Church news for the week of June 25, 2015

Published 3:08 pm Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Mountain Springs Church

Sunday morning’s service at Mt. Springs started with the congregation singing the hymns “I Will Not be a Stranger,” “Come and Dine” and “Anywhere is Home.”

Before Sunday School, Bro. Roger Cleckler brought his devotion from Ephesians 6:1-4. Whether your parents are Christian or non-Christian, the Bible tells us to obey them if they are backed-up with the Word of God. It is the right thing to do. The Bible also tells us that if we obey our parents, long life is the result.

After Sunday School, Roger Cleckler sang “We’re Gonna Have a Good Time.”

Bro. Heath Vines preached his sermon from Genesis 18:17-19. Can anyone be labeled a “Friend of God?”  In Genesis 18:19, as God was talking about Abraham, he said, “For I know him …”

Have you ever wondered why you go through trials? It could be because God “knows” you. He trusts that you will do the right thing like Job did when he was tested. God knows when we try our best, and knows the sins hidden in our hearts.

During Sunday night’s service, Bro. Kenneth Moates led the congregation in the hymns “Oh, I Want to See Him,” “The Old Gospel Ship” and “I Shall Not Be Moved.”

Bro. Kenneth Moates then shared a devotion from Psalms 8:3-4: Man cannot change what God has ordained. Who is man that God would think of us—the same God that created all of his magnificent creations such as the sun and the moon?

Bro. Heath Vines continued his Sunday morning sermon from Genesis 18:17-19. He compared a good father to Abraham, and he illustrated how that can be applied to being a godly person.

A good father will be present. He will be present in his family’s life; a godly person will be present where God wants them to be.

A good father will be protective. He will nurture and encourage his family; a godly person will protect what God has given them: their church, the Word of God, etc.

Lastly, a good father will be providing. God provides for us and sends us blessings in our lives.

It takes a lot of work to get to where we need to be with God and to be faithful to him. Are you being the father you need to be for your family? Is there something we need to change to become a more Godly person?

Submitted by Savannah Parrish

Floyd Baptist Church

Bro. Mike Lawrence’s message was taken from Ezekiel 22:23-31. These verses sound as though they could be taken from today’s news. Sin was rampant during this time, and God was looking for a man who could stand in the gap for the land, but he did not find one. He poured out his wrath on the people, and he will pour out his wrath on us if we do not turn back to his will for our lives.

Our world is a mess. Our elected officials are not concerned about what is right or wrong, but desire power and money; they want a legacy. What good are legacies when they are burning in hell?

The world calls out for a cure for AIDS for the purpose of continuing to live as they choose without consequences, and abortion is legal. We need more morality, not more healthcare.

If Satan came at us full-force, we would run the other way; therefore sin creeps in a little at a time.

God needs a man who will close the gap, someone who will be a leader rather than a coward; he needs someone who will stand for what is right and do things the way God says they are to be done.

Bro. Mike called the men of the church to pray, and he ended the service with prayer at the altar.

Everyone is welcome to worship with us at Floyd.