began with Bro. Cleve recognizing those with birthday and anniversaries this month.
Bro. Justin welcomed and gave ministry opportunities.
Our celebration choir special music was “Victory In Jesus,” with a soloist by Kelsey Hubbard.
Bro. Justin’s message was directed from Disciple Minister Acts 2:42-47 and Luke 10:1-4.
The message focused on five ministering teams, Evangelism, prayer encouragement, disciple, caregiver and grant a vision every believer needs to be a witness.
We had night service Bible Study.
Wednesday supper will be held at 5:30 p.m., adult prayer meeting, the outlet for students and children’s choirs at 6:30 p.m.
Pray this week for our country and leadership, Paul Price, Mike Smith, Ruth Carter, Stephanie Hinton, Eddie Lightest, Chad Mix, Kintell Till, Melissa Langford, Lynn Cox, Caleb Harrison, Debra Mims, Bob Thrasher, Waltone Aaron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Glasscock, Bobbie Tipton, John Flowers, Evelyn Green, James Carl Burnett, Myra Burnett, Sonya Norman, Robert Bradberry, Dreama Thomas, Charles Bryant and Allen and Casey Daniel.
Happy birthday this week to Christopher Moore, Silas Denham, Dustin Glasscock, Chris Ousley, Brooke West, Erin Owens, Charity Scott, Preston Salmi, Krista Lane, Isabelle Granier, Adrienne Smith, Ashli Cooper, Amanda Lane, Jeffrey Thrasher, Cody Carroll.
Happy anniversary to Johnny and Carol Kelley of 41 years, Allen and Darlene Rice of 34 years, Henry and Audrey Moore 19 years, Tim and Lynn Cox of 16 years and Allen and Pam Goggins of 38 years.
Remember to turn your clocks up one hour. Have a blessed week, and come worship with us.
Submitted by Elvie Patterson
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Calvary Independent Baptist Church wants to thank everyone who attended services this past week.
Sunday morning services included a message from II Timothy 3:15-17 and other passages about “God’s Amazing Book.”
We looked at several different views that people take on the inspiration of the bible and then we looked at a few points on what the scriptures say about God’s Amazing Book.
We know we have “an inspired book,” “a preserved book,” “a studied book,” and “a book that is to be believed.”
We pray that you have personally believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation and have a hunger for the truth of the word of God that you may grow thereby.
Richard Robertson and his wife were visiting with us in the Sunday night services and were a really great blessing to worship with.
They have an awesome testimony for our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, and we were blessed by their Southern Gospel song ministry.
If you have a Church that has never heard them minister through song and word, we encourage you to consider scheduling them. They live in Alabama and are a real blessing to be with.
If you are in or near Clanton and looking for a church to visit with, we would love to see you at Calvary this Sunday.
If you have questions about salvation or serving the Lord, all we ask is to just give us a try.
We are here as a body of believers doing the work of the ministry to help and encourage others along the way.
We are located south Clanton just past Dollar General right off U.S. 31 on Fulmer Drive.
Our regular weekly services include Sunday School at 9 a.m., children’s church and adult worship services Sunday at 10 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Wednesday services begin at 6:30 p.m. and a bible study takes place on every other Tuesday at 7 p.m.
For other services and events check us out on Facebook ,Twitter, visit our website at, or call Pastor Oscar Mims at (205) 755-9399.
Submitted by Oscar Mims
Mt. Springs Methodist Church
Sunday morning, the congregation sang the hymns of, “Sweetest Name I Know,” “I Shall Not Be Moved” and “Just Over in the Glory Land.”
Roger Cleckler brought a devotion from 2 Kings 6:24-25, 7:5-9, which focused on the fact that we are blessed by the Lord, and we need to share about Jesus.
After Sunday School, Sherri Moates sang, “I Need You More Today.”
Bro. Buddy Hayes preached a message from 1 Corinthians 9:15-19, 10:20-21.
We need to ask the Lord for help in our every need. We are under the Lord’s care. We need to give our self to the Lord.
We would not know how to live for God if it was not for the word of God. We do not need to let the devil deceive us.
Sunday night, the choir sang, “I Want to Know More about My Lord,” “Victory in Jesus” and “I Never Shall Forget the Day.”
Bro. Ronnie Moates brought a devotion from John 16:33 which read, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”
Kandice Cleckler and Savannah Parrish sang, “I Want to Know How it Feels.”
Bro. Hayes preached from 1 Corinthians 9:19-27.
If something is working in your heart to turn you away from God and his word, then it is a temptation. The end of that temptation is destruction.
If we make a declaration of faith, it will be tested. If the Providence of God is tendering you and molding you, it is a trial working in you to make you more like Jesus.
Trials end in healing, while temptations end in destruction.
Submitted by Savannah P
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
The blessings of God are boundless and they come to us in so many ways. We have to be careful or they can be overlooked and thought of as just everyday happenings that we deserve.
But are they really? What did we do to deserve the wonderful weather that we have had for the last few days or the protection that has been given to us during stormy weather in the past? Nothing.
These are just a couple of the blessings bestowed upon us simply because God loves us.
