Church news for June 18, 2015

Published 12:30 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Mt. Carmel No. 1

Songs and praise were given to the Lord as we gathered in his house on Sunday. His Holy Spirit unites believers for the cause of Christ, and we are thankful for all who came to worship with us.

Libby Warren played the piano for the Penny March as the children collected the offering.

The sermon “Walking in Obedience to Faith” was taken from Hebrews 11:7 and Genesis 6:1-22.

We need to walk with God, and we must not have an unbelieving heart that turns away from the Living God. Fix your exes constantly on the example of Jesus.

Spiritually walking with God takes time. You cannot walk with God if you only go to church once in a while or never read your Bible and pray. If God is not in control of every area of your life, you are not walking with him.

Noah walked with God and did everything God asked him to do. He was close enough to God to hear what God was saying to him; as a result, he preached that a flood was coming upon the world of the ungodly.

Noah moved with fear and built an ark, which saved those in his house. Once his family was inside the ark, God closed its doors, and no one could open them.

Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord; he walked with God and did all that God commanded.

Be prepared because Jesus is coming back.

Following Discipleship Training on Sunday night, the congregation enjoyed some old-fashioned singing led by several members of our choir.

Please remember to pray for all of those on our prayer list, especially for Gladys Franklin, Jacob Jones, Jennifer Watley, Shelia Robinson, our church and VBS.

VBS registration will be held at 2 p.m. on June 27. There will be a parade, games and food. Come join the fun and bring a friend.

VBS will be held 6-8:30 p.m. June 28-July 2.

The Adult 2 class will have a steak supper at 6 p.m. on June 18 in the fellowship hall of the church. Come enjoy good food, fun, fellowship and entertainment.

A VBS meeting for teachers and officers will be held June 21 following the morning service.

To allow families to spend time together on Father’s Day, will not have service on the evening of June 21.

Come worship with us this Sunday as we honor our fathers.

Friendship Baptist Church

On Sunday morning, Nathan and Matthew Wilkerson sang “The God of Angel Armies,” Morgan Fowler and Tanner Wilson sang “You’re Not Alone” and Wanda Riley sang “You Raise Me Up.”

Bro. Daniel’s message from Luke 7:18-23 was titled “Doubt, Dignity and Discovery.” The message was about Jesus upholding the ministry of John the Baptist.

Family Night for VBS was held on Sunday evening with a time of fellowship afterward.

We had a wonderful week of VBS with an average 75 people in attendance each day. We wish to thank the parents who shared their children with us.

Congratulations to Eduardo and Lauren on the birth of their son Levi. Proud grandparents are Mark and Brendi Conradi.

Upcoming events:

June 20: Kid’s Night at 6 p.m.

June 28: “Sweet Sundae Night” begins at 5 p.m. with ice cream and a movie.

July 5: Annual shrimp boil at 5 p.m.

July 20-24: Chilton Association’s Children’s Camp.

Aug. 2-5: Revival with Don Graham and Frank Jones.

Aug. 12-18: Guatemala Medical Mission Trip.

Happy birthday to Raymond Moore and Camryn Lindsey.

Prayer requests: Piper Little, Tim Mullins, Marissa Kendrick, E.J. Headley, Judy Baker, Barry Baker, Betty Mims, Faye Honeycutt and those traveling.