Maplesville to install new welcome signs
Published 2:07 pm Friday, August 14, 2015
New welcome signs for the town of Maplesville will hopefully be installed within the next couple of weeks.
Council members got their first look at the four finished signs during the regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, which were constructed by three Maplesville students attending the LeCroy Career Technical Center for a class project.
Mayor W.C. Hayes told the council that one complete set of the new signs have been painted and are being stored in the police department. The street department will start removing the old signs and painting the posts black.
The council voted unanimously in March to donate up to $2,000 for the materials to build the new welcome signs for the town.
In other news, the council:
•Opened sealed bids for a 2006 Crown Victoria including a bid from J&A Trucking for $2,800 and Mabel Talley for $2,501. The council voted to accept the bid from J&A Trucking for $2,800.
•Opened sealed bids for the Road Resurfacing Project including bids from Mitchell’s Contracting Service for $133,903.50; Smitherman Brothers Construction for $80,075; Central Alabama Asphalt for $70,963; Tri-County Construction for $87,314.50 and Wiregrass Construction for $104,984.50. Council members voted to award the bid from Central Alabama Asphalt for $70,963.
•Voted to give Maplesville officer Josh Hubbard a three-month raise (25 cents), effective July 20.
•Voted to increase officer Ken Casey’s pay rate to $15 an hour. The council also voted to give officer Keith Avery a nine-month raise (25 cents) effective Aug. 21.
•Heard from Maplesville Police Chief Todd Ingram who presented the monthly statistics report and the investigation report to the council.
•Heard from council member Sheila Hall who asked Ingram if officers were wearing body cameras when on duty. Ingram said he was in the process of creating a policy regarding the body cameras and he would present it at the next council meeting.
•Accepted an application from Hubbard to join the Maplesville Fire Department.
•Heard from Mayor Hayes who told the council that garbage worker Timothy Franklin quit without notice. Josh Franklin is currently filling in for the vacant position until someone can be hired.
•Heard from Hayes who told the council that a cylinder kit had been ordered for the garbage truck and Bobby Seales would install it.
•Heard from Hayes who told council that the violations ordinance No. 146 at 8931 Alabama Highway 22 and 711 Alabama Highway 139 have both been satisfied and the debris has been removed. Council member Hilda Atchison made a motion to close both complaints, seconded by Richard Davis.
•Updated the bereavement policy at the request of council member Sheila Hall to change the wording from “regular employees” “full-time employees.”
•Voted to renew the annual contract for M4A.