Our Sunday morning service began with Libby Warren playing “Oh How I Love Jesus” for our penny march.
Bro. Travis Burnett used John 3:1-7 to deliver God’s message to us on “Ye must be born again.”
The truth is, as clearly stated in these verses, if you are going to Heaven you must be born again.
A natural birth, being born of water, is a miracle, but Spiritual birth is the greatest miracle anyone will every experience. A natural birth can be explained, but a Spiritual birth cannot.
It is not surrounded by things that can be seen and touched. Therefore the statement being born again can be confusing. Even though we cannot fully explain it our lives should be lived in a way that reflects it.
We are natural born sinners. We do not need any training on how to live a sinful life with traits such as selfishness, prideful ways, and lying.
These are desires that are instilled in us by our natural birth. The natural man enjoys sin.
The fleshly man is apart from God and sentenced to an eternity in Hell. There is a solution to this, a renewal of the heart by the Spirit of God. This means that a change takes place in a person’s life and he has accepted Christ as Savior and Lord of his life.
The desires of your life change, and your sinful nature is replaced by a Godly nature.
You pass from a life in darkness to a life of light. The natural birth is through pain that mankind experience and the Spiritual birth is through the pain that Christ endured.
How often these days do you see or hear things that are deceiving and misleading? Bro. Travis brought a message on Sunday evening from Genesis 3:1-7 on “The subtlety of Satan.”
Christians need to be aware and informed of the presence of evil. Satan makes all things look great and exciting in order to entice you to do things that are wrong and harmful to your Christian testimony.
He misled Eve and is still doing it to mankind today. It is important to see that our sin does not just affect us, but all those around us.
The Devil knows our weakness. He is ready and waiting for the moment to attack us. Satan will do everything he can to deceive you and distract you from the will of God.
He will use worldly enticements such as wealth and popularity to lead people astray. It is also important that we stay aware and do not comprise what we know is right.
Compromising brings consequences greater than we want to pay. It is so important to be rooted and grounded in God and his word. This is our only sure defense against Satan.
The members of our church that attended the Pastors, Deacons, and wives supper at Thorsby First Baptist reported that it was a great event. They wanted to express thanks to all that had a part in it.
Upcoming events include the association VBS Clinic on Tuesday, March 15 at 7 p.m. hosted by Mt. Carmel; Easter Egg Hunt March 26 at 9 a.m. Plastic eggs and candy are being collected for this event; Senior Celebration on April 5 at Bell Lane. Let Louise Liveoak know if you are going to be able to attend.
We covet your prayers this week for several members of our church that have special needs in their lives.
Those that need a healing touch from God are Elladene Mims, George Campbell, Leona Liveoak, Gladys Franklin, Juanita Childress, Mary Ellen Campbell, Robert and Minnie Childress, Dorothy Bowman, Hermas Campbell, Mary Dean Higgins, Christy Lowery, Mary Maudlin and Kaitlyn Burnett.
There are also those with needs that are not medical. God is greater than any problem you may have.
Submitted by Louise Liveoak
New Salem Baptist Church
Worship service began at 11 a.m. with congregational singing.
Bro. Reeser made the announcements and presented the prayer requests. Special music was provided by Bill Norred singing, “Living for Jesus” and Paul Hilyer, singing “God saw the cross.”
Bro. Reeser’s text was from Hebrews 10:22-25. His emphasis was “The Preeminence of God.”
We are to draw near to God with a true heart in full assurance of faith. True faith will shine through if we are steadfast and unmovable.
True Christians do not waver: we need to stand up and stand out for our faith, realizing that those who endure will be saved.
Christians are reminded not to forsake the assembling with other Christians, not to affect our salvation, but to strengthen ourselves and show the world whose side we are on.
We are drawn away by our own lust, as James wrote, and we resort to God’s word when there is nothing else to do.
Jesus said on one occasion, if we have faith as a grain of mustard seed we could move mountains.
The emphasis is not on the size, even though it is the smallest of seeds, but how it is used.
The 5 p.m. service opened with a congregation song.
Bro. Reeser’s text came from Matthew 7:1-5. His theme was the first verse; ”Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
When we are tempted to pass judgment on someone we need to understand the situation. Often the situation is not as it appears at first glance.
Sometimes those being judged are less guilty that the ones doing the judging.
Jesus emphasized this in verse 3 where he compared the problem of a small speck in our neighbor’s eye when we have a log in our own eye.
Many people who practice judging others are really guilty of looking out without looking inward. As one pointed out, often the one doing the judging is only attempting to cover up their own faults.
Birthdays this week were, Frankie and Terri Ivy, who also celebrated their wedding anniversary on March 6.
Our children’s choir will present their Easter Program March 20 at the 11 a.m. service.
New Salem Baptist Church extends a cordial welcome to all to worship with us.
Sunday School will begin at 10 a.m. followed by worship services at 11 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Bible study and prayer meeting is held each Wednesday starting at 6 p.m. We are presently studying II Corinthians.
You are invited to join with us at any of our services, and if you need additional information can call (205) 389-1102.
Submitted by Lucille Price Pierce